camping Archives • RUN WILD MY CHILD Reconnecting families through outdoor activities and adventures. Fri, 08 Mar 2024 19:21:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 camping Archives • RUN WILD MY CHILD 32 32 The Ultimate Guide to Canoe Camping with Kids Fri, 08 Mar 2024 19:21:31 +0000 If you’ve ever dreamed of combining your love of canoeing with camping in the wilderness, you’re in for a treat. Today, Anthony Quill (of From Tent to Takeoff), a passionate outdoorsy Minnesota dad, is here sharing his insights and experiences canoe camping with kids. In this comprehensive guide, he’s included everything you need to know about canoe camping with kids, from where to go, what to pack, and tips for keeping the little ones entertained...

The post The Ultimate Guide to Canoe Camping with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

If you’ve ever dreamed of combining your love of canoeing with camping in the wilderness, you’re in for a treat. Today, Anthony Quill (of From Tent to Takeoff), a passionate outdoorsy Minnesota dad, is here sharing his insights and experiences canoe camping with kids. In this comprehensive guide, he’s included everything you need to know about canoe camping with kids, from where to go, what to pack, and tips for keeping the little ones entertained in the great outdoors. Join us as we navigate the waters of family-friendly canoe camping, creating lasting memories and fostering a love for nature in the hearts of your children. Let the adventure begin!

Ultimate Guide to Canoe Camping with Kids 

Canoe camping with kids

Canoe camping is a remarkable adventure that offers a unique blend of nature, exploration, and quality family time. Stepping away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immersing yourselves in the serene beauty of the great outdoors can create unforgettable memories and strengthen your family bond.

In this ultimate guide to canoe camping, we will delve into the benefits of time outdoors, the essentials of planning, packing, choosing the right destinations, and some lessons learned from almost four decades of canoe country experience. So, grab your paddles, gather your gear, and embark on an unforgettable journey into the world of canoe camping. The rewards and memories await you just beyond the shoreline.

What is canoe camping?

Canoe camping combines the joys of canoeing with the experience of camping in natural environments. Instead of packing all your stuff in the car and driving to a campsite, canoe camping requires you to pack your canoe and then navigate rivers, lakes, or other water bodies, carrying all necessary camping gear with you and paddle to your camping destination.

This immersive adventure allows families to access remote and pristine wilderness areas, often unreachable by other means. Canoe campers typically paddle during the day, enjoying the scenic waterways, and then set up campsites along the shore at night. This unique blend of paddling and camping fosters a close connection with nature, providing tranquility, exploration, and self-reliance as you navigate diverse landscapes and engage in outdoor living. Explore the beauty of backcountry adventures with a canoe in tow, unlocking remote and pristine landscapes that few other modes of travel can access.

Benefits of canoe camping

Canoe camping allows families to disconnect from screens and distractions, replacing them with the soothing sounds of water, the rustle of leaves, and the chorus of birdsongs. It offers a chance to slow down, breathe fresh air, and appreciate the wonders of nature together.

One of the reasons why I think canoe camping with kids is so rewarding is the opportunity it provides for hands-on learning. As you paddle along calm waters, your children can observe different species of birds, identify various plants, and even spot unique wildlife like moose and deer. It’s a chance to ignite their curiosity, foster a deep appreciation for the environment, and cultivate a sense of stewardship for the natural world.

Beyond the educational aspects, canoe camping encourages quality family time. With limited distractions, you can engage in meaningful conversations, share stories around a crackling campfire, and laugh together while navigating, or getting lost, on your route. It’s an opportunity to create a shared experience that will be cherished for years to come.

Canoe camping also offers a sense of adventure and the thrill of exploration. Discover hidden coves, secluded beaches, and breathtaking landscapes that are only accessible by water. Paddling through serene lakes or gentle rivers allows you to explore nature at your own pace, stopping along the way to swim, fish, or simply bask in the tranquility of your surroundings.

Furthermore, the self-sufficiency required during a canoe camping trip can instill valuable life skills in young children. They can learn to set up camp, cook meals, and adapt to different situations, fostering independence, resilience, and problem-solving abilities.

What to pack for canoe camping

Canoe camping requires careful planning and packing to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Usually, you can take more (and heavier) items than you can take on a backpacking trip (as you won’t be carrying your items), but less than you can pack on a traditional car camping trip (as everything needs to fit into the canoe (along with all the people in your family). 

*Don’t forget to pack a little bit extra patience and flexibility, as unpredictability is part of the charm when embarking on canoe camping adventures with kids.

Here’s a comprehensive list of essential items to pack for your adventure:

Camping gear:

  • Tent with rainfly and groundsheet
  • Sleeping bags and sleeping pads
  • Headlamps
  • Knifes and portable camp saw
  • Fishing poles and tackle


  • Quick drying clothing (shorts, pants, t-shirt, long-sleeve shirt)
  • Rain jackets, ponchos, or waterproof gear
  • Sturdy hiking shoes or water sandals
  • Swimsuits and quick-drying towels
  • Extra wool socks and underwear

Food and cooking equipment:

  • Plenty of meals and snacks (dehydrated backpacking meals work great)
  • Cooking utensils, pot to boil water, and a cooking pan
  • Backpacking stove
  • Water filter and containers to store filtered water
  • Eating utensils, plates, and cups

Safety equipment:

  • First aid kit fit for your group size
  • Insect repellent (lots) and sunscreen
  • Life jackets that are comfortable to wear all day
  • Whistle or signal mirror for emergencies
  • Maps, compass, and Emergency Locator Beacor or GPS device
  • Knife, saw, lighter, and waterproof matches

Personal items:

  • Toiletries and biodegradable camp soap
  • Prescription medications and basic over-the-counter remedies (i.e. kid and adult Tylenol)
  • Personal identification and emergency contact information
  • Cash or cards for emergencies
  • Entertainment items for kids, such as books, toys, and games

Packing tips

Remember to pack efficiently to keep the weight manageable, especially when portaging between lakes or rivers. Distribute the load evenly between canoes and ensure easy access to frequently used items. We prefer portage packs lined with a plastic bag that are custom-made to fit in a canoe. Traditional backpacking bags also work.

When packing the canoe, you want to make sure everything stays evenly distributed and dry. Wet/dry back can be a lifesaver in the event of a tip or rain. Before setting off at your entry point, make sure your gear is securely packed and waterproof; a soggy sleeping bag at the bottom of the canoe is an experience best avoided. Even with limited gear, prioritize much space for movement and comfort in your canoe, ensuring a relaxed and enjoyable experience for everyone on board.

If you are new to canoe camping, call an outfitter to help you with your first time. They can be a great resource even if you are not using their full guided services. 

Want to pack like the pros? Then check out our exact packing list for our Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness trips. 

Where to go canoe camping with kids

Discovering the best places for family canoe camping involves seeking tranquil lakes with calm water, scenic landscapes, and ample opportunities for exploration. Choosing the right destination for your canoe camping adventure is crucial, especially when traveling as a family. When selecting a destination, consider factors such as accessibility, regulations, and the suitability of water conditions.

As a general rule of thumb, small lakes/rivers are much better if you are bringing kids than large ones. Check with local park authorities or experienced canoe camping organizations for updated information and permits. Opt for routes with a short portage if you’re venturing out with younger kids, making the journey more manageable and ensuring everyone arrives at the next waterway with smiles intact. Also, choosing routes with calm water can be helpful, especially when traveling with younger kids or novice paddlers. 

Here are some family-friendly canoe camping destinations that offer breathtaking scenery and exciting activities:

Local waterways (best for beginners):

The options below are large and beautiful destinations (think bucket list worthy), but the best place to canoe camp is the one that’s accessible to you and gets you out on the water! The options listed below are amazing, but they may not be suitable for your first canoe camping trip with the family. 

When you first start canoe camping, we recommend checking out your area’s local rivers and lakes. Here in Minnesota, we have a number of State Parks that offer canoe-in campsites that can give you a flavor of a big canoe camping trip without the commitment! Many rivers also allow for camping on banks and sandbars, which is a perfect way to start for your first trip. 

Embarking on your first canoe trip? Start with short, manageable routes, gradually building confidence and expertise for more extended adventures. Ease into canoe camping with kids. Start small your first time and make each future trip slightly longer, harder, or both!

National(ish) Parks:

Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada: Known for its stunning lakes and wildlife, Algonquin offers numerous canoe routes suitable for families, including shorter trips and designated campsites.

Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Minnesota, USA (our favorite, and technically not a National Park): With its interconnected lakes and pristine wilderness, this area provides a serene environment for canoe camping and offers various entry points for different skill levels.

Lakeside camping:

Lake Powell, Arizona/Utah, USA: This picturesque reservoir offers beautiful sandy beaches and secluded coves for camping. Kids can enjoy swimming, fishing, and exploring the stunning red rock formations.

Lake District, England: With its vast network of lakes and stunning landscapes, the Lake District provides an ideal setting for canoe camping. Families can paddle on Windermere, Ullswater, or Coniston Llkes, surrounded by breathtaking scenery.

River adventures:

Allagash Wilderness Waterway, Maine, USA: This 92-mile-long waterway provides a wilderness experience with opportunities for wildlife sightings. It offers calm waters and numerous camping spots along the riverbanks. This offers a similar experience to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. 

Dordogne River, France: The Dordogne River is perfect for family canoe camping, with its gentle currents and scenic countryside. Paddle through medieval towns, explore castles, and enjoy picnics along the riverbanks.

Buffalo National River, Arkansas: For a scenic, family-friendly canoe camping getaway, consider the serenity of Buffalo National River. The gentle currents and lush surroundings create an idyllic setting for outdoor bonding.

Coastal escapes:

Everglades National Park, Florida, USA: Discover the unique ecosystem of the Everglades by canoeing through mangrove tunnels and coastal waterways. Look out for alligators, manatees, and a variety of bird species. Here’s a great post on what to expect when exploring Everglades National Park with kids

Stockholm Archipelago, Sweden: Explore the stunning archipelago with its thousands of islands, calm waters, and cozy camping spots. Enjoy the tranquility of the Swedish nature and picturesque fishing villages.

What to do when canoe camping

Canoe camping offers a range of exciting surprises and activities to keep kids engaged and entertained. Bringing along a selection of nature-themed games and activities is always a good idea to keep the little adventurers engaged and entertained in the canoe and during downtime at the campsite. Here are some ideas to make your adventure memorable:

Nature exploration:

Wildlife spotting: Encourage kids to observe and identify birds, animals, and plant species along the shores. Keep binoculars and a field guide handy for identification. We like to study up on key species ahead of time and then try to identify them in the field. 

Nature scavenger hunt: Create a list of items found in the area you are visiting, such as different types of leaves, animal tracks, or specific rocks, and challenge the kids to find them during hikes or paddling breaks. Scavenger hunts are a great way to get little kids actively observing nature around them. 


Teach kids basic fishing skills, such as casting and reeling, and let them experience the excitement of landing a keeper. Here’s some info on how to get started teaching kids to fly fish

Campfire cooking:

Involve the kids in preparing meals over your campfire. They can help gather firewood, mix ingredients, and assemble simple recipes like foil packet meals or s’mores. Here’s a great post on getting kids involved in camp cooking

Storytelling and stargazing:

Share stories and legends around the campfire can create a sense of awe.  Additionally, stargazing during clear nights offers a chance to identify constellations and share stories about the cosmos. Unfortunately, we rarely do the latter, since it means our young kids would be staying up until 10PM with our late summer sunsets, but it’s a great idea for older kids. Here’s a great post on incorporating storytelling into your stargazing adventures.

Water activities:

Swimming and snorkeling: If the water conditions permit, let the kids cool off by swimming or snorkeling. Cliff jumping is also a great option if you are certain the landing zone is deep and clear of debris. 

Canoeing and kayaking games: Organize friendly races, relays, or paddling challenges to keep the kids active and engaged while on the water. Here are some great ways to get kids active on the water

Nature crafts:

Encourage creativity by collecting natural materials like rocks, shells, or driftwood to create crafts. Kids can make nature-inspired artwork, jewelry, or even build miniature shelters using sticks and leaves.

Our kids love charring a stick in the fire and then using it as a pencil to draw on pieces of birchbark. We bring them home and hang them in their room and they last for years!

In the great outdoors, even the simplest moments—like cooking over a campfire or stargazing from the comfort of your tent—can become the great things that shape cherished family traditions.

Canoe camping gear

The right gear is crucial for a successful and enjoyable canoe camping trip with kids. Here are some essential items to consider:

Canoe and paddles:

Choose a stable and family-friendly canoe with enough space for everyone and their gear. We use a Northstar Northwind 18 kevlar canoe, which has a third bench seat in the middle where both kids sit.

Select paddles suitable for each family member’s height and strength. We use adjustable paddles to accommodate our growing kids.

Life jackets and safety gear:

Ensure each family member has a properly fitting and Coast Guard-approved life jacket. Look for jackets specifically designed for children and make sure they are comfortable enough to be worn all day long. Here’s a full post on the best life jackets for kids

Carry essential safety gear, such as a whistle, signal mirror, rope, GPS/Emergency Locator Beacon, etc. in your life jacket pockets or a dry bag.

Camping equipment:

Family-sized tent: Invest in a spacious tent that can comfortably accommodate all family members and has room for sleeping bags and gear. You don’t have to use an ultralight (backpacking) tent, but it will save you space and weight in your canoe. We use an REI Half-dome Trail Hut 4+ backpacking tent and love it. 

Sleeping gear: You need a lightweight (we like hydrophobic down) sleeping bag that is warm enough for any weather you might encounter. We also use inflatable sleeping pads for comfort and warmth. Nemo, Sea 2 Summit, and Big Agnes all make great ultra-light sleeping pads. 

Camp kitchen: Bring cooking utensils, pots, pans, and a portable stove for meal preparation. Less is more. We bring two bowls and often eat out of the freeze-dried meal bags. This means less weight and fewer dishes to clean!

Water containers and purification: In most cases, you will be purifying your own water on your canoe camping trip. We bring a couple of Nalgene water bottles, a gravity filter, and a 10L water bladder to hold excess purified water.

Lighting: Make sure you bring a couple of headlamps, lanterns, and/or flashlights. 

Storage and organization:

Dry bags and waterproof containers: When canoe camping with kids, you want to be sure to keep clothes, food, and important items dry by using dry bags or waterproof containers. We line our canoe packs with heavy-duty garbage bags and bring personal dry bags for use during the day. We like the Sea 2 Summit dry bags that come in a variety of sizes. 

Gear storage: Mesh bags and compression sacks are your friend! They are a great way to help keep your gear organized and help pack down big items (sleeping bags) so they fit better in your packs.

Clothing and personal items:

Choose quick-drying, moisture-wicking clothing suitable for local weather conditions. Include extra layers for cooler evenings and rain gear for wet conditions or bad weather.

Pack personal items like toiletries, medications, insect repellent, sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses to ensure comfort and protection from the elements.

What we’ve learned from canoe camping with kids

We’ve learned a lot from almost four decades of canoe country experience. Below are some practical tips and advice that we wish we’d known from the start.

Plan for rest days:

Depending on the length of your trip, consider incorporating rest days into your itinerary. This allows everyone to relax, explore the surroundings, and engage in activities at a leisurely pace. On long multi-day trips, we use a one-day on, one-day off schedule. This means we are changing campsites every other day.

Involve kids in trip planning:

Get the kids involved in the trip-planning process by allowing them to choose destinations, activities, or meals. This helps foster a sense of ownership and excitement, making them more engaged throughout the journey. It is harder for them to complain about what they are doing when it is their choice!

Optimize packing:

Evaluate your gear and assess if there are any unnecessary or duplicate items. Streamline your packing list to minimize the weight and maximize space, making portaging and setup easier. Less truly is more. 

Prioritize comfort:

Invest in quality sleeping gear, such as thicker sleeping pads or inflatable mattresses, to promote quality sleep. While we personally do not use them, comfortable camp chairs and portable tables can also make a significant difference during meal times and relaxation.

Incorporate variety into activities:

Switch things up. Mix in different activities on different days. Balance physical exertion, such as paddling or hiking, with more relaxed activities like fishing, swimming, or nature observation. However, in our experience, the kids are never the ones needing more relaxed activities. 

Embrace flexibility:

Allow for flexibility in your itinerary to accommodate unexpected weather changes or spontaneous discoveries. This flexibility can add excitement and reduce stress during the trip. Some of our best trips are the ones that we followed our plan the least.

Teach leave no trace principles:

Educate your kids about the importance of Leave No Trace principles, such as packing out trash, respecting wildlife and vegetation, and minimizing campsite impact. Instilling these values early on promotes responsible and sustainable outdoor practices.

Above all, remember that the most important thing during your canoe camping expedition with kids is to embrace the journey, fostering a sense of wonder and shared family memories. Remember, every trip is a learning experience, so don’t worry if the first one isn’t perfect!

Canoe camping websites and resources

Thankfully, there are a ton of great resources for families looking to try canoe camping and want to learn the ropes. Here are some helpful websites and resources:

From Tent to Takeoff: ( This is our family blog where we document our trips and provide advice on how to make the most out of your family adventures offers a wealth of information on canoeing and kayaking, including trip reports, gear reviews, and destination guides. Their forums and community provide opportunities to connect with fellow paddlers and share experiences.

National Park Service ( Visit the website of the National Park Service to explore canoeing opportunities in various national parks. Check out park-specific information, regulations, and camping options for a safe and enjoyable experience.

American Canoe Association ( The American Canoe Association is a valuable resource for paddlers of all skill levels. Their website provides safety guidelines, instructional videos, and a directory of certified instructors for those looking to enhance their canoeing skills.

Canoe Camping Club ( The Canoe Camping Club is a community of canoe camping enthusiasts. Their website offers trip reports, gear recommendations, and a forum to connect with other families who share a passion for canoe camping.

Local tourism board websites: Check the official websites of local tourism boards for your desired canoe camping destinations. They often provide information on campsites, canoe rental services, maps, and local attractions.

Outdoor retailer websites: Visit outdoor retailer websites like REI ( or MEC ( for gear recommendations, buyer’s guides, and informative articles on outdoor activities, including canoe camping.

Canoe camping with kids

Canoe camping with kids offers a remarkable opportunity to connect with nature, create lasting memories, and foster a love for outdoor adventures. By following the tips and insights shared in this ultimate guide, you can ensure a successful and enjoyable experience for the entire family.

Safe travels and happy canoe camping!

About the author

Anthony Quill is a Minnesota dad and blogger who loves experiencing epic adventures with his wife and two kids. He is Twin Cities-based but globally bound, traveling with his family everywhere from Minnesota’s North Shore to Morocco, Spain, and Italy. No matter the distance, he always returns to his roots on the North Shore, and in particular the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Learn more about his family’s adventures on their blog at From Tent To Takeoff, on Instagram at @fromtenttotakeoff, or on Facebook at @fromtenttotakeoff

The post The Ultimate Guide to Canoe Camping with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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New Adventures: Our First Bikepacking Trip with Kids Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:14:30 +0000 Bikepacking with kids is an opportunity to bond, explore, camp, and create lifelong memories. If you’ve ever dreamt of embarking on a two-wheeled adventure with your little ones in tow, you’re in for a treat. Today, St. Louis mom of three, Steph Hampton, is here to introduce you to the wonderful world of bikepacking with kids and share her family’s first bikepacking experience. She’s included practical tips to ensure a successful and enjoyable journey, advice on how...

The post New Adventures: Our First Bikepacking Trip with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

Bikepacking with kids is an opportunity to bond, explore, camp, and create lifelong memories. If you’ve ever dreamt of embarking on a two-wheeled adventure with your little ones in tow, you’re in for a treat. Today, St. Louis mom of three, Steph Hampton, is here to introduce you to the wonderful world of bikepacking with kids and share her family’s first bikepacking experience. She’s included practical tips to ensure a successful and enjoyable journey, advice on how to make the experience as smooth as possible, and what you need to be well-prepared for any adventure. So, fasten your helmets, pump up those tires, and explore the world of bikepacking with kids, one pedal stroke at a time.

The idea to try something new

My husband and I have been married for 7 years now, and he knows that I love to come up with unique adventures for our family. Very rarely does he ever say no to a new adventure, no matter how outlandish some of my ideas are. So, when I asked him one day, “Are you up for something crazy?” He responded, “Sure, why not?!” 

My idea was to try bikepacking, which would involve biking our camping gear (and our 3 young children) to a campsite for a weekend. After looking for a route and campground near us, we decided we could totally make this happen! Here’s our story, a bit of information about bikepacking, and some tips that helped us along the way. 

What is bikepacking

Bikepacking combines elements of backpacking and traditional biking. It involves using a bicycle as a means of transportation to carry your camping and outdoor gear to your campsite. It’s similar to backpacking (in that you’re carrying all your camping gear with you), but you have the benefit of being on your bike, which can get you farther, and faster. 

Benefits of bikepacking

Bikepacking is all about immersing yourself in nature and exploring remote areas that may not be accessible by traditional vehicles. Bikepacking allows you to cover more ground than traditional hiking, allowing you to explore larger areas within a given time frame. You can also travel between different campsites or explore multiple destinations in a single trip.

Cycling is an efficient (and eco-friendly!) mode of transportation, allowing you to carry more gear and cover longer distances without the fatigue associated with backpacking. However, bikepacking can still be physically demanding, as you may encounter steep climbs, rugged trails, and various weather conditions. It offers a satisfying physical challenge for those who love both cycling and the outdoors.

All packed up and ready to start our bikepacking adventure!

All packed up and ready to start our bikepacking adventure!

What you need to go bikepacking with kids

If you’re interested in a bikepacking adventure, the type and quantity of gear you need will depend on the specifics of your trip and your family. You’ll want to consider things like the duration of your trip, the terrain you’ll be biking on, how long you’ll be camping and the weather. Here’s a general list of essential gear you should consider for bikepacking:

  • Bikes — Each person on your trip will need a reliable, well-maintained bike suitable for the terrain you’ll be riding on. If you don’t have a bike trailer or one that carries kids, they’ll each need their own bike, too. Mountain bikes are commonly used for bikepacking, and e-bikes are growing in popularity (this is what we used…more on our bikes below).
  • Bikepacking bags — There are various types of bags that fit on bikes. They can attach to the frame, the handlebars, the seat, etc. You could also pack your camping gear in a haul-behind trailer (we love this Burley). 
  • Camping gear — You’ll need to pack all your camping gear in the bags to bring with you. This includes your tent and sleep systems, clothing, food/water, cooking and eating equipment, flashlights, first aid, etc. 
  • Tools and repair equipment — You’ll want to pack tools for bike repairs and adjustments. Items include a multi-tool, tire repair kit, spare tube, tire pump, chain and links, etc. If you have an ebike, bring along an extra battery or a way to charge your battery at your campsite. Also, it’s good to know how to repair your bike and fix tire issues before heading out so that you’re prepared. 
Just a reminder that no trip is perfect! :-) We came upon a part of the greenway that was closed and found a different way on our GPS.

Just a reminder that no trip is perfect! 🙂 We came upon a part of the closed greenway and had to find a different route on our GPS.

Assessing our bike setup

Our bike situation is a bit unique, in that we have two e-bikes, both designed to haul kids and gear. This means that we were at a huge advantage in the amount of gear we could bring with us, and how we traveled with the kids. Our children are young enough that they couldn’t bike this distance on their own, so having the ability to haul them on the bike was fantastic. Here’s a bit more about our two family-friendly e-bikes. 

Bunch Bike

I rode our Bunch Bike Original 3.0 cargo ebike

This bike is a game-changer in the world of family-friendly cargo bikes. It’s built to accommodate families, making it perfect for transporting kids (and everything that goes with kids). The Bunch Bike has a bucket-style cargo area in the front, with enough space to carry up to four children, groceries, or anything else you need to transport. 

It has an electric-assist motor, which offers pedal assistance to make riding effortless, even with a full load. This makes it easy to tackle hills and longer distances without breaking a sweat. The bike is designed for the rider’s comfort and ease of use, with a step-through frame for easy access, ergonomic handlebars, and high-quality components.

I felt very sturdy in this bike because it has three wheels instead of two, which brought me peace of mind while biking while pregnant with our 4th baby. We carried all our camping gear, the girls’ Woom Bikes, and our 4-year-old on this bike (she has a seat on the back)! I told you, it hauls a LOT! 

Radio Flyer ebike

My husband rode on the Radio Flyer L885 cargo bike. While this bike doesn’t have much cargo space for hauling gear, the battery power covers 30-50 miles and 2 kids can comfortably ride in the back. We carried our 2yo & 6yo on the back rear platform of this bike, and they loved it!

The Radio Flyer L885 also has pedal-assist and full-throttle capabilities, making hills and distances easy! It is a little more wobbly with two wheels, but a great eBike all the same!! My husband biked this one, while I rode the Bunch Bike. 

We did this trip while I was 18 weeks pregnant. I felt very comfortable riding our Bunch Bike with 3 wheels instead of 2 wheels.

We did this trip while I was 18 weeks pregnant. I felt very comfortable riding our Bunch Bike with 3 wheels instead of 2 wheels.

Practical tips for bikepacking with kids

1. Find a comfortable route & decide on a distance

If you and your kids are just getting started with bikepacking, I recommend starting with a short trip and staying close to home. This way you can test your gear, gauge your child’s comfort and endurance, and make necessary adjustments without being too far from help or home (just in case you need to bail).

Try to choose a kid-friendly route that’s suitable for your kids’ ages, interests, and biking experience. Also, look for bike trails with manageable terrain and minimal traffic. Unless you have e-bikes, try to avoid routes with steep hills or challenging technical features. 

I highly recommend taking advantage of a greenway system near you. We biked 10 miles on backroads/a few short rides on busier roads, and then another 10 miles on greenways to arrive at our campground! Our favorite was the Monarch-Levee trail, if you are in the St. Louis area.

Since we both had ebikes (and were comfortable with the distance and battery power/life), we chose 20 miles as a distance we could handle. 

2. Practice carrying gear beforehand

Both our ebikes are cargo bikes, so they are meant to carry a significant amount of gear for distances. The ebikes handled the majority of the work, so we didn’t need to do much practice or training carrying all the gear, but we did need to figure out how we were going to pack everyone on the bike safely and what our bikes could handle. 

We did a few test runs around our neighborhood beforehand so that we could shift gear around if we needed a better center of gravity. We needed to make sure that the heaviest items were low and centered for stability.

It was also our first time carrying all three of our girls’ bikes on the Bunch Bike, so we wanted to test this out before a larger trip. 

We biked on the greenway system for half of our route (10 miles), which was great peace of mind.

We biked on the greenway system for half of our route (10 miles), which was great peace of mind.

3. Choose a kid-friendly campground

If possible, try to choose a kid-friendly campground. These campgrounds are usually designed to cater to the needs and safety of children, with facilities such as playgrounds, family-oriented activities, and child-appropriate amenities. Sometimes these family-friendly campgrounds offer quiet hours and even foster a sense of community, allowing the kids to make new friends and play with other kids.

We camped at a local state park, which has great trails and a fun nature center. When we needed a break from the heat, we went into the nature center for a storytime! We looked ahead of time at the list of activities, but we were pleasantly surprised with a great nature center. Our girls had fun playing “I Spy” and drawing animals. 

4. Consider ebikes

I really can’t say enough good things about our experience with ebikes. If you’re been considering purchasing an ebike for your family, consider this the push you need. They really have made all the difference for us! Having two ebikes so we could carry the kids and the gear up some big hills was crucial for this trip and all our biking experiences lately (especially because I’m pregnant). 

Although, you do need to consider batteries and charging when bikepacking with ebikes. While we were at our campground, the hosts helped us with charging up our bike batteries, so that we were ready for the ride back home (since we had a primitive campsite). We were so thankful! We have two batteries for my Bunch Bike, which was perfect for the weight we carried. 

If purchasing an ebike isn’t in your budget, you could consider renting one for your bikepacking trip. 

5. Invest in ultralight backpacking gear

Having gear that’s compact and lightweight can make a huge difference. We used our backpacking gear (tent, sleeping pads & bags) all from Klymit (ultralight backpacking gear). Our largest weight was our cooler with our meals & ice. 

Even with light gear, we had to minimize the number of items we were carrying. Kids may be able to help by carrying their own clothing, sleeping bag, or a small portion of the gear if they can wear a backpack on the bike. 

Encouraging our kids to help us set up the tent really helps them to give responsibility in the campsite.

Encouraging our kids to help us set up the tent really helps them to give responsibility in the campsite.

6. Be flexible!

Just like anything with kids, it’s so important to lower your expectations and to remain flexible! No trip will be perfect, and that is okay. We worked together as a team and had a blast. 

Ironically, we found a huge hill leading up to the campsite.  

There was a large hill going up to the campground, which was too large for the Bunch Bike to make it up with all the weight we were carrying. My husband, bless his heart, walked the Bunch Bike up the hill! Thankfully, the bike has a walk-assist, which helped tremendously, but it was still a feat! This bike handles a ton of weight, but even some hills are too large…and this one was huge! 

About to leave our camp site! Mark rode the RadioFlyer eBike, while I rode our Bunch Bike cargo eBike.

About to leave our camp site! Mark rode the RadioFlyer eBike, while I rode our Bunch Bike cargo eBike.

7. Get the kids involved

Encourage kids to help with tasks like setting up the tent or preparing meals. Let them help pick the route or pack the bags. Have them be on the lookout for trailmarkers, or be in charge of singing songs along the way. Getting them involved instills a sense of responsibility and adventure. And give them lots of positive reinforcement and praise for their effort and cooperation. 

8. Have fun!

Camping with kids, no matter how you’re doing it, is always an adventure! Be prepared!

Our 2-year-old crawled over us all night, a raccoon stole our bagels, we removed some ticks, and the weather was hot, but we still had a blast. (Losing the bagels was the toughest one of these for our girls…ha!) Luckily, we had backup food for breakfast, and all was fine! To make it up to them, we made some homemade sourdough bagels when we arrived home, and that hit the spot!

No matter what happens, try to remember that the experience is worth it. Have fun and keep a positive attitude! That’ll go a long way! 

Bringing our kids' Woom Bikes along was worth it. After seeing their parents bike, they wanted their turn too!

Bringing our kids’ Woom Bikes along was worth it. After seeing their parents bike, they wanted their turn too!

Definitely worth the effort!

Being out in nature is our favorite way to connect and have fun as a family, and this was no different. Our trip didn’t go as we expected, but we had an amazing time, created some really special memories and learned a lot! 

Would we bikepack again? Yes!

This was such a fun and unique way to travel, camp, and be together. We had a great time unplugging from a busy week and enjoying the fresh air, sunshine, and adventure! 

You know it is a good trip when our 2-year-old fell asleep on our way home.

You know it’s a good trip when the 2-year-old falls asleep on the way home.

Have you ever considered bikepacking? 

About the author

Steph lives in St. Louis with her husband, Mark, their three daughters (ages 5, 3 & 1), and their funny pup. Steph taught elementary school for five years and became a stay-at-home mom when her first child was born. When the pandemic hit and the playgrounds were closed, she started taking her kids hiking on a different trail each day. Steph is also a NICU mama (her 2nd daughter was born 3 months early). The outdoors has been so healing for her and her family, not to mention fun!

Since the pandemic started, their family has visited over 175 parks and hiked over 200 trails around St. Louis and Missouri. Their family also loves to tent camp, canoe, and bike. Steph has a passion for exploring the outdoors, helping start a free, weekly nature playgroup, and sharing adventure tips with others. When she is not hiking, she loves baking, reading, and dreaming of being a Survivor contestant. 

You can find more from Steph in the following locations:
Instagram: @explorestlparks
RWMC posts: Steph Hampton

The post New Adventures: Our First Bikepacking Trip with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Exploring Iceland with Kids: 7-day Camper Van Tour Tue, 18 Jul 2023 21:07:38 +0000 Exploring the rugged and wild corners of Iceland is a dream trip for eager travelers. However, it can also seem incredibly daunting to do with young children in tow. But, that’s not the case! We are here to tell you that traveling around Iceland is completely achievable with children and you will make the most wonderful memories together. Today, travel blogger and UK mom of two, Aimee K, is here sharing her family’s 7-day camper...

The post Exploring Iceland with Kids: 7-day Camper Van Tour appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

Exploring the rugged and wild corners of Iceland is a dream trip for eager travelers. However, it can also seem incredibly daunting to do with young children in tow. But, that’s not the case! We are here to tell you that traveling around Iceland is completely achievable with children and you will make the most wonderful memories together. Today, travel blogger and UK mom of two, Aimee K, is here sharing her family’s 7-day camper van tour of Iceland with kids. She’s included tips for traveling around Iceland and fun family-friendly outdoor activities.

Exploring Iceland with kids

If you’re dreaming of embarking on a breathtakingly beautiful and nature-filled journey with your little ones, look no further than the awe-inspiring landscapes of Iceland. With its dramatic waterfalls, rugged mountains, and vibrant geothermal wonders, this Nordic island is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages. And what better way to experience it all than by embracing the freedom and flexibility of a family adventure in a cozy camper van?

In this post, we’ll take you on a virtual tour of Iceland’s incredible outdoor wonders, as well as provide you with a sample 7-day itinerary to make the most of your time on this magical island. We’ll also share valuable tips and tricks for planning a successful Icelandic adventure with your kids, ensuring that every moment is filled with joy, discovery, and unforgettable memories.

Prepare yourselves for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure that will captivate both you and your children. Iceland offers an incredible array of natural wonders, and with the freedom of a camper van, you’ll have the flexibility to explore at your own pace. From thunderous waterfalls to geothermal marvels and majestic glaciers, this country is a playground for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages.

Top tips for visiting Iceland with kids

  • Book ahead: Attractions, tours, hotels and campers become fully booked months in advance. Get in early with booking key aspects ahead of your visit, most are refundable if your plans change and you need to cancel. 
  • Be prepared: Make note of the Met Office and Road Administration websites which provide real time updates on road, weather and geological conditions along your route. Staying safe is at the front of our minds when traveling with kids.
  • Dress for the elements: Iceland’s weather can be unpredictable, so make sure to pack layers, waterproof gear, and sturdy shoes for the entire family.
  • Safety first: Prioritize safety during your outdoor adventures. Teach your kids about the environment, follow marked trails, and be aware of weather conditions.
  • Essentials: Stock up on supplies such as food, water, and warm bedding. Campsites are plentiful, allowing you to enjoy the serene beauty of Iceland’s nature while having essential facilities nearby.
  • Embrace Icelandic cuisine: Encourage your children to try traditional Icelandic delicacies like lamb soup or skyr yogurt, providing them with a taste of the local culture.
  • Unplug and immerse: Disconnect from technology and encourage your kids to engage with nature fully. Let their imaginations run wild as they explore Iceland’s majestic landscapes.

Camping in Iceland with kids

Iceland is incredibly well set up for campers with well-equipped campsites found easily across the country and no pre-booking is needed. Prices range from £18-25 per night for a small camper van pitch. The facilities can vary between sites, some campsites have only bathrooms, while others are equipped with playgrounds, kitchens and cafés.

We would certainly recommend staying at:

  • Skógar Campsite: Located at the base of the thundering Skogafoss waterfall. Waking up to this epic waterfall was unforgettable, and being able to explore early when there was no-one around was magical.
  • Vík Campsite: This one is only open in summer and located in the heart of beautiful Vík. Perfectly located for a walk to the beach… or the local pizzeria!
  • Grindavík Campsite: One of the only camp sites we found with a playground and perfectly located near the airport and just a few minutes from the Blue Lagoon. This campsite is ideal if you are planning to visit the Lagoon early!

We often get asked if camping in Iceland was cold, and we can honestly say it was absolutely fine! Although, we would recommend renting a camper van with insulated sides, a heater and warm bedding. 

Campervan in front of glacier, Iceland

What to pack for Iceland

Flying with just cabin/carry-on bags not only saves money when you travel with budget airlines, but also drastically reduces the amount of time spent waiting for luggage in airports, which is always good when travelling with children! While that means less room for packing, it can be a really practical choice for camping when space is limited.

For Iceland, layers are key as the weather is highly changeable. progressing from scorching sun to ice rain in just a few hours. Thermal base layers, wool socks, wool jumpers and a waterproof coat are essential, along with a good pair of waterproof boots (snow boots or hiking boots depending on the time of year). Don’t forget swimwear if you plan to take a dip in any geothermal pools!

Aside from clothing, we packed basic camping items (such as torches) and entertainment for the kids on long journeys (e.g. colouring books, games, toys). We were able to pre-book all of the bulky items such as towels, bedding, cooking equipment and chargers through our camper van provider including towels, blankets, cooking equipment and charger packs.

The one challenge we experienced was being able to dry wet clothes when there was very little space to hang anything so it’s best to only take quick-drying layers rather than thick clothes such as jeans.

Iceland family waterfall

Iceland with kids: Seven-day itinerary for camping

Exploring Iceland is a wild adventure which can can take weeks, or even months to do fully. We initially had big plans to travel the entire ring road, exploring the lesser travelled parts of the island, however we soon realised this was overambitious with only seven days. Instead, we prioritised the waterfalls, black sand beaches, and glaciers of South Iceland.

Our 7-day itinerary is action-packed and completely manageable with young children so it’s a great starting point for planning your own Icelandic adventure! We built in down-time for the boys and some activities we knew they would really love.  

Day 1: Arrival – Reykjavik and Grindavik

Keflavik is a small international airport near Reykjavik where most flights to Iceland arrive. It’s very quick to get through as there are not many flights which is perfect for travelling with young children!

From the airport, we collected our campervan from nearby CampEasy HQ, which we had pre-booked to include car seats, towels, bedding and chargers, and set off on our Icelandic adventure!

The first stop was the supermarket to stock up on food for the week. It is incredibly expensive to eat out in Iceland at around £20 for fish and chips or £10 for tomato soup. Netto and Bonus supermarkets were reasonable, easy to find and stocked everything we needed. 

Camp overnight at Grindavik campsite to be close to the Blue Lagoon for opening time.

Woman with campervan in iceland

Day 2: Blue Lagoon – Seljalandsfoss – Skogafoss – Vík

Blue Lagoon: The bright blue geothermal pools of the Blue Lagoon were a highlight of our time in Iceland and despite our initial concerns around taking small children and ruining the ambiance, it was very well set up for kids! The boy’s entry was free and armbands were provided (and compulsory) for children under eight. To beat the crowds, head to the Blue Lagoon when it opens at 8am. 

Seljalandsfoss Trail: This stunning short hike starts at the car park near the impressive 130ft Seljalandsfoss waterfall. Seljalandsfoss was the only waterfall we discovered which has a narrow path leading into a cave behind the falls! There’s a short 1km gravel trail up to Gljufrabui, another impressive waterfall hidden away inside a cavern.

Skogafoss: Casting rainbows in its spray, this waterfall was truly magical and has featured on the big screen many times.

Along the section of the ring road near Vik you will travel through the other worldly mossy lava fields of Eldhraun. Created hundreds of years ago, and now protected, this expanse of undulating green domes is certainly worth a short stop. 

Camp overnight at Skogar campsite if you want a chance to visit with no-one else around in the evenings or early morning! Or head to nearby Vik and camp there..

Family stood in front of waterfall in iceland

Day 3: Vík – Jökulsárlón

Vik: Vik is an enchanting small town steeped in folklore and mythology. The black sand, dramatic rock formations and moody seas create a particularly cinematic atmosphere. The culinary delights of Vik tempted us away from self-catering for a few meals as we indulged ourselves at the epic Black Crust Pizzeria and the Skool Beans café (located inside a repurposed school bus).

Katla Ice Caves: A short guided super jeep tour from Vik will take you to the Katla Ice Caves. These are some of the only ice caves which are open all year round. They allow children over the age of six on group tours or you can book a more expensive private tour to take younger children. Helmets, crampons and headtorches are provided for this epic three hour adventure. 

Icelandic Lava Show: Watch volcanic sand transform back into lava in this impressive demonstration! Learn about volcanic eruptions in Iceland, how lava tunnels are formed and take home a little shard of dragon glass. Situated in Vik (with a second location in Reykjavik) goggles are provided… be warned though, it does get hot!

Reynisfjara beach: Follow the instructions at the entrance to this beach to avoid the deadly sneaker waves which claim lives on a regular basis. This dramatic black sand beach hosts a huge cave made of enormous basalt columns formed by volcanic eruptions. Follow the advice displayed, dont turn your back to the ocean and keep the kids close. If you are lucky you might even spot a few puffins!

Continue the journey east along the ringroad and camp near Jökulsárlón.  

Day 4: Jökulsárlón – Fjallsárlón – Vík

Diamond Beach: Iceland’s iconic diamond beach is located along the ringroad near the Jökulsárlón lagoon. Huge icebergs carried from the glacier lagoon by the outlet river wash up on the black sand beach. This creates the illusion of huge diamonds on the beach. There’s a car park near the beach and a cafe beside the lagoon to warm up after exploring the ice! 

Jökulsárlón lagoon: This is a quick stop or perfect picnic spot. Watch the seals frolic in the lagoon as bright blue, white and grey icebergs peacefully drift past. Lagoon boat tours are available here but the smaller (and cheaper) Fjallsárlón glacier lagoon is just a short drive away. 

Fjallsárlón lagoon boat tour: Probably the easiest way to get up close to a glacier with children in tow! Hop on a RIB boat and take a guided tour of a glacier lagoon. Minimum age of 5 but they were flexible with allowing younger children. Waterproof and windproof gear was provided for the trip.

Vestrahorn: If you have time and the weather is kind, you may be able to squeeze in a journey out to Vestrahorn and back to see the mountain. This was in our original itinerary but we scrapped it after encountering some awful weather! 

Head back to Vik to camp for the night.

Ice formation diamond beach iceland

Day 5: Golden circle: Vík – Geysir – Gulfoss – Þingvellir – Reykjavík

The golden circle is certainly the most travelled path in Iceland, and there is a lot to see. We didn’t think it really compared to the stunning waterfalls, glaciers and beaches of the south, but the boys were so excited to see the geysers we had to include it in our itinerary.

Geysir: A collection of bubbling pools and explosive geysers. The Strokkur geyser erupts every 5-10 minutes so the wait is never long. It’s an exciting opportunity to learn about geothermal activity as it happens! There’s a visitor centre and parking here. 

Gulfoss: A short drive from Geysir, you will hear this thundering waterfall before you see it! A short walking route offers views over the waterfall at a few different points. The children weren’t too interested in this one as it’s so immense you can’t get very close. Worth a stop if you choose to travel the golden circle route. There’s a visitor centre, cafe, shop and carpark.

Þingvellir: Picturesque and dramatic scenery… but not much for the kids to do. Older children may enjoy hiking along the trails but we headed to Silfra where the crack between the separating tectonic plates can be found. There was a waterfall and some short trails here. 

Head to Reyjavik for the night.

Geyser in Iceland with child

Day 6: Explore Reykjavík

Reykjavik is a small, welcoming city which is home to around half of Iceland’s residents. There are plenty of shops, restaurants and street art to explore. 

Perlan Museum: You can get a taste of all things Iceland in one place at this interactive and educational museum! Experience the Northern Lights in the planetarium and explore the longest man made ice cave. Learn about volcanoes, glaciers and Iceland’s wildlife then head to the rooftop terrace for views over Reykjavik. 

Sun Voyager Sculpture: Make a short stop at the Sun Voyager sculpture on Reykjavik’s seafront to take in the mountain views. 

You may also enjoy heading up the iconic Hallgrímskirkja church for more views of Reykjavik. 

Camp in Reykjavik or back at Grindavik campsite.

Child with sun voyager in Reykjavik Iceland

Day 7: Depart Iceland

The final day of exploring Iceland with kids! We had an early flight out of Keflavik but if you had time you could visit the nearby Hopsnes lighthouse or spend more time in Reykjavik. Head home, taking photographs and memories to treasure forever!

Traveling to Iceland with kids

The endless opportunities to learn about the natural world and the intriguing folklore stories makes it the perfect place to take the kids. So, what are you waiting for? Gather your loved ones, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through the stunning landscapes of Iceland. Let the windswept beauty of this Nordic gem ignite your family’s sense of wonder and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. It’s time to embrace the wild and experience the magic of Iceland with your adventurous little ones by your side!

Swimming in blue lagoon natural pool Iceland

Additional resources

If you love this post, make sure to check out some of our additional family-friendly travel content on Iceland, Estonia, and the Azores.

Is Iceland on your family’s bucket list?

About the author

Aimee is a humanitarian worker and photographer based in the UK. As a mum to two young boys, she spends much of her time outdoors in nature and enjoys traveling with her family. Aimee loves to support other families to explore with young children by sharing tips and inspiration.

You can find more from Aimee online in the following locations:
Instagram: @how_i_wander_uk
Website: How I Wander

The post Exploring Iceland with Kids: 7-day Camper Van Tour appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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What I Learned From My First Backpacking Trip with Kids Wed, 26 Apr 2023 18:27:51 +0000 If you love camping, hiking, and a challenge, backpacking is the next step! Backpacking with kids can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging if you’re not adequately prepared. But, where do you even begin? Today, St. Louis mom of three, Steph Hampton is here to share her family’s recent backpacking experience. As a first-time backpacker with kids, Steph learned that planning and preparation are essential to ensure a successful trip,...

The post What I Learned From My First Backpacking Trip with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

If you love camping, hiking, and a challenge, backpacking is the next step! Backpacking with kids can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging if you’re not adequately prepared. But, where do you even begin? Today, St. Louis mom of three, Steph Hampton is here to share her family’s recent backpacking experience. As a first-time backpacker with kids, Steph learned that planning and preparation are essential to ensure a successful trip, and she’s sharing some of the tips and tricks she learned from her first time backpacking with kids with you today. 

tips and advice for parents for backpacking with kids for the first time

Our first backpacking with kids experience

Here’s an idea…why don’t we take our three young kids camping deep in the woods, with just the stuff we can carry on our backs?

Well, why not?!!

My husband and I love nature, love camping, and we love a good challenge. We have always wanted to take our kids backpacking, but until recently, it seemed too daunting. Particularly with three kids (ages 5, 3 & 1).  What if we forgot something important? What if there was an emergency? What if…what if…what if.

But…what if we did it?! 

We prepped and researched as much as we could to get us to a point where we felt very comfortable taking this leap. Leveling up our outdoor adventures isn’t new to us. We started cabin camping before progressing to car camping, then primitive camping. Backpacking felt like the next logical (albeit much more challenging) step, and we couldn’t wait to give it a try! 

We checked our schedules and found we had an open weekend in March and decided to go for it! This would not only be the first backpacking trip for my daughters but for me, as well! We can do hard things together. 

first time backpacking with kids - tips and advice

Hiking to our campsite at Cuivre River State Park

Choosing a backpacking campsite

One of the first things we did when we were ready to go backpacking was start researching backpacking campsites near us. When you’re choosing a backpacking site for a family, there are several factors to consider, including safety, accessibility, and amenities. Here are some tips from our experience. 

Start close to home

We searched our state park website for sites that offered backcountry camping within an hour of us. We chose to stick a little closer to home for our first time because those are the trails and areas we’re most familiar with. Plus, if we needed to bail for any reason, we’d be relatively close to home. For those familiar with the St. Louis area, we chose Cuivre River State Park (one hour NW from St. Louis). We chose this location because we were familiar with the park, knew there was cell service if we had an emergency come up, and we were close to a city. 

Consider making reservations

Some backcountry campsites are first-come-first-served and some allow you to make reservations to reserve your location. If you’re a serious planner or backpacking during peak season, I’d recommend starting with a campsite that you can reserve so that you’re guaranteed your space. If you’re up for being spontaneous or camping in places where they’re not much of a crowd, you can be more flexible when selecting a site. The campsite we chose did not take reservations in advance, but was available when we arrived (it’s not peak camping season here yet). We were thankful the site was open! We learned to search for future backpacking sites that we are able to reserve ahead of time.

Choose a location within a doable distance

Because you have to hike (with all your gear!) to your campsite, we chose a site down a trail that was just 1.5 miles from the trailhead. It was a great distance for all of us with what we were carrying and doable for even our youngest child. We carried everything we needed, but also had extra supplies (food & water) in the van (only 1.5 miles away), just in case. 

Could we have hiked a longer trail? Totally! But, our goal was to test out our gear and the backpacking experience. We were glad we went with a shorter trail because we didn’t feel rushed at all. We could enjoy our time in the woods with the girls.

This also was a more rustic trail (limited trail markers), so it was helpful that it was shorter to locate the correct backpacking site. Before we planned our trip, we kept in mind what distance our kids could confidently hike based on prior experiences. Our family hikes normally vary between 0.5 miles to 5 miles, so we were happy to find a backcountry trail this distance that all three of our daughters could hike independently. 

Enjoying a granola breakfast around the campfire. Our girls are wearing Merrell hiking shoes from Laurie’s Shoes, which we loved for traction on the trail!

How to get your kids involved in backpacking

Getting your kids involved in backpacking can be a fun and exciting for them. Kids are natural helpers and love getting to be involved in the process. Here are some tips to help you get your kids interested in (and excited about) backpacking:

Let them make choices

Our kids helped us choose our backpacking site and how we got there. They had fun looking at the park map to find out what route we should take to get to our campsite. Once we arrived, we let them help pick the spot for our tent and where we’d set things up. Giving them choices throughout the process made them more excited about the adventure and invested in it. 

Meal plan

Our kids also helped choose our weekend meals They each brought their own hiking backpack that carried a family meal, their spork, and their water bottle. This added to their excitement, as they had more responsibility and helped our family. We usually bring a large cooler for our previous camping experiences but were not able to when backpacking, so this was a different experience. We all felt empowered by carrying everything on our backs, including our food and water. 

Packing help

We prepped our kids that we are bringing only the bare necessities, and then got them involved in the packing process. When we car camp, our kids are used to bringing toys, many baby dolls, doll clothes, picture books, etc. But for backpacking, we all agreed ahead of time that they would each be able to bring one lovey. They had fun choosing that one special item and were excited to take it on our adventures. The girls did surprisingly great throughout the trip with limited toys. It was so neat to see their imagination blossom when playing in the woods. A huge fallen tree became the Polar Express train, and a pile of leaves and sticks became a chef’s kitchen to feed their loveys. 

Starting our 1.5 mile trail to the site, sporting our Deuter backpacking packs

Hiking to the campsite

The hike to our campsite was only 1.5 miles, but it can still be challenging to keep kids entertained and moving down the trail. Here are a few tips and tricks we implement when hiking with kids to keep their spirits high and their little feet moving!  


Our daughters were in charge of finding the trail markers, which is always a fun “I Spy” game. The trail markers were limited on the trail to our campsite, so it was really helpful to have a few more eyes searching! From the “I Spy” of trail markers, we also transitioned to search for animals, flowers, trees, and animal tracks.

Sing songs

Dancing and singing always seem more fun in the woods. My husband and I brought back ALLLLLLL the scout songs when we entered parenthood. Princess Pat, Boom Chicka Boom, or Alice the Camel, anyone? We also like to make up songs from what we see on a hike (nature, animals, weather, etc). Singing and dancing definitely keep us moving!

Carry ultra-light backpacking gear

I highly recommend ultra-light gear when you’re backpacking. 1.5 miles might not sound like a long distance, but heavy gear can make any distance feel grueling. As this was our first family backpacking trip, we did have to make some purchases of ultra-light items, and I was thankful for the light weight of our gear. My husband carried 45 pounds in his pack, while I carried 35 pounds in my pack. (Normally, I carry my 30lb daughter in a hiking backpack on hikes, so this wasn’t too different for me!) If you’re not used to a hiking with a heavy pack, the shorter distance and ultra-light gear can make a huge difference. 

Involving our kids in setting up our tent

Tent setup

Include your kids in the setup process

We let our girls help figure out where the best spot to set up the tent would be and got them involved in each step of the process. Do you want the tent on a slope or flat? Why do we need a tarp under the tent? All of these questions helped the girls be more invested in our tent setup. Their favorite part was snapping the tent poles together!

Organize the inside of your tent

Inside our tent, our girls were thrilled to play “Tetris” to figure out where everyone should sleep. They helped blow up our insulated sleeping pads and roll out our sleeping bags (my husband and I had sleeping bags, while our daughters wore Morrison Outdoors wearable sleeping bags). We were camping in the spring and the temperature got down to 40 degrees at night. I was a little cold at one point, but everyone else was warm enough. While we had a 4-person tent with 5 people, we were all on one side of the tent by the morning, snuggling. 


Our tent has a vestibule (an outer room) we could use to set things up before entering the tent. Our girls thought this was the coolest thing to have a “tent porch” and were excited to lay out our hiking shoes there. This helped to keep our gear dry, as it rained a bit throughout the night. 

Cuddling as the sun rises

Our first-time backpacking tips and takeaways

Lower your expectations

As with anything with kids, be flexible and lower your expectations! Did you lower them? Now lower them again! Don’t set yourself up for failure thinking that this will be an easy, peaceful, restful experience. Backpacking (and all camping) is work, and anytime you get kids out of their comfort zone, there will be hiccups.

My husband and I went into the trip knowing that we would probably not get much sleep, and that helped (because we didn’t). Our two older daughters slept through the night, but our youngest was very excited and had a pretty hard time sleeping. This meant she was climbing over us and all through the tent all night long. At one point she went over to her older sisters, tapped their heads, and said, “Sisters, awake?” In our previous tent camping experiences, we brought a pack n’ play for her to keep her contained and provide some familiarity. With all the space (and us!) I don’t know she knew what to do with herself! For us, lowering our expectations helped because the experience was so worth the limited sleep! 

Next time, we’ll make reservations

As I mentioned above, some backcountry campsites allow you to make reservations, and we already reserved our next campsite for our next adventure! This one will have a little longer trail (at Hawn State Park for Missourians) and a water source available, so we can filter our own water and not have to pack in so much (you go through more water than you realize). 

Keep it simple

Our biggest takeaway was just how much fun it was to unplug, live simply, and have fun. One of the most unexpected benefits of backpacking is how you realize just how simply you can live and that you really don’t need that much stuff. We could only bring the most absolute essentials on our backs, so we didn’t have the option to overpack. And it was wonderful!

Although, I will admit that I splurged and brought s’mores fixings (because it’s not really camping without s’mores, right?). I put the graham crackers in a Tupperware container so they didn’t crumble. This luxury item was totally worth the little extra weight!

Peace in the woods at night!

Making the leap to backpacking

Camping as a family is my favorite outdoor activity because it allows us to unplug and spend real quality time together, just the five of us. No technology (except the occasional phone photo), no laundry, no home projects…just special time together bonding, playing, and adventuring. 

There is something for everyone in the outdoors, whether it is a family walk in the neighborhood, hiking in the woods, or camping. If camping is something you also enjoy, but you’re unsure about taking the leap to backpacking, I highly encourage you to go for it! Start small and give it a try! The family memories are well worth it!

Have you ever gone backpacking?
Where will your family adventure together next?

About the author

Steph lives in St. Louis with her husband, Mark, their three daughters (ages 5, 3 & 1), and their funny pup. Steph taught elementary school for five years and became a stay-at-home mom when her first child was born. When the pandemic hit and the playgrounds were closed, she started taking her kids hiking on a different trail each day. Steph is also a NICU mama (her 2nd daughter was born 3 months early). The outdoors has been so healing for her and her family, not to mention fun!

Since the pandemic started, their family has visited over 175 parks and hiked over 200 trails around St. Louis and Missouri. Their family also loves to tent camp, canoe, and bike. Steph has a passion for exploring the outdoors, helping start a free, weekly nature playgroup, and sharing adventure tips with others. When she is not hiking, she loves baking, reading, and dreaming of being a Survivor contestant. 

You can find more from Steph in the following locations:
Instagram: @explorestlparks
RWMC posts: Steph Hampton

The post What I Learned From My First Backpacking Trip with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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10 Ideas for Outdoor Family Vacations & Adventure Fri, 23 Dec 2022 06:18:39 +0000 If you’re looking to bond with your family and have amazing outdoor adventures together, where should you go for the best family vacation? Here at Run Wild My Child, we get asked about outdoor family adventure travel a lot! And we have a lot of ideas on how to plan the perfect adventure for your family. But, what if I told you that it’s not always about where to go, but more about what you...

The post 10 Ideas for Outdoor Family Vacations & Adventure appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

If you’re looking to bond with your family and have amazing outdoor adventures together, where should you go for the best family vacation? Here at Run Wild My Child, we get asked about outdoor family adventure travel a lot! And we have a lot of ideas on how to plan the perfect adventure for your family. But, what if I told you that it’s not always about where to go, but more about what you do when you get there? The best outdoor family adventure locations for your family may be different from mine, based on the size of your family, age and interests of your kids, your location, your budget, and a variety of other factors. But, no matter any of these things, this post is going to give you some amazing ideas for traveling together as a family. Today, Jen Barnes, South Carolina mom of three and travel guru, is here to share the top ten outdoor family vacations for those of you craving adventure! 

collage of outdoor vacation spot photos

Outdoor adventure travel for families

When outdoor active families are considering where to go and what to do on a family vacation, there are a variety of things to consider. The best family vacations are the ones that perfectly fit your family’s wants and needs. Most families are looking to prioritize the quality time they will have together during their trip. They want to experience good times as a whole family and make memories together. They are open to trying new things and want their kids to have new experiences. These families want to spend less time on screens and more time getting to know each other. 

Families that love adventure and prioritize spending time outside have a wide variety of options when it comes to finding amazing outdoor adventure family-friendly destinations. I’m passionate about helping families connect through travel and outdoor adventures, and I’ve been planning trips for my family and others for years. Today, I get to help you! 

I arranged this post into ten categories (different locations and types of family travel), with plenty of options in each one. Many of the categories overlap in places, but I think they will get your wheels turning and the ideas flowing about the types of destinations and adventures you could have there. We focus heavily on travel with in the United States, but there are some international options included. I hope they help as you prepare to plan a trip with outdoor adventures and find the best family vacation spot for your family!

two kids scrambling on rock formations in Moab

1. Outdoor family vacation in National Parks

National Parks travel is likely one of the most common trips a family will take. Is there anyone who hasn’t thought about a Grand Canyon vacation? Or about a hike under those red rock arches? The iconic spots dotted across the U.S. landscape lure families of all types. A National Parks vacation provides wide open spaces for families to explore together. Whether you enjoy hiking, paddling, rafting, horseback riding, or other activities you can find a lot in our National parks. 

Multiple national parks or a deep dive?

There are so many ways to do a National Parks vacation. You can plan a road trip that covers a group of National Parks together. A good example of that would be to road trip what is commonly referred to as “Utah’s Big 5”. There will be a good bit of driving involved for this type of trip. The extended days outdoors amongst the rock formations of Arches National Park or hiking along the waterways of Zion National Park will meet those outdoor wanderlusts. Don’t forget that parks like Death Valley National Park and Joshua Tree National Park are dark sky areas. They are perfect for nighttime star gazers. You and your family can literally spend from sun-up to past sun-down outside.

Another idea is to do a deep dive of a National Park. You can easily spend a week enjoying parks like Yellowstone National Park, Olympic National Park, or Glacier National Park. Those trips are especially satisfying if you want to do any long-form hiking. All-day treks and multi-day treks eat into an itinerary quickly. This really lets you connect as a family while you soak up the fresh air together.

two kids at the trail sign for Oooh Ahh point in the Grand Canyon National Park

Planning a national parks trip with kids

Here are a few tips if you are planning a trip to National Parks.

  1. Look into an annual pass that will cover your cost for entrance for a full 12 months.
  2. Be prepared that cell coverage is scarce inside the parks. Download your maps and let your friends and family know where you are and that you will be out of touch for a while. It’s glorious!
  3. Many families choose to camp or RV in the parks, but there are also in-park accommodations to look into. Many parks have gateway towns or cities that facilitate family vacation plans. They offer hotel chain options or smaller mom-and-pop lodging.
  4. If you want to stay inside the park, you must plan up to a year in advance.
  5. Food can be very limited and pricey inside the parks, so I suggest packing a cooler for those long days of outdoor exploring.

teen girl walking in the shallow river bed inside olympic national park

2. Outdoor family vacation in state parks

Do not underestimate the park and recreation systems within each of the 50 states. State parks are outdoor havens on a smaller scale than national parks, but that does not mean they are lackluster. Look first at your own state to find the local treasures. My home state of South Carolina has incredible and diverse options from coast to mountains to choose from. They are perfect for long weekend getaways when we need to step away from the daily grind.

As you plan a family road trip, look to include a few state parks. They offer great day trips and can often have more overnight camping openings than a National Park. The entrance fees are typically less than the National Parks and can give you a closer view of the local area as you explore. 

Wakulla Springs State Park - Florida - alligator tour with kids

Favorite recommended state parks

A few unique state parks that regularly come up as places to experience together as a family are Starved Rock State Park in Illinois, Watkins Glen State Park in upstate New York, Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada, and John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park in Florida. Located along the Illinois River, Starved Rock State Park is filled with hiking trails and seasonal waterfalls. Watkins Glen has amazing waterfalls and is a respite during the hot months of summer. Valley of Fire has rock formations that are fun for scrambling around, especially in spring and fall. John Pennekamp is an underwater park; it’s a haven for snorkeling and diving that families love to visit. 

Wakulla Springs State Park, outside of Tallahassee, Florida, is a hidden gem and a family favorite. Home to one of the world’s largest and deepest freshwater springs, the sapphire water of Wakulla Springs boasts manatees, alligators, gars, and a host of diverse birds and wildlife that can be viewed from a riverboat tour, guided by knowledgeable park rangers. The kids will love the boat tour, and you’re basically guaranteed to see alligators galore, up close and personal, in their natural habitat. The water at the springs is a cool and refreshing 70 degrees year-round, which feels absolutely invigorating on sweltering hot Florida summer days.

two teens sitting down above a lake in Paris Mountain SC state parkboy fishing at Hueston woods state park in Ohio

3. Best family beach vacation destinations

Many a family vacation tradition has begun at the beach. It’s no surprise that families flock to these sandy, sunny spaces to enjoy time together and relax. Of course, not every beach vacation is tropical in nature. Sure, you can hit the warm coastal beaches of the southeast or southern California, where the sun shines, and the temperatures heat the days. A lot of families get out in the mornings to seashell hunt and build sandcastles. Then, head inside for the middle of the day, and return beachside for wave jumping and beach games in the late afternoon until dinner. My family likes to then take a walk down the beach after dinner to extend our outside time.

Beach vacations are a great way to travel as a multi-generational family. Everyone from infants to grandparents can soak up the fun at the beach. It’s nice to have an option that includes everyone for together time. You will primarily find vacation rental properties (with full kitchens) and some of the best family vacation resorts in beach towns that line the coasts. Even the Great Lakes have beaches where families seek out rejuvenation. Make sure to read our tips for a successful beach trip with kids.

Florida beaches with kids

There’s something truly magical about the beautiful beaches in Florida. Florida tends to have something for everyone, whether you’re looking for action-packed entertainment or want to get away from it all. The beaches along the Gulf of Mexico are usually white sand and low surf, making them perfect for families with little kids. Most places we have vacationed have all kinds of outdoor activities for families, including fishing, tide pooling, kayaking, surfing, stand-up paddle boarding, jet skiing, and so much more. A few of our favorite vacation spots to enjoy the Florida beaches with kids are Destin, Gulf County, Anna Maria Island, and Captiva. 

A different kind of beach vacation

If you want a different kind of beach – not your typical warm water white-sand beach – then head to the PNW. Even in the summer, the water can be chilly, but that certainly doesn’t stop the kids from exploring the tidepools, digging up razor clams, and splashing in the waves. You’ll be blown away by the abundant and colorful aquatic life in the area – bright purple sea stars, fire-orange urchins, turquoise anemones, red rock crabs, and all kinds of various plants, barnacles, mussels, and more. Our favorite beaches in the Olympic National Park area were Ruby Beach, La Push, Kalaloch, and Rialto. Most of them have that iconic PNW rocky shore feel, with driftwood and sea stacks, dark sand, and a lingering layer of mist. They’re each more beautiful than the next.

International beaches

International beach destinations draw families, too. Consider Costa Rica, where you can learn to surf or go deep-sea fishing. My youngest and I spent three glorious days at a surf camp in Jaco, Costa Rica. We took surf lessons, stand-up paddle boarded, and enjoyed one-on-one time together. Think about Puerto Rico, where you can do a bioluminescent kayak excursion, or the Greek Islands, where you can kite surf. There are so many options for activities! These kinds of activities are great for trying new things together as a family. 

boy carrying a surfboard on a beach in Jaco, Costa Ricafamily playing spikeball game on the beach in gulf county, florida

4. Camping & backpacking family vacations

Spending a vacation camping or backpacking is a no-brainer for families who love the outdoors. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, many of these ideas overlap, so your camping adventure could take place in a national park, state park, or even at the beach. Family camping inside national and state parks is a great way to immerse yourself in the heart of it all. If your family has the desire to step away from the distractions of daily life, weekend camping trips are a wonderful and low-cost option to maximize your outdoor time and really bond. 

State and national park camping

You can certainly camp and backpack in National and state parks. Great Smoky Mountains National Park ranks among one of the best spots for a family camping vacation. When we visited Olympic National Park, we came across a family with middle school-aged children who were backpacking for the first time. The hiking was mostly flat, and they camped along the river bed; it looked like a great way to get started. Hunting Island State Park in South Carolina is a great family camping spot in the southeast for its proximity to beachside camping. 

camping scene with tent among trees above a blue lake

Unique camping adventures 

Camping can be done at various levels of comfort. RV camping has become increasingly popular with families who love to road trip and explore together but want the comforts of a real bed and bathroom. Car and van camping provide makeshift beds inside a vehicle, but also allow you to be in nature. Tent camping and hammock sleeping put you in the midst of the wilderness, breathing that fresh air all night long. If you’re not quite ready for full-on tent camping or aren’t sure about investing in the equipment needed, you could also consider glamping. Glamping can be anything from those big, heavy canvas tents set up and decked out for families, to sleeping in a teepee, bus, mini-cabin, treehouse, or yurt. Some even have bathrooms connected!

Backpacking for families

Backpacking is a level-up from camping. It’s typically done over a few days and requires you to pack in and pack out all of your own supplies. This includes bedding, shelter/tent, all food, and all waste. Backpacking can be an unbelievable way to immerse yourself in nature and a great family bonding experience. So many of the epic locations you see in photos are from people who have trekked into the deepest parts of the wilderness. Check out this post for more info on how to get started backpacking with kids

5. Family ski trips (and snowboarding)

There are a number of ski resorts and ski towns across the U.S. that cater specifically to families. There are a wide variety of ways to do a ski trip, but one thing is for sure. You will spend a lot of time outside, and much of it in weather that may not be optimal or even desirable if not for the powder. Ski trips have a way of getting everybody outside in the winter months that may not otherwise. If you don’t ski or snowboard, don’t worry. Most ski areas offer other outdoor activities such as snowshoe trails, dog sled excursions, sleigh rides, and snow tubing. There is so much to do on or off the slopes for the entire family while outside. A ski vacation is an annual tradition for many families!

Snowboarding with kids

If you’re looking for a great snowboarding spot on the East Coast, consider Bolton Valley Resort in Vermont. Bolton Valley was the perfect spot for learning the basics of snowboarding with kids. It is large enough to have nice rides down, but not intimidating or too difficult. The staff is so incredibly helpful and patient! They paid very close attention and assisted every person, from toddlers to adults, as they were learning.

The resort also has an indoor skatepark, which is attached to the Sports Center and has both street and traditional features. It includes a micro mini ramp, a mini ramp, a vert ramp, and even a bowl to ride. The Sports Center also includes a pool, sauna, and hot tub, as well as a game room. And everything at the resort is close enough together that you can easily walk from your room, to the lifts, to the restaurants, to the Sports Center as much as you want! It doesn’t feel overwhelming because it’s all easily accessible. 

Click here to read our full review on Snowboarding with Kids at Bolton Valley Resort.

Colorado skiing with kids

Colorado is jam-packed with so many great places to ski with the entire family. Breckenridge and Vail are both huge mountains, with tons of runs for all different skill levels of skiier. There are also a lot of things to do in and around town. Other smaller favorites close to Denver are Keystone, A-Basin, Copper, and Beaver Creek. 

One of the best ski resorts to visit with the entire family or kids just learning how to ski is Buttermilk Mountain, just outside of Aspen, Colorado. While not as technical as Aspen Mountain or as large as Snowmass, Buttermilk is a great compromise for families looking for a little bit of everything (and easy access to the other area ski resorts). Buttermilk is the perfect place for kids to learn the basics, master the terrain park, skin uphill, or watch the world’s best athletes during the X Games. It’s usually less crowded than other local mountains but still serves as a one-stop shop for lessons, rentals, tickets, and lounging. At the top of Buttermilk, with panoramic views of the dramatic Pyramid Peak and the entire Maroon Creek Valley, is the Cliffhouse restaurant. Don’t miss this! It’s famous for its Mongolian grill.

6. Outdoorsy activity vacations

Did you realize you can plan an entire family vacation around one outdoor activity? With one week or a long weekend, you can base an entire trip on one outdoor activity of your choosing! As mentioned above, skiing is a great option. Some others that come to mind are mountain biking, fishing, multi-day canoe adventures, snorkeling, surfing, and more. 

Plan a trip around your interests

Tap into the interests your kids already have. Find a way to travel to a place that brings some extra excitement around doing it in a new location. Or, if there is an activity you have all talked about trying and are curious about, perhaps plan a trip around giving it a shot!

The best way to plan a trip like this is to search for destinations that cater to the specific activity you and your family are interested in. For example, a quick google search on kiteboarding in the U.S. brings up a list of top spots for this exciting sport. And if Key West, Florida is a place you have always wanted to visit anyway, it may be the perfect outdoor family vacation spot.

Montana, Colorado, Arkansas, and Wyoming are great destinations for fly fishing. If you have avid anglers who want to fish in some of the most scenic locations, you can plan an entire trip around this activity. Make sure you have the appropriate permits and that you follow all of the state laws about catch and release, open season, etc. 

Pick a destination where you can do it all

Another idea is to plan an outdoor adventure vacation that incorporates lots of outdoor activities you can try. For example, both the Lake Tahoe area and the Southwest Michigan area have so many amazing outdoor activities for families. You could plan a week-long itinerary in either of these locations with swimming, rock climbing, family hiking, rafting, skiing, cherry picking, sailing, dune buggy rides, fishing, mountain biking, horseback riding, boating, and so much more! There is a little something for everyone. 

two teen boys on a boat fishing in the gulf of mexicokayaks in the black swamp in south carolina

7. City vacations for families who love the outdoors

I know what you are thinking when you think about a city vacation. Yes, every city has museums and indoor activities, but many of them also have a host of outdoor tours, parks, and nature nearby. You will, of course, want to plan for a specific season that will allow you to enjoy the outdoor parts. Honestly, a good city destination gives you a taste of both worlds. You can find comfy lodging, great restaurants, and cool outdoor activities!

Fun cities to visit for families will have a variety of outdoor activities and options for everyone in your family or group. City parks with playgrounds are great for young children, but older kids and parents can enjoy them, too. Central Park in NYC and Forest Park in St. Louis are great examples of green space within major metropolian areas that are perfect for the whole family. They offer biking and nature trails, waterways and lakes, museums, zoos, golf courses, restaurants, and so much more. Don’t forget about all of the outdoor dining you can do in the city. The best European family vacation can’t be done without the cafe life!

Urban adventures for outdoorsy families

The best cities for outdoor recreation are typically located near big nature landmarks. Places like Denver, Colorado and Salt Lake City, Utah, have mountains within a short driving distance. They tend to embrace outdoor activities like skate parks and snow parks to accommodate active people. Miami, Florida, pulls in people who love to be on the water for activities like boating or fishing. Asheville, North Carolina, and Boise, Idaho rank amongst the best cities for hiking because they have good trails nearby and cultivate a culture of outdoor-loving people. 

Wendy from the Run Wild creative team highlights San Diego, California, as an amazing outdoor city. San Diego is a great outdoor city because there are so many outdoor family-friendly options! There are countless beaches, parks, and playgrounds. San Diego is also home to the southern terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail for the hikers/backpackers out there. Additionally, it’s home to the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, Sea World, the San Diego Botanic Garden which has two amazing children’s areas, The Living Coast Discovery Center, Balboa Park, Legoland, Petco Park to watch Padres baseball, and so much more!

father and daughter walking hand in hand on the beach in san diego among trees on the shore lineboy running barefoot on a trail in the san diego area teen girl in central park in autumn with orange leaves on the trees and ground

8. Outdoor family vacation at a dude ranch

If you search for memorable family vacations, you will be sure to come across dude ranch vacations for families. The appeal of this type of family trip is that all of your activities, meals, and lodging are in one location and often come together as an all-inclusive option for the whole family. These types of vacations draw families of all ages and are great as a multi-gen travel option. Do be sure to check the minimum age for horseback riding, so that no one is disappointed.

A family guest ranch experience will connect your family with hands-on experiences and exposure to new skills. Together as a family you can learn and experience all of the ranch chores and activities. With that, you will have on-site accommodations suited for a family, and on-site dining usually within walking distance of where you are sleeping. Your days will be packed with outdoor activities, fun for everyone! Those activities may include but are not limited to horseback riding, cattle sorting, shooting (age appropriate), and nature walks. Adults are not left out! Many of the ranch vacation spots will have wine & cheese for parents or even a happy hour.

Horse ranches for the whole family

You may need to do your research to find the horse ranch that meets the needs and desires of your family. You should be able to find everything from mid-range budget to a luxury dude ranch experience, with lots of daily activities. As most travel is, this is an investment into your family memory bank. And remember, almost everything you will need is included in the one-stop pricing. 

White Stallion Ranch in Tucson, Arizona, is a fan favorite for its proximity to Saguaro National Park. Vista Verde Ranch in Colorado is another family favorite and a great place for all kinds of outdoor adventures. Run Wild creative team member Araceli covers the joys of visiting a ranch in winter and all that a ranch vacation can be as a family. 

9. Family sailing vacations

There is no doubt that a family sailing vacation is super niche and may not be the right fit for everyone. However, the truth about sailing is that it is unique and fabulous, but not “bougie” in the way you may expect. Sailing is very technical and adventurous, but it can also be very relaxing. There are several ways to plan a sailing family vacation and quite a few destinations that support this type of trip. I usually describe family sailing vacations as camping on the water. And while you camp, you get to travel to some of the untouched places of the world. The only time you’re not completely outside is when you are sleeping, and even then, the windows are open. It’s pretty fantastic.  

Sail yourself

The first way to do a sailing trip is to charter a boat and sail it yourself. This is called bareboat chartering, and you will need to be able to demonstrate your skills or provide certification documentation. Our family was able to do this in the British Virgin Islands for an amazing sailing Caribbean vacation. We anchored or docked for small fees and cruised around the islands for nine days of pure bliss. We snorkeled, swam, and visited the different islands for fun. The best part about this type of sailing vacation is that you determine the when and where with total freedom. It does require that you know how to sail. 

teen boy lounging on a sailboat in the greek islands

Charter a boat

The second way to sail together as a family is to hire a captain through a charter company. You can sit back, relax and enjoy the trip without having to do the work. Most countries in Europe, like Croatia and Greece, require a hefty amount of sailing hours and instruction in order to sail on your own. So, last summer, we hired a captain to sail us around the small Cyclades in Greece. My kids took part in helping out with the sailing because they are interested and wanted to learn, but it wasn’t necessary. We enjoyed stopping at various islands, eating at local restaurants, coastal hiking,  and relaxing at the beautiful beaches. I cannot recommend a Greek sailing vacation enough!

Small-scale group cruise

The third way to sail together as a family comes in a larger format, but not as big as a traditional cruise. Smaller crafts more suited to authentic experiences and smaller groups can be found. These types of trips not only get you outdoors but afford you unique opportunities you may not find elsewhere. A great example of this is in the Galapagos islands of Ecuador, perfect for a family that thrives on wildlife encounters. Another option that I’m personally keen to experience is Uncruise, which sails to places like Alaska, Baja, and Belize. 

teen girl and teen boy swimming in the blue waters of the Aegean Sea in the greek islands3 teens walking on a coastal walkway on the island of sifnos in greece

10. Outdoor vacation bucket list spots 

There are a host of natural wonders and outdoor destinations that call to us on a regular basis. These are the locations that are known for being outdoor havens worthy of a family experience. You see them pop up in lists of “places you must visit once in your life” and such. Families can plan entire vacations around exploring these places or string a few together for a week or more.
Some famous natural landmarks that come to mind that fall into this category are the Badlands in South Dakota, Niagra Falls, the Boundary Waters, the Cliffs of Moher, Lake Tahoe, Arenal Volcano, the Everglades, the California redwood forest, the volcanoes of Hawaii, Mount Rushmore, and the salt flats in Bolivia. Other natural tourist attractions like the Northern Lights in Iceland, tide pools of the PNW, hot springs in Tuscany, barrier reefs in Australia are big hits. The lists are endless and can give just about any family some serious wanderlust. There are so many amazing places in nature, even if they aren’t famous. You just need to seek them out. 

Garden of the Gods

Kristen Ryan, from our Creative Team, recently traveled to the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which had been on her bucket list for a while. One of the best things about this park is that it has both easily accessible walking trails that you can use a stroller on and more difficult climbing trails you can take the kids who enjoy a challenge. The views from the top are really unbeatable in the Springs area. The kids absolutely loved getting to climb through the plate-like rocks, and there are always lots of mountain climbers to sit back and watch. There are miles of trails within this little park and then some great small towns to explore nearby when everyone gets hungry after their long walk/hike.
family enjoying garden of the gods in colorado up high near the clouds

Outdoor family vacations are important

I believe in the importance and benefits of outdoor family vacations for so many reasons.  Everyone needs a break from the daily normal, and a family vacation is a great way to get away from your routines, and busy schedules and really reconnect. Give yourself and your family a chance to breathe and do it together. Not only will you create core memories, but you will bond in such a special way. Focus on an outdoor family vacation to elevate the experience and leave behind all of the noise of the world. It’s worthwhile, even if just for a long weekend. Our brains and bodies need this. Give yourself the opportunity to step away from your phone. Get off the wi-fi for a bit and let your mind reset. Let your body work and rejuvenate in nature, too. 

Additional resources about family travel & favorite destinations

Are you ready to go on an outdoor family vacation?

About the author

Jen has been married to her original adventure partner, John, for 20+ years. She is a mama to 3 teenagers who, although they have busy and independent lives, love to adventure in the outdoors when they can. Jen is a native of Chicago, but has lived in South Carolina for two decades and calls it home. She’s always planning the next adventure for herself or her friends, whether near or far. Hiking, kayaking, sailing with her family, or traveling the world is all about the experience and the journey. Her extroverted nature keeps her talking and smiling with anyone she meets along the way. She’s on a mission to show other busy families that traveling with teenagers is possible and fun!

You can find Jen online in the following locations:
Instagram: @gofamilyadventure
Website: Go Family Adventure
RWMC Posts: Jen Barnes

The post 10 Ideas for Outdoor Family Vacations & Adventure appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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RV Camping with Kids: Tips for Success from Full-Time RV Moms Wed, 07 Sep 2022 18:44:14 +0000 If you’ve ever been curious about RV camping with your kids and family, this post is for you! We are sharing the top tips for how to have a successful family RV camping experience, from three full-time RV moms. In this post, Leslie Alvis, an Ohio mom of 4, put together a huge post filled with tips from her RV experiences and those of our experts. They’re sharing their tips for how to choose the...

The post RV Camping with Kids: Tips for Success from Full-Time RV Moms appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

If you’ve ever been curious about RV camping with your kids and family, this post is for you! We are sharing the top tips for how to have a successful family RV camping experience, from three full-time RV moms. In this post, Leslie Alvis, an Ohio mom of 4, put together a huge post filled with tips from her RV experiences and those of our experts. They’re sharing their tips for how to choose the right RV for your family, tips for picking a great RV campsite, what to stock in your RV, tips for meal planning, everything you need to know about tanks, RV must-have essential items, and so much more! 

*This post contains affiliate links.

Tips & Advice for RV camping with kids from full-time RV moms

The appeal of RV camping

So, you want to travel and experience the great outdoors, but you’re not quite ready to sleep on the hard ground and wash your dishes in the creek? Then RV camping might just be the way to go for you! From compact pop-ups to luxurious fifth-wheel trailers, not to mention full-sized RV’s, this kind of camping provides options for every family and budget.

From state and national parks to dedicated RV campgrounds, when RV camping, you can stay at locations around the world for a fraction of the price of a hotel or vacation rental. RV camping also gives you a lot of flexibility to camp during seasons when the weather is not ideal for camping in a tent. RV camping also allows you to carry some of the comforts of home with you while embracing the adventure of traveling and experiencing the great outdoors. 

Considering an RV for your family?

When our family began considering camping as a more affordable way for us to travel, we weren’t entirely sure if tent camping was for us. But sleeping (basically) outdoors, staying in gorgeous natural locations, and waking up to fresh air and the birds singing all around? Absolutely! That’s when we began to research the concept of RV camping.

We found a cheap little pop-up camper off Craigslist and took off on an eight-day camping trip several states away, cold turkey. There was definitely a bit of a learning curve involved, but over the years we’ve learned a lot about how to make RV camping a success. Today the six of us are living full-time in a 27-ft RV trailer while we build our home, so we’ve got a good bit of RV camping experience to draw from.

Tips for RV camping with kids

RV camping may sound intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! It’s easier than you think, and with this post, we’ll make sure it’s your best family camping trip ever. The tips and advice in this post have been tried and tested by our team of expert RV moms. We’ve each spent significant time RV camping with our kids and have learned a lot in the process. So, whether this is your first trip out in an RV with your family or you want to make sure your next trip is a big success, here are the things you’ll want to consider when RV camping with kids. 

Tip #1: How to choose the right RV for your family

If you’re thinking of getting started RV camping, you’ve probably already learned the options for RVs are endless. How do you ever choose what rig is right for you? Frankly, I think a lot of it will boil down to two questions: (1) your preferred style of camping, and (2) budget.

RV camping style and budget considerations

The first thing you’ll want to consider when choosing the type of RV to purchase (or rent) is your camping style. Ask yourself what kind of RV camping is most appealing to you and your family. Do you want to be close to nature and have more of a traditional tent camping experience? Or do you want all the luxuries and conveniences of home wherever you travel? 

The second main factor in selecting an RV, for many of us, is budget. How much do you want to spend on your camper? The vast array of RV campers on the market today is astonishing. Ranging from questionable older models to shiny luxury homes on wheels, there is an RV camper option in every price range. Pop-ups are pretty affordable (based on what we saved for vacation accommodations, ours paid for itself in two years), while some full-sized RVs can cost more than a house. 

Pop-up campers

If you prefer to be as close to nature as possible, but still have a solid bed to sleep on, a sink to wash dishes in, and some storage, then a pop-up camper might be a good option. A pop-up camper is basically a trailer that folds out into a tent. Pop-up camping comes with a lot of perks. Most pop-ups have 2-3 roomy beds, which easily sleeps 4-6 people. They have an interior kitchen table with seating, cabinets for storing dishes and food, a battery-operated power system, and water tanks/hookups with at least a sink inside.

One downside to pop-up camping is that set-up and tear-down are a bit labor-intensive. Also, you’re still at the mercy of the weather. If it’s hot, you’re sweltering. If it rains, you may discover leaks. And if it’s cold, you will be chilly! However, pop-up campers are a great way to still enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and experience nature, while still having some major conveniences and accommodations. 

Dealing with weather when pop-up camping in a storm (a night to remember)

I’ll never forget one blustery, stormy night we spent in our pop-up camper in the mountains of Tennessee. Between listening to the wind trying to blow us away and trying to adjust a space heater to keep our kids from freezing, we didn’t get a whole lot of sleep. At some point, though, we drifted off and woke at dawn to find out we were all in one piece still. My husband triumphantly shouted, “We made it!” and thrust an arm into the air in victory.

However, my husband has remarkably long arms, and his fist connected quickly with the canvas over our bed, which had been gathering condensation all night as we tried to heat that little camper. A shower of water droplets rained down on us and I shrieked in dismay, waking the kids at the other end. They, of course, thought the condensation rain was hilarious and started showering each other in their bed. But we did make it, and the story is now a fond part of our family camping memories.

Full-sized RV campers

On the other hand, if you want an RV camping experience that is more like your own custom AirBnB on wheels, with a solid roof overhead, a bathroom, a full kitchen, and bedrooms with doors that close, you may want to look into a full-sized RV trailer. Full-size RV campers come in a variety of sizes and styles, with 1-2 bedrooms as well as convertible sleeping areas. The size, style, and newness of your RV will depend a lot on your budget.

Setting up a full-sized RV is a breeze—some campers even have self-leveling jacks to make it even easier. Just plug in your electric cord and your water hose, and you’ve got all the comforts of home, anywhere you choose to park. Other than the hefty price tag, the only downside of a full RV is the need for a towing vehicle and hauling skills. But, if you have a heavy-duty vehicle and some backing-up skills, you’ll be just fine!

RV rig - how to choose the right RV for your family

Photo credit: Katie Fox @hiking.motherhood

Pro tips for choosing the right RV for your family

The Run Wild My Child team is filled with quite a few moms with significant RV camping experience. Tips and advice included below come from me, Leslie Alvis, Katie Fox (@hiking.motherhood), and Kathleen White (@faithboundfamilyadventures). Our team of experts weighed in with their tips on how to choose the right RV for your family. All of our experts are current or former full-time RV moms, with multiple kids that have traveled extensively in their RVs. Here’s what they had to say…

Rent an RV before you buy one

Pro tip from Kathleen: Honestly, if you’re an RV camping newbie, you won’t know exactly what you’ll want or need in an RV until you start RVing. When choosing an RV, there are so many factors to consider like family size, travel style, budget, RV type, etc. There’s no one right answer for your family, and if you’re just getting started, you may not know what you want, need, or will use.

I highly recommend trying a few different varieties and options of RVs before you commit to buying one. You can rent an RV from a local RV dealership/rental place or through a website like Outdoorsy. Outdoorsy lets you rent RVs directly from the owner (like VRBO for RVs!). You can search by RV type, price, location, size, and date available. They also provide 24-hour roadside service. Some will even deliver the RV directly to you! If you already own an RV, you can even list it on Outdoorsy for rent and earn extra income! 

Take an RV trip before purchasing to get a feel for your style and the amenities that you like and/or need. Maybe try a few different types of RVs. Once you figure out some of those things, you can determine the best option from there.  Start where you are with what you have, and you’ll figure it out as you go. 

Photo by Kathleen White @faithboundfamilyadventures

Set your budget and choose your non-negotiable features

Pro tip from Leslie: When it comes to choosing the right RV for your family, the decisions and options can be really overwhelming. I suggest starting by deciding on your budget and non-negotiables, then stick to them. For instance, our budget and non-negotiables were: (1) we weren’t willing to spend more than X amount of money on an RV, and (2) for full-time living, we had to have bunk beds for all our kids, not just convertible sleeping areas, (3) we needed a full kitchen. Once we knew exactly what we needed, we started looking and were able to find something used in our area that met all those requirements.

If you take your time in RV shopping, you will find something that meets your needs in your price range. Many used RVs are in great shape and much more affordable, so don’t be afraid to shop used. RV dealers have entire catalogs of used and new campers for sale in every region. If you’re willing to do your homework and know how to check over a camper for problems (or know someone who does), consider shopping private sellers through sources like Marketplace and Craigslist.

Pick an RV you have the ability to tow

Pro tip from Katie: This may sound like an obvious tip, but when you are out looking at travel trailer RVs at a dealership (or when the perfect RV pops up in Facebook marketplace), it is so easy to forget that you are actually limited to what your tow vehicle can safely tow. Not abiding by tow vehicle weight restrictions is a huge factor in RV-related accidents. Make sure to research what your vehicle can safely tow and search for RVs that meet this requirement. 

Some things to keep in mind regarding RV weight and towing

The dry weight of an RV (the weight of an RV as it is sold off the lot brand new), does not include the weight of water or waste in your tanks. It also does not include all of your camping gear, clothing, food, etc. And the amount your tow vehicle can safely tow also depends on how much weight is in the tow vehicle as well. In general terms, you must include all added weight to your tow vehicle (people, pets, car seats, bikes, etc.) and the weight of the RV and the gear inside it. 

Different types of RVs and how to choose the right RV for your family

Tip #2: Make RV camping reservations

Many campgrounds stay pretty busy during peak camping season (May through September). In order to be sure you have a place to stay when you reach your destination, you’ll want make reservations in advance! Making campground reservations for your RV is quick and easy to do online through the campground’s website. And one of the best ways to be guaranteed a good site is to make your reservations as early as possible.

Booking the best RV campsite locations

When we first started RV camping, we learned quickly that the best sites—the ones closest to the lake or river, the bathhouse, and the ones with the most space—get reserved earliest. Any RV park or campground we’ve ever stayed at has the best spots filled the whole time we’re there! There may be sites available for spur-of-the-moment camping trips, but they are often the least desirable ones. They may have less shade, be tighter to get into, or have less room between neighboring campsites. Sometimes this can lead to a slightly uncomfortable camping experience, and sometimes it’s just fine! We try not to let the campsite keep us from having a good time. Because even a less-desirable campsite is better than not camping at all! 

Size matters

The larger your RV rig is, the fewer options you will have when choosing an RV campsite. Our little pop-up can sneak into some non-electric camping sites, but a full-sized RV trailer is a lot more limited in its site options. When you go to the campgrounds’ website, you will enter your rig’s size. Then, they will show you the available campsites that meet your RV’s specifications. Some campgrounds have all the full-sized RVs lined up in rows; others spread them out more naturally among the trees.

Hookups and more

The campsite you choose should depend on what you’re looking for and need during your trip. An easy parking experience and full hookups are usually available, but you might not have as much shade or privacy. The good news is that a larger RV has its own creature comforts, such as a bathroom and air conditioning, so you aren’t quite as dependent on nature for comfort (or need easy access to campground bathrooms). If you want a more nature-oriented environment, you might have to look through a number of campground maps to get a feel for what is available, then make your reservations early.

RV campsite and how to set up your RV

Pro tips for making RV campsite reservations

Use Google Earth to scout your site

Pro tip from Leslie: When making RV campsite reservations, use the campground map alongside a Google Earth satellite image of your campground. The campground map gives you the location of each site and shows you its proximity to the other campsites and amenities. Some campgrounds will even show you a photo of your potential campsite from the road, but not all of them.

Google Earth satellite shows you what the actual natural surroundings look like. Are there trees on your campsite? How close is it to the road? Will you be able to walk down to that lake, or is it thick woods with a sharp drop-off down to the water? Depending on what season the satellite image was taken in, you may be able to get a pretty good idea of what your campsite really looks like.

Tales from a terrible campsite

One summer, during the busy family camping season, we made a desperate attempt to get away last minute. Every state park campground in our state was booked full, but we finally reserved one spot in the non-electric portion of a campground. It wasn’t far off the lake and seemed like it would work.

What we didn’t realize was that there was not a speck of shade on that entire campsite. It was 95 degrees each day that weekend, and our little pop-up camper was like an oven. The trees that ran between our campsite and the lake were dense woods full of poison ivy, the beach at the lake was suffering from a crazy algae bloom, and the weekend was very nearly a total disaster. We only salvaged that camping experience by packing our crew up and driving to one of the Great Lakes for the last day. Lesson learned: use Google Earth to make sure your campsite is actually a comfortable place to stay! Just because there’s a parking space on it doesn’t mean it’s where you want to spend the weekend.

Read campground reviews

Pro tip from Katie: If you have the time, browse campground reviews on sites like Campendium or even Google to see what others have said. Often people will complain about noise, sloped sites, crowded sites, etc. Or, they may share some positive things about the campground that you didn’t know. These reviews may reference certain campsites or be more general, but either way, they help you gather information about the campground to help you make an informed decision on when, where, and whether or not to book. 

Pro tip from Kathleen: RVing now is so different than when we first started a few years ago. The pandemic has pushed more people outside and camping (traditional and RV camping) are much more popular, so campgrounds are full. We used to book things on the fly and be okay. Now however, depending on where you’re going, you may need to book far in advance (and by far, I mean months). State parks are one of our favorites and often have more openings. Apps like Campnab can alert you when booked campgrounds have openings too! 

RV camping forest

Photo by Katie Fox @hiking.motherhood

Tip #3: Stocking your RV

Now that you have your RV and booked a campsite, here comes the fun part! You get to stock up your RV with every comfortable, fun, and convenient household item you like! There are so many benefits to vacationing in your home on wheels. If you’re planning to use your RV frequently, I highly suggest having some items that you keep in the camper, so it’s easier to just toss some clothes in a bag and go! 

Every parent knows that packing for a trip with kids can be stressful. Especially when you’re camping and bringing all your food and gear, it can feel like your packing list is never-ending. However, having your RV already stocked with towels, extra blankets, sleeping bags, and some basic kitchen items makes it so much easier!

Make stocking your RV affordable

It might sound like you need a lot, but you don’t have to run out and buy everything brand new. Getting your RV ready to go camping doesn’t have to break the bank! I stocked our camper with our older towels, some recently replaced pots and pans, and some extra food storage containers. We added a few old blankets from the back of the linen closet, along with the sleeping bags (which I store in the camper). I keep small containers of dish soap, hand soap, and items like ziplock and trash bags in a drawer. 

I thrifted some like-new plates for our camper so we could go through fewer single-use paper goods. I also up-cycled some glass jars for large drinking glasses and food storage. These simple and eco-friendly choices for our camper only cost a few dollars. Knowing that all those basic items are already packed and ready to go always make camping trips easier.

Pro tips for stocking your RV

Use different colored towels

Pro tip from Leslie: Use a different color bath towel for each member of your family. Unlike at home, where every member of the family probably has their own towel rod or hook in the bathroom, camper life is a bit more crowded. Towels end up anywhere and everywhere, or all mixed up on a clothesline. Having a different color for everyone makes towel ID a breeze. Stash a clothesline and clothes pins in one of your outdoor compartments to use for quick, easy towel drying on a daily basis. As a bonus, towels that are air- and sun-dried smell fresher longer, so you can go longer between washings!

Don’t be afraid to use real dishes

Pro tip from Katie: A lot of the time, people bring disposable dishes (like paper plates and plastic utensils) camping, and this continues in RV camping as well. It can be much easier to use disposable dishes, but it is far more cost-effective and eco-friendly to purchase plastic or sturdy dish sets or use something you already own. Yes, you will have to wash the dishes regularly. Yes, it may seem lame to do this while on vacation. But, having RV or camping-only dishes saves you a ton of money and makes prepping for a trip so simple. The dishes are already in place and ready to go. Target has BPA-free plastic plates, bowls, and cups that are perfect for camping gear and a great addition to your RV checklist. 

RV bedroom

Photo by Kathleen White @faithboundfamilyadventures

Tip #4: Understanding the tanks in your RV

Perhaps the biggest learning curve to RV camping is dealing with the tanks. Freshwater, gray water, black water—these tanks become the foundation for your daily water usage. Gray tank= sink water and shower water. Black tank= all other waste. Knowing how much each tank holds and how to empty and/or fill them is a vital part of RVing.

I certainly never wanted to know so much about waste water! But, once you understand your tanks and get used to taking care of them, it becomes second nature. If you’re camping with full hookups, you don’t have to worry too much about how much fresh water you use. This is great for long trips. But, it is important to realize that what goes into your waste tanks must be emptied! So, if you don’t want to empty your tanks until you’re done with your stay, you may have to be conservative with your water usage. This really depends on how many people are in your family. Our family of 6 can go through a fair amount of water on a daily basis, even if we’re being careful.

Different parks have different hookup methods

Some RV parks provide wastewater hookups at each campsite, which makes all of this easy! You hook up your hoses, and you’re good to go. All the state parks that we’ve camped at just offer dump stations, where you can empty your tanks as you leave. Or, if you want, you can hook everything up and drive over to dump your tanks mid-stay. But, that’s a bit of a hassle – once you’re parked, it’s nice to be able to stay put. Some people carry portable waste tanks that they empty their tanks into and haul over to the dump station. Other campers use water very conservatively and use the park bathrooms as much as possible to avoid having to empty their tanks during their stay.

A side note about those tank sensors

As a side note, tank sensors are notorious for going bad in an RV. Much like driving a vehicle without a working fuel gauge, it’s entirely possible to live without them. But, you’d better have some idea of the amount of water you’re using and the state of your water storage system. Currently, none of the sensors in our RV work, which means we need to keep track of our water usage, so we don’t run out of water mid-shower or discover the bathtub full of gray water. (But who are we kidding? The bathtub gets used as an overflow tank fairly often. It’s just better if it doesn’t happen while all the dirty laundry is piled in it!)

Once you’ve been RV camping for a while, you get a rough idea of how much water your family uses and how long it takes to empty/fill the tanks. Or…just replace the sensors!

RV living

Photo by Kathleen White @faithboundfamilyadventures

Pro tips about RV tanks

Know your black tank info

The black tank absolutely must have liquid in it to function. I know, you really don’t want to think about it. (I didn’t, either!) But what goes in, must flow back out. For the toilet waste to decompose and drain properly, you must start with 5 gallons of water in the black tank. We learned this lesson the very, very hard way. So just trust me and add the water.

Even if you’re boondocking and trying to conserve water, the black tank is not where you want to skimp on water usage. Pour in the five gallons of water. Then add these easy treatment pods to eliminate odors, or else dissolve 1 cup of borax into a gallon of hot water and add 1 cup Dawn dish soap. Either treatment helps with odor control.

Also, make sure to use RV toilet paper or a readily-dissolving toilet paper. These tricks will keep everything working the way it’s supposed to, so you can go have fun and not have to worry about unclogging a very nasty mess!

Conserve water while washing dishes

Camping in an RV often lends folks to use sinks and showers/bathtubs like they do at home. And if you have full hookups (power, water, and sewer), you can absolutely use water the same way you do at home. But, if you do not have a sewer hookup or if you are using water from your freshwater tanks, you need to use a lot less water than you do at home. 

One tip to help with dishes is to have a dish tub that fits in your sink and fill it 1/4 of the way with warm soapy water. Use this water to wet and wash your dishes and then rinse them with a low trickle of water right above the tub. The clean soapy water goes into your dish tub and fills it slowly, giving you more and more water to wash with after each dish. It also gives you a visual of how much water you are using, which helps you get better at using less. You can either dump this in your sink where it will go to the grey tank, into your black tank (if you need to add more water into it), or you can take it to the campground wastewater disposal site. 

Tip #5: Meal planning for RV camping

One of the economic benefits of traveling by RV is that you can easily meal plan ahead of time and then prepare meals for your family, right there in your camper. Even our tiny pop-up has a sink, a little fridge, and an indoor/outdoor two-burner propane stovetop. Full-sized RV’s have very functional kitchenettes that include ovens and microwaves. The convenience of an RV kitchen on a road trip gives you a lot more flexibility (and affordability) with meals than eating out or cooking strictly over a campfire. And it’s not weather-dependent, either! A lot of RV’s have an outside propane burner for outside cooking, but you can also cook in the camper whenever the weather is bad.

But, planning and packing for all your meals when camping can feel a little overwhelming. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be! My number 1 camping meal planning tip is to keep it simple. Stock your fridge and cupboard with basic condiments and seasonings that you will use for multiple meals. Both prep and storage space in a camper are limited. Think of some of your family’s favorite easy meals that call for few ingredients.

Don’t be afraid to use some convenience foods, even if you normally cook from scratch. This is supposed to be a fun time for you, too! You don’t want to spend the whole time camping cooking. When we go camping, we like to include “fun” foods that we don’t normally eat at home. The way I figure it, we’re still saving a ton of money and eating healthier than if we were eating out. The kids are thrilled, and it helps keeps meals fun and easy.

Pro tips for cooking when RV camping

Use cast iron

Bring a cast-iron skillet or dutch oven that you can use in the oven, on the stove, or over a campfire. Cast iron is incredibly versatile! It’s worth the extra weight because it’s just so useful in all kinds of camping cooking. I can use my cast iron for baking biscuits in the oven, cooking eggs over the campfire for breakfast, making macaroni and cheese on the stovetop, and baking a pizza for supper. Fun and easy food for a whole day, all in one dutch oven.

Tip #6: RV packing list, storage, and organization

Once your RV is packed with your basic kitchen and household essentials, it makes packing everything else so much easier! You just have to consider clothes, personal items (soap, shampoo, medications, etc.), gear for activities, and food items. One great thing about RV camping is that it’s so easy to pack everything up inside! Similar to car camping, you’re not limited by space. You’ve got room to stow everything you want or need — just make sure it’s securely packed for traveling.

I like to pack food items up in small plastic totes. I fill one with breakfast and snack foods, one with non-perishable ingredients, and one with kitchen supplies I’m bringing from my home kitchen. These fit right into the cupboard, and they’re out of the way while we travel.

Make a list of the outdoor activities you’re planning and the gear you need for them. Warm weather activities will be different (and need different gear) than outdoor winter activities. The outdoor storage compartments on an RV are a great place to store outdoor gear. Hiking gear, baby carriers/strollers, colder weather clothing, life vests, swimsuits, and extra gear can all be stashed away in the outside storage areas. They’re out of the way of your immediate living quarters but handy to reach when you need them.

RV campground lifePhoto by Katie Fox @hiking.motherhood

Pro tips for packing your RV 

Use stacking plastic drawers

For packing clothes, use stackable plastic drawers that work with your small space. These fit right into most bedroom cabinets/closets and make packing and keeping clothes organized so easy. No suitcases or duffel bags piled on the floor or beds! Give each person 1-2 drawers (based on how much space you have), and voila! Clothes are packed. Even in a pop-up camper, which doesn’t have as much cabinet space, plastic drawers or packing cubes are a great solution to the chaos of having multiple people’s clothes/bags lying around.

Entertainment for the kids on rainy days

Another RV packing list you should definitely make is for rainy day games and easy activities to do close to the RV. Let’s face it: everyone who camps knows that sometimes the weather will NOT cooperate! And sometimes, you just need something to keep the kids occupied at the nearby picnic table while you’re busy. By planning ahead, you can have an entire collection of fun activities for everyone to do in or near the RV while the rain pours down outside. I like to pack a tote just for this with things the whole family can play together. I include some favorite board games, coloring books, crayons, play dough, cards, and some special toys or crafts from the dollar store. The very novelty of having a bin full of games that don’t come out unless it rains adds a certain allure to some very ordinary and familiar items.

Family camping checklist

Every family’s packing list will be different based on when and where you’re camping, the ages of your kids, the weather, the amenities, your comfort level, your camping experience/skill, and tons of other factors. I highly recommend you start with our family camping gear checklist as inspiration, but make your own master copy of your camping packing list and update it with your family camping essentials every time you go camping. Keep track of all the items you have packed and stored in the RV already, then add your clothing items and other camping gear.

Your camping packing checklist will change quite a bit over the years as you think of things that would make camping better, as your kids grow, as the seasons change, and as you get more comfortable camping. Making your own list will trigger your brain to remember things that may be important to your family. When packing, make sure to check each item off your list as you pack and then double-check your camping checklists (just in case you got distracted when packing) so you don’t forget any important items.

Tip #7: RV must-have items

RV camping is so flexible that there aren’t too many things you absolutely have to have, but we’ve found a few items that are invaluable for making your RV camping experience fun and easy.  Here are a few of our RV must-have product recommendations to add to your RV essentials checklist: 

Command hooks: You can use these anywhere and everywhere. From hanging clothes and bags to kitchen utensils, to towels and shower items, we’ve stuck them all over the camper and use them constantly! The best part is that they cause no damage to the wall and can be removed entirely when you’re finished!

Stick vacuum: No one really wants to clean while you’re on vacation. But camping with kids = messes, no matter how you do it. Whether you’re at the lake or in the woods, you’re sure to find your floor covered with sand, dirt, leaves, and (of course) crumbs. Our cordless stick vacuum is an absolute lifesaver. It’s small enough to fit into a side compartment and useful enough to make it worth the space it takes up! With one easy tool, I can sweep the linoleum floors, the rugs, and the carpet, and get the edges of the room with the wand. The floor goes from gritty and disgusting to clean in just a few minutes.

Stainless steel cups: Lightweight, unbreakable, and stackable, these cups solved our drinking cup problem and are a great addition to any camp kitchen. I wanted something reusable and plastic-free that would hold up to indoor-outdoor camping life and also stack to save cupboard space. These cups have been perfect! Even better, you can write names on them with a permanent marker so the kids can use the same cup all day long, reducing dishwashing and water usage.

First aid kit: The more time you spend outside with your kids, the more likely we all are to encounter some sticky situations. Cuts, scrapes, burns, and bruises can happen. Even when we’re being careful. A first aid kit is an essential item for your RV, as well as anytime you’re out adventuring with kids. 

Duct tape: You won’t believe how many uses you’ll find for duct tape. From patching holes to hanging items, repairing rips and sealing seams, duct tape is a super versatile tool that every RV owner should have on hand.  

Magnetic knife strip: This is a great way to keep your sharp knives off the counter, out of the way of small fingers, and still easily accessible! Ours has been invaluable for handy knife storage. The only thing is that you might want to tuck the knives into a drawer on travel days. 

Photo by Katie Fox @hiking.motherhood

RV camping with kids

RV camping and RV travel with kids can sound overwhelming when you’re first getting started, but it’s worth it. I hope this post has made the process a bit more manageable so you know what you’re getting into. Whether you’re hitting the road full-time in your RV or just heading out for a long weekend in your pop-up, I know you’ll have a great time making lifelong memories with your children. The learning curve isn’t nearly as steep as you might think – just remember that the most important thing in RV life is to have fun! 

About the author

Leslie is an Ohio farm girl and chaser of light, children, and sometimes chickens. She’s a lover of Jesus, wife to her high school sweetheart, and a homeschooling mom of four wild rascals who love the great outdoors as much as she does. As a family, they love hiking, camping, fishing, and just about any outdoor activity. She and her husband are just beginning the process of building a homestead from the ground up, doing most of the work themselves. Leslie has a lifelong obsession with writing and capturing everyday life from behind the lens. Follow along with their homesteading, homeschooling, and everyday adventures on her Instagram account.

You can find more from Leslie in the following locations:
Instagram: @c_l_allofus
Leslie’s RWMC posts: Leslie Alvis

The post RV Camping with Kids: Tips for Success from Full-Time RV Moms appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Ultimate Camping Gear List for Families Fri, 26 Aug 2022 19:45:08 +0000 Packing for a camping trip with the family sounds a bit overwhelming and intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be! Today, Lissy Perna, Cape Cod mom of 2, put together this ultimate family camping gear checklist to help make packing for your next trip quick and easy! She covers everything from the camping essentials to all those little items that are easy to overlook. This printable camping gear packing list for your family is organized...

The post Ultimate Camping Gear List for Families appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

Packing for a camping trip with the family sounds a bit overwhelming and intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be! Today, Lissy Perna, Cape Cod mom of 2, put together this ultimate family camping gear checklist to help make packing for your next trip quick and easy! She covers everything from the camping essentials to all those little items that are easy to overlook. This printable camping gear packing list for your family is organized by categories and filled with exactly what families need. It’s a great starting point for making your own checklist with absolutely everything you need to make your camping trip a success! We’ve also included some additional resources on finding affordable camping gear, what you specifically need with camping with babies and toddlers (or if you’re bringing your dog), plus tips on how to properly store your camping gear, and more! 

*This post contains affiliate links.

Ultimate camping gear list for families

Is a camping trip with your family on your summer bucket list? Are you planning to visit one of the national parks or even just a small-town campground? Camping is an amazing outdoor experience for the whole family and totally worth all the work. (Yes, it’s work.) It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you start thinking about everything you need to bring when camping with kids. But don’t worry, we’re here to help!

Let this post filled with family camping essentials and our downloadable ultimate family camping gear list be your guide! Whether you’re a camping expert or a camping newbie, having a list is a great way to stay organized and not forget any important items and start making some family memories! We’ll help you get started making your family camping packing list with everything you need to have a fun and well-stocked experience! 

Photo credit: @roaminggonzalez

Before you pack, do your research

The first thing to do before you ever start packing is to research your campground/campsite and make yourself familiar with what’s there and what’s available. Campgrounds can vary widely in the amenities that they offer. Basic amenities at most established campgrounds include bathrooms, showers, picnic tables, water spigots, trash/recycling, and firepits. Beyond that, you may also find campgrounds with playgrounds, splash parks, stores, restaurants, bike/boat rentals, hammock hook-ups, ice makers, electricity, hot tubs, movie nights, zip lines, laundry, wifi, swimming pools, nature crafts, yoga classes, and so much more! 

Check to see if your local campground has information online about the layout of your specific campsite so that you can see how much space you’ll have and what is already there. For example, some campgrounds have water access, a fire pit, a picnic table, and electricity! Some sites have none of the above, so you’d be “roughing it” and will need to bring more in order to be best prepared. Either way, you’ll still need to bring various items for a successful trip. 

everything you need to pack when camping with kids Photo credit: @wildstokefam

How to acquire your camping gear affordably

Camping gear can be expensive, so it’s worth trying to find your items below retail price. Gently used equipment can be just as good as brand new at a fraction of the cost. Whatever works for your family’s budget and needs is the best option. Here are some ways to save money while still acquiring everything you need:

  • Check your local “buy nothing” or yardsale sites on Facebook. 
  • Look for camping gear rental services near you; by renting, you can test a product to see if you like it before taking the plunge on a purchase. 
  • Buy in the off-season or during big sales; prices are sometimes better.
  • Borrow from friends.
  • Ask for camping gear as gifts from family or friends for holidays or birthdays.
  • Check thrift stores; this is where we found our cooler & camp chairs.
  • You local “dollar store” should have inexpensive utensils, tablecloths, flashlights, and snacks.

Camp packing tip: make your own list

Every family’s packing list will be different based on when and where you’re camping, the ages of your kids, the weather, the amenities, your comfort level, your camping experience/skill, and tons of other factors. We’ve done our best to provide you with a family packing camping list that you can use as a starter to make your own. We’ve  included all the basics, but we’ve also added a ton of optional items you may (or may not) want to bring. You don’t need to bring everything! Camping is all about the simple life, so just bring what you need to feel comfortable.

We highly recommend you start with our list as inspiration, but make your own master copy of your packing list and update it every time you go camping. It’ll change quite a bit over the years as you think of things that would make camping better, as your kids grow, as the seasons change, and as you get more comfortable camping. Making your own list will trigger your brain to remember things that may be important to your family. When packing, make sure to check each item off your list as you pack and then double-check (just in case you got distracted when packing).

ultimate printable family camping checklist

Camping gear for babies and toddlers

Any age child is old enough to go camping. However, as parents, we know that babies and toddlers tend to be more high-needs than elementary-aged kids and above, and that goes for the camping gear we need to bring too! Whether this is your baby’s first camping trip, or 10th, there are some specific items that you may want to bring for your babies and/or toddlers while camping. Here are a few of our top recommendations:

  • Pack and play – This can be a safe spot for your child to play in outside at the campground and can also serve as a bed inside your tent.
  • Outdoor gate – An adjustable play gate can allow your child to play safely on the ground while still being enclosed within a safe area. 
  • High chair – If your baby or toddler is used to eating in the same high chair daily, you may consider bringing it. This will make mealtime easier for everyone!
  • Kid carrier – A hiking backpack or carrying sling can be helpful, especially when you go on adventures. 
  • Sound machine – If your campsite has electricity, a sound machine can be helpful to drown out the extra noise during nap time or at night. 
  • Stroller – Besides being a great way to transport your little one, a stroller can also help carry gear.
  • Comfort items – If your child is used to sleeping with a special baby, stuffy, toy, or blanket, be sure to bring it! 

What to bring when camping with dogs

Dogs love to camp! If you can take them, camping can be a great experience for your family and your pup! Here are some things to remember if you’re bringing your canine friend along for the adventure:

  • Dog bed – If your dog is used to sleeping on a bed every night, don’t leave it at home! You want them to feel comfortable while camping and have a place to rest during the day.
  • Leash and dog lead – Even if your dog is the “goodest-boy ever” you still want to have a leash and even a dog run for your campsite. This is for your dog’s safety as much as anyone else’s.
  • Dog food – You’d think this would be a given, but sometimes, I forget it if it isn’t on a list!
  • Dog bowl – Always keep a bowl of fresh water out for your pup, especially in hot weather.
  • Outdoor dog pen – Sort of like a playpen for dogs, this small but helpful pen will keep your dog contained. 

Camping gear you actually need

There’s a lot of gear you can take with you when you go camping. However, you don’t always need all that stuff. If this is your first time camping with kids, you’ll probably significantly overpack, and we’re here to tell you that’s ok! We know that sometimes having everything you just “might” need with you means that you’ll feel more confident going. And if that’s the case and gets you out the door, by all means, pack away! 

However, with a little experience, you’ll quickly realize that you don’t need nearly as much stuff for an overnight camping trip as you might think. And actually, the less
stuff you have, the easier it is to get out of the house, and the more creative and resourceful you (and your kids) will learn to be. But again, that takes time (something to look forward to, right?).

For now, we’ll go over the basics of what you need and give you plenty of suggestions for optional items you can also bring to make camping more comfortable and help you feel more prepared.

camping gear packing list for families with kidsPhoto credit: @kristcx

Basic camping gear list

Let’s start with the basics of traditional tent camping. Here’s what you will need most of these items for even a bare-bones camping trip. 


You’ll want to be sure you have a tent that is the appropriate size for your family. Tents run on the small side – the number of people that your tent says it’ll hold is only that, leaving you no extra room for gear, luggage, mattresses, spreading out, etc. We recommend upsizing when possible. For example, we have an 8-10 person-sized tent for our family of 4. Having room to move around inside the tent and our sleeping space is key. Also, make sure your tent has a rainfly for protection from the elements. You can leave it off for extra fresh air when it’s not raining.

Here’s a great post on the best way to choose the right tent for your family and our top family tent recommendations.

Tarp or footprint

This item is to lay underneath your tent as a moisture barrier and protect against abrasions and punctures. Not all tents come with a footprint included, so this is something that you may need to find or purchase separately. Make sure the footprint is a bit smaller (up to 2 inches smaller) than the outline of your tent. This may sound counterintuitive, but if the tarp/footprint extends out from under the tent edge or is the same size, it can cause water to pool between the footprint and your tent floor in the rain. 

Sleeping bags 

Sleeping under the stars is always a great idea, unless you can’t get comfortable and stay warm. One key element to this issue is a well-fitting, cozy sleeping bag. For kids, a bag like the Kids Kelty Mistral that keeps kids toasty in temperatures below 40-degrees, is a great investment. For the smaller ones, a sleeping sack/bag made for babies, like this one from Morrison Outdoors, might be just the right fit. If you’re camping in the summer, it may be enough to just bring extra blankets and sheets and sleep on top of your sleeping bag. 

Sleeping pad or cot

Every good camping sleep system also includes a sleeping mat or a cot. Mats are a great option because you can buy them a little big to last a longer. A self-inflating sleeping pad like the REI Kindercamp is nice and worth the extra cost because the kids can help set up their own sleeping spot and you don’t need to bring an additional air pump. If you want something bigger (for multiple kids or kids plus an adult, we love the REI Co-op Camp Dreamer Double Self-Inflating Deluxe Bed. If you’re looking for something that gets your little one off the ground, or if you have multiple kids and are tight on space, check out the Kid-O-Bunk bunk bed cots.

Photo credit: @coleyraeh

Illumination – headlamps, flashlights, lanterns

You’ll want to be able to see in the dark when camping. Headlamps offer a perfect hands-free illumination option. Once placed on the head your kid can freely move about without worrying about dropping something or shining it in the right place. We love these high-quality adjustable Petzl Tikka headlamps. Flashlights are a classic option and come in so many fun colors and sizes. Small flashlights like these EverBrite Flashlights come in multiple packs for the whole family. If you’re looking for something a bit more substantial, these LED tactical flashlights are bright, rechargeable, magnetic, and waterproof. Lanterns come in all shapes and are made from a variety of materials. One style to consider is an ultra-lightweight inflatable lantern like these LuminAid lanterns, that can also charge your phone! 

Rain shelter

A rain shelter is a great way to provide sun and rain protection over any area of your campsite. Sometimes these are called easy-up tents or pop-up shelters. We put one up over our kitchen space, so I have shade and rain protection to prepare meals. A rain shelter isn’t 100% necessary every time we go camping, but it’s a blessing if we’re expecting any rain or need some additional shade for little ones. It’s also an excellent purchase for picnics, ballgames, tailgating, and other events.

Outdoor/indoor rug

An easy-to-clean outdoor/indoor rug or small carpet is an excellent addition to your campsite. Set it right outside the entryway into your tent to minimize dirt, leaves, debris, mud, and sand tracked into your tent. It can quickly be swept or hosed off to clean. The last thing you want to feel when you slip into your sleeping bag is dirt or sand. 

best tips and advice for camping with kidsPhoto credit: @kristcx

Trash receptacle

A trash can/barrel is a must-have for any campsite. Sometimes campgrounds will provide these for you, but not always. We have one where the lid clicks closed so no raccoons, squirrel, or skunks can get it. However, if you have bears in your area, you might want to avoid keeping any trash on your site if possible. Be sure to check your campground’s local rules and regulations regarding trash storage and disposal. 

Camp table

Some campsites have picnic tables available at every site to provide a space for eating, cooking, playing games, etc. If yours does, that’s great! However, if it doesn’t, you’ll want to consider bringing one. I suggest a collapsable lightweight table crafted for outdoor use. 

Camp chairs

Collapsible, comfortable, lightweight, waterproof chairs are the best for camping. Some models have cup holders, headrests, or overhead shades. Pick one that suits your needs! We also recommend small camping chairs for little kids. A chair that’s just the right size like this  Coleman Kids Chair is a great option. (Although that’s not to say they still won’t steal your chair!) It’ll give them a safe (and just the right size) place to sit around the fire and feel like part of the group. 

camping supplies and gear for families

Camp kitchen gear & essentials

Your camp kitchen gear essentials will depend a lot on the type of food that you’ll bring with you and how you want to cook it. If you do all your meal prep ahead of time or like cooking directly on an open fire, you may need less gear than if you were planning to prep, assemble, and cook your meals onsite. Before you start making your kitchen gear list, consider the food, snacks and meals that you’ll be eating (and how many of them), and then come up with a list of kitchen items that you’ll need (step-by-step ) when making and cooking the food.

When planning your meals, you’ll want to be sure to pick your  “hot” meals around the type of heat source you’ll have available at your campsite. You’ll probably have easy access to a campfire. Cooking over a  campfire isn’t hard, but you may need a few basic items to be most efficient, such as an over-fire grill grate. Another option is a portable camp stove. Some campsites may have charcoal grills for you to use, and in that case, you’ll need to bring your own charcoal. 

Stove or grill

If you’d like to eat a hot meal while camping, you’ll need something to help you cook your food. As mentioned above, some campsites have fire pits perfect for over-the-fire cooking. If you’re cooking directly on a flame, consider a grill grate or some roasting sticks or pie irons. However, you might also want to bring a small grill or cooktop. This will allow you to cook nearly anything without needing a steady fire going (and can be used in the rain). 

Wash bins, dish soap & sponge

Plastic or metal wash bins for holding and cleaning dirty dishes are a must-have. Finding nesting bins is a space saver; one can be used to wash, while the other can be used to rinse. Make sure your soap won’t harm the local wildlife – many campgrounds require use of biodegradable soap. Also, check with your local campsite regarding how to properly dispose of all food scraps, and any special areas to dispose of grey water (used dish washing water). 


While not essential, a  plastic tablecloth with fabric backing is great for use on a picnic table. This allows for super easy cleanup and splinter prevention!

camp cooking and camp kitchen family packing listPhoto credit: @coleyraeh

Pots and pans

If you’ll be camping at an established campsite near your vehicle (as opposed to hiking in to a backcountry campsite with only the stuff you can carry), you’re not limited on space for the kitchen cookware you bring. Full-sized pots, pans, knives, utensils, and the cast iron skill from your home kitchen will work great! No need to buy specialty camping cookware. Depending on what you’re cooking and how (size of cooking surface), bring the appropriate size. 

Pot holders, dish towels, wash rags, and cloth napkins

Choose something you don’t mind getting dirty. Second-hand shops are the place to look for these items that you can put into your camping kitchen storage and use exclusively for this purpose. 

Plates, cups, utensils

Sturdy plastic is a good choice for these items. You can use paper or plastic for convenience, but if you can choose something more sustainable and reusable, the better. Again, you can find inexpensive ones at the dollar store. 

Cutting board & sharp knife

If you’ll need to chop veggies, cut meat or slice anything for your meals, bring a sturdy cutting board and a sharp knife. Remember to keep the knife in a sealable container or with a sheath on it when not in use for safety. 


The number and type of coolers you bring camping will depend on how much (and what) you bring for food. A basic cooler with ice packs is essential for keeping perishable food and drinks cold. We usually use the reusable ice blocks from Yeti in a Yeti cooler for our food. That keeps the ice from melting and having your food swimming around in melted ice water. We do use regular ice for keeping drinks cold. And if we need ice for drinks, we’ll bring a separate special cooler for that. 

Photo credit: @kristcx

Water dispenser

Instead of using single-use plastic water bottles, we opted for a 5-gallon water dispenser on our camp table. This is not only for easy water storage, but the kids can refill their water bottles independently as needed. We can also use this water for cooking, brushing teeth, washing hands, etc. as needed. Depending on the length of your tip and access to water, you can bring your own water from home or fill it at the campsite. 

Paper towels/napkins

A roll of disposable paper towels is always a good idea for quick and easy clean-up. However, if you want to cut down on your waste, consider bringing tea towels or clothing napkins. The soiled towels get thrown into the laundry bag after use and reused for each trip. 

Tin foil

Tin foil has a number of uses and is so helpful and handy to have when cooking at the campsite. Foil can be used for both cooking or food storage. We like to make tin foil meal packets to cook on the grill or directly in the camp fire for easy dish-free clean up. 

Cooking utensils

Think about the food you’ll be cooking and consider what utensils you’ll need for cooking. A mixing spoon, spatula, tongs, and measuring cups are all basic needs for a camping trip. You may also need some specialty utensils like a can opener, wine key, whisk, or strainer for cooking some items. 

Refillable water bottles

These can be used in conjunction with your water dispenser to cut down on the amount of waste and plastic you’re using on your camping trip. Be sure to stay hydrated when camping, and bring your water with you on every adventure. 

Coffee pot/french press

It’s a proven fact that coffee tastes better when camping! And after a possibly long night, you may need some extra java in the morning. If you’re camping at a site that has an electrical plug in there’s no rule that says you can’t bring your coffee pot from home! This way, you’re sure to have coffee made just the way you like it, and plenty of it. Be sure to bring an extension cord to stretch where you need it to in your campsite. Don’t forget your coffee grounds and filters (or k-cups, or whatever you use). If you don’t have electricity, consider a french press coffee maker or a pour-over method. 

Camping food items to pack

Of course, you can bring whatever food you’d like, but here are some typical camping foods that are easy to bring, store, make and eat to add to your camping gear list! There’s no need for fancy meals when you’re camping. Just be sure to bring enough food! And be prepared for it to taste great, because everything tastes better when you’re camping!  

  • Eggs 
  • Bacon or sausage
  • Bread
  • English muffins
  • Deli meat 
  • Peanut butter
  • Jelly
  • Hot dogs
  • Hamburgers
  • Chicken breasts
  • Fish fillets
  • Rice 
  • Potatoes
  • Veggies 
  • Fruit
  • Protein bars
  • Pretzels
  • Trail mix
  • S’mores fixings – chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers
  • Gatorade or a similar hydrating drink
  • Salt & pepper
  • Seasonings & spices
  • Condiments
  • Cooking spray
  • Coffee & filters

Personal care items

Just because you’re out in the wild doesn’t mean you must stop taking care of yourself. So here’s a list of personal care items to add to your camping gear list. Remember that a standard first aid kit might include some of these items. 

  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • Floss
  • Shampoo & conditioner
  • Soap
  • Medications
  • Vitamins
  • OTC pain relievers
  • Bug spray
  • Sunscreen
  • Lotion
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Burn relief cream
  • Thermometer
  • Moleskin for blisters
  • Band-aids/bandages
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Hairbrush
  • Deodorant
  • Contact lens solution
  • Feminine products
  • Bath towels & face cloths
  • Razor
  • Toilet paper (depending on your campsite set-up)
  • Diapers, wipes, pull-ups if needed

Photo credit: @kristcx

Clothing for your camping gear list

Depending on the season and where you are camping, you will want to bring different clothing items for you and everyone in your family. What you transport your clothes in is up to you! We used a clear tote that we kept in the car. It was easy to transport and didn’t take up much room. Other options include a suitcase, duffel bags, backpacks, re-purposed laundry bags, or a laundry basket. For adults and teenagers, one change of clothes or a shirt and pants/shorts for each day should suffice. However, kids tend to get dirty quickly when camping (especially if there’s water around), so consider bringing two outfits for each day for the younger kids and babies. But, also know that a little dirt won’t hurt and wearing dirty clothes when camping isn’t the end of the world!

Here are some clothing items for your camping trip that you may consider packing:

Base layers

Merino wool base layers are fantastic options for almost every season. The wool is lightweight, not scratchy, and warm. Woold pieces can be used alone on warmer days or can add a much-needed layer of comfort on those chilly winter escapades. One of our favorite brands that makes beautiful, soft layers is NUI Organics. We love their collection of soft merino wool, which comes in a variety of beautiful solid gender-neutral colors (so they can be passed down kid to kid). This company, in particular, is great because they carry layers for the entire family (adults included). 

Check out our post on the Best Merino Wool Layers for Kids for a comprehensive list of the best wool brands, clothing options, and price points. 

Socks & underwear

I might be the wrong person to ask this question because my formula for the number of pairs of underwear to bring on a trip goes like this. # of days you are gone X 3 = # pairs of underwear to bring. Is this too much? ALWAYS! But I’d rather be overprepared in this department. The same goes for socks, and wool is always a good option. Our favorite brands are Smartwool and Bombas. 

Rain gear

No matter the weather forecast, I would recommend bringing rain gear with you. A rain jacket for every family member, or even better, rain suits! The REI Co-op Rainwall Jacket and Rainwall Pants are great options for a two-piece set. For the younger kids, full-body rain suits are a great choice because there is little to no worry about their underlayers getting wet when the weather turns. Our longtime favorite rain suit for everyday wet adventures has been the Oaki trail suit, but we also really love the Polarn O. Pyret Rain Shell with interior fleece-lining for colder rainy day adventures. 

camping gear list for familyPhoto credit: @kristcx

Swim suits

If you’re camping during the spring and summer, don’t forget to bring a swimsuit. If you’re lucky, your campground will include a body of water suitable for swimming. We like rashguards for the kids because it adds an extra layer of protection from the sun and bugs. 

Gloves & hats

If it’ll be cold, bring a warm hat for each family member and warm waterproof gloves in the winter. If it’s sunny out, consider bringing a wide-brimmed hat for sun protection during the rest of the year. Check out our full gear review post for a breakdown of the best kids’ gloves and mittens for outdoor play


Remember that the temperature can vary significantly from day to night, and you are less protected from the elements while sleeping outside. Most of the time, your wool layers can double as pajamas or serve as your base layer (underneath clothes) to keep you and the kids extra toasty warm on cold nights or when camping in cooler temperatures. Light weight layers will help keep kids cool when camping in the hot summer months.  


Bringing an extra pair of shoes for each family member is a good idea. In the winter, be sure to bring your warm boots. In the summer, a sturdy pair of sandals is a good idea. If you’re planning on doing some hiking, biking or creeking, remember to bring your best shoes for that activity. Also, a pair of shower shoes or flip-flops if you’ll be using a public shower while camping. 


You’ll be spending a lot of time outdoors; let’s protect those eyes! A polarized pair will give you a clearer view too! For little kids, we love these Babiator sunglasses that come in 2 styles (the Navigator UV and the Aviator) and a variety of colors. Frames are made from rubber, making them strong and flexible, shock and impact resistant.

Laundry bag

Don’t forget something to hold all of your dirty clothes. A large laundry bag with a drawstring top works well for us. In a pinch, you can also use a trash bag or designate one empty duffle bag or suitcase to hold all the dirty laundry. 

tips for camping with babieseverything you need to pack to go camping with kids

Campsite fun

Camping with your family should be a fun experience, and while being out in nature is a form of entertainment all on its own, sometimes you need a few other ideas of things to do or bring from home to help the play. There are a ton of fun activities you can play around the campfire and inside a camping tent to make your camping experience a memorable one. Here are some suggestions for games and enjoyment you can bring along with you. 


Walkie-talkies are perhaps one of the best outdoor toys you can purchase for your kids! Not only are they fun to use and can be a catalyst for hours of imaginative play, but they are also a helpful device for keeping track of our busy independent kids when they’re out exploring or running around the campsite. These Topsung rechargeable walkie-talkies are great because they are long-range and come in packs of two or three.


My binoculars go with me on every outdoor adventure, so this is on my essentials list. But, if you aren’t a birder like I am, you might want to think about bringing a pair of binoculars to get an up-close look at some of the natural wonders you might find. A good pair of high-resolution, waterproof binoculars like these Occer compact binoculars will make sure your kids don’t miss a thing (but they also won’t break the bank). 

Field guides

Bringing a field guide relevant to the area you are visiting will be a great way to engage your kids in their environment. We all know about the fantastic apps for identifying plants, birds, and even bugs, but a good old-fashioned guidebook is an unplugged version perfect for your camping trip. 

how to make a camping packing list for your family


Hopefully, you will do some relaxing on your trip, and what’s better than sitting down with a good book? Scroll down below for some great kids camping books for kids. 


Bubbles, chalk, jump ropes, frisbee, card games like UNO or Skip-Bo, activity books, board games, sketch pads, fishing gear, and bicycles with helmets are all options for your family to bring for some entertainment.

Outdoor string lights

Solar powered string lights can add extra light and ambiance to your tent or even your whole campsite. They make your whole campsite feel a bit more magical!

Bluetooth speaker

Bring a waterproof Bluetooth speaker with you if you want to listen to some music while camping. 


These are not necessary unless this is your chosen method for sleeping, but they can be fun and relaxing. Many kinds are easy to pack away and lightweight while still sturdy. A hammock can easily provide my kids with hours of fun and entertainment. If your kids are anything like mine, a hammock can become a swing, a fort, or the perfect spot to ask mom for a gazillionth snack. Whatever way your kids prefer to make use of this classic camp item, you can’t go wrong with something like the ENO SingleNest Hammock.

camping gear list for familyPhoto credit: @coleyraeh

Helpful extras to add to your camping gear list

  • Trash bags
  • Ziplock/stasher bags
  • Duct tape
  • Zipties
  • Batteries
  • Toolkit
  • Portable potty
  • Waterproofing spray
  • Backpacks for day hikes or adventures
  • Cash for the camp store
  • Clothespins and a clothesline (we used this one, but a rope works well too!)
  • Phone chargers
  • Broom
  • Camera
  • Utility gloves
  • Hatchet/saw
  • Beach blanket
  • Extension cord
  • Koozies
  • Tent repair kit
  • Extra tent stakes
  • Rubber mallet
  • Fly swatterhow to properly store your camping gear

How to store your camping gear

Now that you’ve got a good grasp on everything you may ever need to bring with you when camping, what do you do with all that gear after your epic camping trip with your family? Make your life easier by staying organized for your next camping trip, with a few of these solutions. 

Clear bins

Clear bins work really well for storing camping items. You can see all or most of the contents from the outside, if you are ever unsure of what is on the inside. Each bin can be labeled on the outside with the gear it contains, or you could even keep a master list inside the container of all the contents. This will help you make sure that things are returned to the appropriate bin and restocked when necessary.

For example, a bin with kitchen items, another for lanterns, flashlights, and string lights, a container with bedding, sleeping bags, sheets, etc. Store these bins in an out-of-the-way place like your basement, attic, or garage. If you plan correctly, you will have perfectly packed bins ready for your next adventure, making it that much easier to go camping! 


Pegboards are great to hang in garages, storage closets, and basements. These are highly-functional and really helpful when hanging all kinds of items such as backpacks, headlamps, axes, hydration bladders, and even sleeping bags. Pegboards are great use of space when you are already short on space.

How to store your tent

Make sure that your tent is completely dry before storing, and don’t store it in a cramped or tight space. If it’s too tight, it can put unnecessary tension and stress on your tent fabric and poles. Your tent should be stored loosely in a cool dry place. Consider rolling the tent up and placing it inside of a large pillowcase. Avoid folding it, packing it up too tightly, or packing it in hot or humid places that can trap moisture inside. 

How to store sleeping bags

If you’re low on storage space, sleeping bags can be rolled up and stored in their original bags or inside of pillowcases. However, if you have room, you could also hang them in a closet or on a pegboard. We store ours hanging from hooks in our dry attic. 

free printable camping gear list for family

Camping books for kids

One of my favorite camping activities is relaxing with a good book. Here are some camping-themed children’s books you can add to your camping gear list and bring along for your kids to enjoy!

best camping themed books for kids and toddlerscamping gear list for familyPhoto credit: @kristcx

Additional camping resources

If you’re looking for even more info on how to camp with kids, we’ve got you covered. Check out these great camping resources below for your next camping adventure:


family camping gear packing checklist

Printable camping gear lists for families

To make it easier for you to get started on your next family camping trip, we put our ultimate camping packing list for your family in a free printable 2-page PDF for you! Use this as the perfect start to create your own master packing list. You’ll also be signed up to receive our  AMAZING weekly newsletter, filled with fun outdoor activities and inspiration for getting your kids and family outside! You can opt-out anytime (although we’d hate to see you go). 


Happy camping!
What would you add to this camping list for families?

Lissy Perna

About the author

Lissy Perna lives near the ocean on Cape Cod, Massachusetts with her husband, 2 rambunctious boys (aged 4 & 7), and an ever-growing number of pets. She grew up walking nature trails and finding joy in the beauty of nature. She now shares that love for local adventures with her community through her blog, “Get Outside Cape Cod”. Lissy knows that everyone can benefit from spending more time outdoors, and wants to inspire and support families to do just that!

You can find more from Lissy in the following online locations:
Instagram: @getoutsidecapecod
Website: Get Outside Cape Cod
Facebook: @getoutsidecapecod
RWMC Posts: Lissy Perna

The post Ultimate Camping Gear List for Families appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Ultimate List of Outdoor Gear for Kids Mon, 22 Aug 2022 17:10:54 +0000 It’s no secret that when it comes to outfitting our kids for the great outdoors, the options are endless, and the choices can get overwhelming. While we all know that a box and a pile of sticks can allow for endless hours of unstructured entertainment, that’s not going to keep kids warm or safe when exploring. When we’re ready to take our adventures past the front yard and to the next level, what outdoor gear...

The post Ultimate List of Outdoor Gear for Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

It’s no secret that when it comes to outfitting our kids for the great outdoors, the options are endless, and the choices can get overwhelming. While we all know that a box and a pile of sticks can allow for endless hours of unstructured entertainment, that’s not going to keep kids warm or safe when exploring. When we’re ready to take our adventures past the front yard and to the next level, what outdoor gear do kids need? Today, our gear-guru and PNW mountain mom of 4, RyAnn Peverly is here to go over the best outdoor gear for kids and give you recommendations to save you time, research, and money. 

*This post contains affiliate links. gear for outdoor kids

Outdoor gear for kids

We’ve all heard the saying, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.” And we know that quality outdoor kids’ gear will last longer and do better in extreme circumstances. But what gear is worth spending money on for your kids? What makes the most sense to invest in for the whole family? 

You certainly don’t need a garage packed with all the latest and greatest in the outdoor industry, but a few well-made key pieces will ensure an endless supply of family fun. From water bottles to day packs, sun hats to rain jackets, and everything in between, this is your ultimate list of gear for your outdoorsy kids. 

Best outdoor clothing for kids

You might be asking yourself why your kids need special clothes when going on adventures outdoors. The short answer is…they don’t (or at least not always). Your everyday outdoor trip to the park or neighborhood stroll isn’t going to require anything fancy. However, the more time you spend outdoors, the more adventurous your outings will become and the more your kids will be in the elements. And sometimes adventures call for special outdoor gear. 

Just like all our outdoor gear listed, these clothing items each have a specific purpose. The right clothing is the best way to keep your kids comfortable when adventuring outside. I always look at buying good quality outdoor clothing as an investment in our fun. The more comfortable we are outside, the longer we can play and the more time we can spend outdoors. And it’s always good to remember that just a few key pieces can keep us outside all year long.  

Best base layers (merino wool)

The first clothing items I always make sure to have on hand (for both kids and adults) are a couple of good sets of wool base layers. These pieces can be used alone on warmer days or can add a much-needed layer of comfort on those chilly winter escapades. One of our favorite brands that makes beautiful, soft layers is NUI Organics. I love their collection of soft merino wool, which comes in a variety of beautiful solid gender-neutral colors (so they can be passed down kid to kid). This company, in particular, is great because they carry layers for the entire family (adults included).

Check out our post on the Best Merino Wool Layers for Kids for a comprehensive list of the best wool brands, clothing options, and price points. 

Best outdoor shirts for kids

When it comes to what my kids wear on top, I like to keep a few quick-dry athletic shirts ready to grab, especially for those warmer months. A shirt that allows sweat to wick away from their bodies means more comfort and less complaining. Good options for athletic shirts are merino wool or synthetic materials. Most of our athletic t-shirts come from the All In Motion line at Target.

Another top layer I like to keep in our closets is a quality long-sleeve sun-shirt. A good sun-shirt means this mama knows my kids are being protected from UV rays, and I get to worry less about the last time I applied sunscreen. Our favorite sun-shirts are the Patagonia Capilene Cool Daily Sun Hoodie, the REI Co-op Sahara Sun Hoodie, and the Veyo Kids Sun Hoodies

Pants/ shorts (or a combination thereof)

Living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, I’ve learned that clothes that serve a dual purpose are the ones I reach for the most. And that goes for the pants and shorts that I buy my kids. My favorites are those that are great for more than one activity or are convertible. A good pair of convertible hiking pants means I don’t have to pack shorts for when my son says he’s too hot or wants to go splashing in rivers or lakes.

My favorite convertible hiking pants for kids are the ones with zippers by the ankles so that we don’t have to worry about taking off shoes during the transition. These Sahara pants from REI are great because they also have an adjustable waist. In addition to pants, it’s great to have shorts that our kids can wear hiking on the trails, and go straight to jumping right in the big blue lake. One brand that our whole family wears is the Patagonia Baggies

Kids’ rain gear

If your kids are anything like mine, a little rain never deters the need to get outside and play! It’s actually even better because puddle jumping is one of their greatest joys. Using both feet to generate the perfect splash can mean hours of fun. But, once they get wet and the chill starts to set in, then the adventure is over.

When picking out rain gear that will last through it all, I like to look for three things. (1) The items must be waterproof, not just water resistant. Water resistant is great for a light drizzle, but will not be able to handle a full soaking. (2) I like jackets that are breathable. This allows the child’s perspiration to wick away from their body so that they are not wet inside and out. (3) I like gear that has closures on the wrists, ankles, hood, and hems. Adjustable closures help to seal in the warmth, and keep the rain out.

For all our recommendations on rainy day kids gear, check out our full post on the Best Rain Gear for Outdoor Kids

Best rain jackets, pants and rain suits for kids

The REI Co-op Rainwall Jacket and Rainwall Pants are great options for a two-piece set. For the younger kids, full-body rain suits are a great choice because there is little to no worry about their underlayers getting wet when the weather turns. Our longtime favorite rain suit for everyday wet adventures has been the Oaki trail suit, but we also really love the Polarn O. Pyret Rain Shell with interior fleece-lining for colder rainy day adventures. 

Best outdoor kids rain boots 

If you’re going to spend any time outside in the rain (or live in a wet/damp place like the PNW), rainboots are essential gear for kids. Rainboots allow our children to splash around and keep their feet nice and toasty throughout the day. Over the last 22 years of purchasing boots, the Bogs Classic insulated boots continue to prove they are a wise investment. These boots truly stand up to the tough demands of kids, don’t leak, and last a long time. They’re some of the only boots we’ve been able to pass down to the next kid after wearing through a season or two. 

For a more budget-friendly option, check out Lone Cone’s classic rain boots with handles and their all-weather neoprene mud boots. All three of my kids have Lone Cone boots and love them!

Rain jackets

Best jackets, coats, and insulating layers for kids

When those summer months start to turn cool, it’s important to keep a warmer layer close by. A good mid-layer like a fleece or puffy jacket (synthetic or down) will add just enough warmth to keep the play going well into those chilly temps. The insulating layer retains the heat your child is generating, keeping them nice and warm. One style that we have gone back to time and time again is a classic fleece from Columbia that features fun designs and bright colors that all kids are sure to love.

We also love the Performance Eco Wind Fleece from Polarn O. Pyret for a light layer that keeps the heat in and wind out. If you want something warmer that can take you into winter, a soft down jacket is nice. The Patagonia Nano Puff is a great option, as is the Polarn O. Pyret Lightweight Puffer


Best footwear for outdoor kids

Shoes and footwear fall into the category of outdoor gear for kids that you’ll want to have on hand for all your adventures. If your kids are anything like mine, it really doesn’t matter to them what shoes they throw on. They will still jump, run and climb all the things in any shoe they have available. And we really could let them continue that way, but what they put on their feet does make a difference when venturing outdoors. A good pair of shoes suited to the day’s activity means they stay comfortable, with their feet protected, and the day can last longer. 

Outdoor kids’ tennis shoes and kids’ hiking shoes

When it comes to shoes for outdoorsy kids, I like to purchase a pair that can be used on outdoor adventures as well as during P.E. After testing multiple brands and styles I find I reach for the same brand time after time. The Salomon Speedcross Jr. is a lightweight, breathable, quick-dry shoe that has a sole with great traction. 

Sometimes a waterproof hiking boot is a better option depending on the type of outdoor adventures your family prefers. If you’re going to hit a hiking trail, a good hiking boot offers ankle stability, a flexible sole, and good traction. If hiking boots are more your style, you can’t go wrong with one like the Merrell Greylock Waterproof Hiking Boots

best water shoes for kids

Best water shoes for kids

A good pair of water shoes are great for summer adventures. They’re great for exploring creeks, playing in splash pads, and adventuring anywhere your kids will be in and out of water. If you’re looking for a lightweight amphibious shoe, the Vivobarefoot Kids Ultra Bloom is a fantastic option. They’re made from bloom foam which takes harmful algae blooms out of waterways, reversing the effects of water pollution. They’re also super light, bendy, and fast-drying for adventures over land and water. If you’re looking for something that does better in sand, we’ve had good luck with the Speedo Surf Knit water shoes for kids. 

Best socks for kids

Socks are another one of those items that you might be asking yourself why your kids need a “special” kind. But, just like the shoes we put on our feet, a good pair of socks can be the difference between a comfortable long walk in the woods or the need for bandaids and blister care. We often go for a good pair of wool socks that help wick sweat, provide cushion, and are long-lasting, like these hiker socks from Darn tough

gear for outdoorsy kids

Best  hiking gear and equipment for families

Often when we think of outdoor adventures, we think of wandering down dirt paths, watching as our kids stop to explore under rocks and roots. Getting outside and hitting the trails can be one of the best ways to spend a day with our outdoorsy kids. Whether it’s a day hike at one of our national parks or just a stroll around your local park, hiking and exploring go hand in hand. But, sometimes that can be hard to do with really little kids, or multiple kids. However, with the right hiking gear and equipment, we can enjoy our outdoor time together with them at any age. Here are some of our favorite tried-and-tested recommendations for outdoor gear for kids (and adults) that will help you get outside and down the trail with your kids easier! 

Best outdoor and off-road strollers

A good off-road stroller is a great investment for a family that loves time outdoors. An all-terrain stroller means even the littlest family member can join in the fun, and no one has to be left behind. A stroller with mountain bike suspension and a handbrake makes even the roughest terrain easier to navigate. A great option is the BOB Revolution Pro.

If you’re looking for a stroller that serves a dual-purpose as a bike trailer, the Burley Encore X is a fantastic option. It’s a double biking trailer that comes with a stroller kit (handlebar and front wheel). This makes it super easy to go from biking the trails to strolling the streets with your kiddo(s) in tow. The trailer has comfortable seating for 1 or 2 children,  plenty of room for snacks, toys, and other gear, plus a variety of other awesome features (reclinable seats, extra suspension, etc.). For more info, check out our full review of the Burley Encore X trailer

best hiking baby carriersFeature image credit: @somerpickel

Baby and child carriers

Child carriers are also a great way to get your whole family out for a day on the trails. Once your tiniest family member is sitting up on their own, a child carrier is essential hiking gear that will keep the adventure going. Features to look for when selecting a structured child carrier are a well-padded hip belt, and shoulder straps and an adjustable torso fit so that both parents can easily use the carrier. Other features to take into account are the child safety harness system and an adjustable seat so your kid can sit comfortably no matter how long the ride is.

Our top two choices for child carriers for young kids are the Ospry Poco Plus and the Deuter Kid Comfort Carrier. You really can’t go wrong with either of these fantastic carriers – check them both out and decide which one is a better fit for you. If you have a teeny tiny newborn baby, we recommend the Ergo Baby 360. For older kids and toddlers, check out the Trail Magik toddler carrier

For more details on how to choose the right baby carrier for you and more recommendations, check out our full post on the Best Baby Carriers for Hiking and Outdoor Adventures

Best backpacks for kids

Purchasing your kid’s first backpack almost feels like a right of passage in the outdoor adventure world. Their own space to carry snacks, a new water bottle, and all the treasures they can handle. It’s true they could probably get away with a regular backpack, but one made for hiking will make trail time more enjoyable for everyone.

Good kids packs include a hip belt, chest strap, big interior storage, and a mesh pocket on the outside. Other features that can be handy are a sleeve for a hydration bladder and a whistle on the chest strap buckle. One nice day pack that fits all these criteria is the REI Tarn which comes in 12 liters for little kids and 18 liters for big kids.

First aid kit

As parents, we know accidents are bound to happen. Scrapes and bruises are just part of it all when you live an outdoor lifestyle. That’s why it’s important to keep a first aid kit on hand when venturing outside. A good wilderness first aid kit should include bandages and gauze, antibiotic ointment or wipes, sting care, and medications such as antacids, aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and allergy relief.

For a simple day hiking kit, this one from HART is great. If you’re looking for a larger kit for the whole family, check out this one from Adventure Medical Kits. In addition to carrying a kit for the family, I’m also a big proponent of teaching our kids about safety and being prepared when outdoors. One of the easiest ways to do this is to let your kids carry a simple first aid kit. This Coleman Mini First Aid Kit is great for little packs. 

For more information on first aid, check out our full posts on Hiking Safety & First Aid (which includes a list of exactly what should be in your first aid kit) and this post on Teaching First Aid to Kids

Best lights, lanterns, headlamps, and other illumination

A key piece of gear that every outdoor kid needs is a good source of light for when adventures last well past dark. Kids love being able to navigate their way down a darkened trail or read a beloved nighttime story in the tent before bed. There are lots of options out there for ways that kids can illuminate the night. Three of the best options are a headlamp, flashlight, or lantern. 

Headlamps: Headlamps offer that perfect hands-free option. Once placed on the head your kid can freely move about without worrying about dropping something or shining it in the right place. If you have toddlers or small children, a child-sized headlamp like the Black Diamond Wiz is a great option made for smaller heads. For school-aged kids through teens, jump up to an adjustable regular headlamp like the Petzl Tikka headlamp

Flashlights: Flashlights are a classic option and come in so many fun colors and sizes. A small flashlight like these EverBrite Flashlights come in multiple packs for the whole family. If you’re looking for something a bit more substantial, these LED tactical flashlights are bright, rechargeable, magnetic, and waterproof.

Lanterns: Another great illumination option is a lantern. The lanterns of today are not like our parents’ old oil-filled versions. Lanterns now come in all shapes and are made from a variety of materials. One style to consider is an ultra-lightweight inflatable lantern like these LuminAid lanterns. The Max 2-in-1 Power Lantern is a solar lantern that can also charge your phone! No batteries required, super bright, easy to use, and totally waterproof. (Use the code RUNWILD for 10% off any product.)

Best hiking backpacks for kids

Best kids’ water bottles and hydration bladders

Water is an essential item on any outdoor activity, and how you choose to let your child carry it is just as important. Maybe they want to carry their own new bottle in their pack or maybe they want to use a hydration bladder so they can drink without stopping. Either option is great, so long as it’s not too heavy or burdensome for them. Here are a few of our favorite hydration options.

Water bottles: When it comes to water bottles, there are just a couple of key things to keep in mind. A good kids-sized water bottle should be able to hold anywhere from 12 to 16 oz. Nothing too big, or it will weigh their pack down. Another thing to consider is how the bottle opens and closes. A bottle that doesn’t leak and is easy to open are always at the top of my wish list. Both the Kleen Kanteen classic and the CamelBak Eddy are great durable options that should last your child for years.

Hydration bladders: Hydration bladders are a great option for carrying water on a long hike or a day out adventuring. A hydration bladder consists of a BPA-free plastic bladder with an attached straw for easy use. You can either purchase a bladder with the attached straw that can be used with your backpack of choice or get a hydration pack, like the Camelbak Mini MULE, which is a bladder and backpack in one. 

gear for outdoorsy kids

Best camping gear for kids and families

Some of our greatest memories come from camping adventures. Family camping trips usually include bike riding around the campground, playing rounds and rounds of UNO, roasting marshmallows over a fire while looking for the big dipper. And at the end of the night, crawling into our sleeping bags and sleeping under the stars. While a lot of our camping gear can be shared among the family, there are a few key items that kids need of their very own. Here’s a short list of a few of our best recommendations for family and kid-friendly outdoor gear for kids when camping. 

Best camping tents for families

When camping, your tent is your home away from home. It’s where you’ll spend your evenings when you sleep and possibly hang out during rain or bouts of bad weather. Tents provide privacy, room to hang out, and most importantly, protection from inclement weather, cold, wind, and rain. Your tent can make or break your camping experience and needs to be accommodating for your family and your needs.

We love the North Face Wawona 6 tent. It’s a bit pricey, but really well-made and durable. It’s a good all-around 3-season tent, with 2 doors, a hybrid double-wall construction, extra interior height, large vestibule, and multiple interior storage pockets.

For our full guide on how to choose the right tent for you family and tent recommendations based on your family’s size, check out our post on the Best Tents for Families

Photo credit: @kristcx

Best sleeping bags for kids

Sleeping under the stars is always a great idea, unless you can’t get comfortable and stay warm. One key element to this issue is a well-fitting, cozy sleeping bag. A bag like the Kids Kelty Mistral that keeps kids toasty in temperatures below 40-degrees, is a great investment. For the smaller ones, a sleeping sack/bag made for babies, like this one from Morrison Outdoors, might be just the right fit.

Sleeping pad or cot

Every good camping sleep system also includes a sleeping mat or a cot. Mats are a great option because you can buy them a little big to last a little longer. A self-inflating sleeping pad like the REI Kindercamp is always nice because the kids can help set up their own sleeping spot. If you’re looking for something that gets your little one off the ground, or if you have multiple kids and are tight on space, check out the Kid-O-Bunk bunk bed cots.

Best kids’ camping chairs

Camp chairs might be another one of those items that you’re wondering if the kids really need their own. But, everyone loves having their own camp chair to sit in by the fire. Adult-sized chairs may be too high and large (and therefore could be dangerous) for little kids. A chair that’s just the right size like this  Coleman Kids Chair is a great option. (Although that’s not to say they still won’t steal your chair!)

Bug protection for kids

There are plenty of ways to keep the bugs at bay during a camping trip, but our family favorites are the ones that don’t stink and don’t need to be reapplied over and over. Great choices for protection are bug bands, like these BuggyBands Mosquito Bracelets, or little stickers like the  Buzz Patch bug patches that you kids can apply themselves.

Camping hammock

Who doesn’t like to lay back and relax in a hammock and let the breeze gently rock you? Or, if your kids are anything like mine, a hammock can become a swing, a fort, or the perfect spot to ask mom for a gazillionth snack. Whatever way your kids prefer to make use of this classic camp item, you can’t go wrong with something like the ENO SingleNest Hammock.

gear for outdoorsy kids

Best biking gear and options for kids

One of the best activities to get families out is bike riding. Whether it’s on a paved trail near home, or off the beaten path, hopping on a bike is a great way to get outdoors, get active, and spend some quality time together as a family. If you’re interested in biking, we’ve got some great biking gear recommendations for you and your little ones.  

Best bikes for kids

A balance bike is a bike without pedals and it’s a perfect way for little kids and toddlers to learn how to ride a bike. It has most of the essential elements of a traditional bike (frame, fork, handlebars, wheels, etc.), but instead of pedaling, they push off the ground with their feet to move forward and place their feet down to stop. Since they’re in control, kids can develop their balance and coordination first, before progressing to a bike with pedals. Our top balance bike recommendation is the Woom 1. But, there’s no one size fits all and lots of things to take into consideration when choosing a balance bike. Here’s our full post on the Best Balance Bikes for Kids

Once your kids are ready, something like the REI Co-Op Rev Bike is a great option for bikes that have a few grown-up features but are just the right size.  

Photo credit: @kristcx

Biking trailer

If your little adventure partner isn’t ready for a bike quite yet, another great option is a bike trailer. We absolutely love the Burley Encore X bike trailer (and double-stroller), which allows families to still get out on the trail knowing the littlest one is tucked safely inside with all the necessities. The Encore X has comfortable seating for 1 or 2 children, plenty of room for snacks, toys, and other gear, plus a variety of other awesome features (reclinable seats, extra suspension, etc.).

Best bike helmets for kids

No matter where you’re riding, safety is a top priority. A bike helmet is an important piece of outdoor gear to protect their noggin. When selecting a helmet, look for those that are Mips certified, providing impact protection on all sides. The Bern Nino Helmets are certified and also come with a built-in sun visor.

Biking accessories for kids

Bike accessories are a great addition to add a little flair and function to your kids’ ride. A classic item like the Nutcase Bike Bell lets our kids add little fun and personalization to their bike; plus, it’s an added sense of safety so they can ring out as they pedal away. Another fun biking accessory is a water bottle and holder. Most kids’ bikes are too small to use the more common bottle cage, so this Po Campo Water Bottle Bag is a great option. Check out our full post with 30+ Fun Biking Accessories for Kids for more!

Photo credit: @meghavelaarphoto

Best water gear for kids

In my experience, one activity that kids of all ages love spending time on or near the water. Whether it’s at the beach, fishing along the river, exploring a creek, or jumping off the dock, kids love water! They love to get their feet wet, splash around, and play in water. No matter where you’re headed, here are a few gear recommendations that will keep the kids safe and happy when on the water.

Best sunhats for kids

When heading out to spend a day on the water, a good hat that provides protection from the sun is a must. There are lots of styles and options out there, and if your kids are like mine, they will have an opinion on what they like the most. For a full coverage hat that protects both their face and neck, you can’t go wrong with something like the Sunday Afternoons play hat or the Veyo Kids sunhat. If your kids prefer a baseball hat, you might reach for the  Outdoor Research Kids Swift cap or a snapback from Headster that both offer bright colors or cool designs.

3 kids in life jacketsPhoto credit: @meghangarriott

Best life jackets for kids

Whether you’re kayaking, paddle boarding, or fishing from a boat, a quality and well-fitting life jacket or PFD (personal flotation device)  is needed to keep kids safe when on and around water. When choosing the right life jacket for your child, make sure to pick one according to their current size and weight. This ensures it won’t slip over their head when in the water.

For babies, infants, and little ones in the 8-30lb-range, check out something like the Stohlquist Infant Jacket or the STEARNS Infant Puddle Jumper Hydroprene Life Jacket that both provide head support and full arm movement. For larger kids in the 33-55 lb rant, we like the Full Throttle Child Rapid Dry Neoprene Life Jacket. For the super sporty kids, the NRS Vista jacket looks just like mom’s, but is made especially for kids.

For a more detailed list of life jacket recommendations by size, activity, and style, check out our post on the Best Life Jackets for Kids, which includes all the info you need to pick the right life jacket for your child. 

Water shoes for kids

Atrip to play in or near the water generally means that our kids will get their feet wet. If you’re headed somewhere besides a sandy beach, a good pair of shoes that they can wear means they are less likely to hurt their feet. These Keen Newport sandals are great because they provide tow coverage and stay snuggly on their feet. If your kiddo wants a little more room in their sandal, try something like this  Teva Hurricane

awesome gift ideas for outdoor kids - fishing waders

Best sunscreen for kids

Keeping our kids’ skin safe is just as important as anything else. So having quality sunscreen with an SPF rating of 30+ is essential when we head out for a day near the water. Some sunscreens can have a lot of chemicals added and can be tough on kids’ sensitive skin, so we recommend Countersun Mineral Sunscreen from Beautycounter (comes in spray, stick, and lotion), which provides full coverage protection without harmful effects. It’s also reef-safe, which is recommended anytime you’re in wild water.

Best sunglasses for kids

Protect your children’s eyes while they’re outside playing with sunglasses. My own kids love these Babiator sunglasses that come in 2 styles (the Navigator UV and the Aviator) and a variety of colors. Frames are made from rubber, making them strong and flexible, shock and impact-resistant. Whether your child twists, bends or treads on these sunglasses, they will not break! In addition, these UV400 lenses stop all UVA and UVB rays and protect the eyes of your child against the bright sunlight. Available in baby and toddler sizes and polarization.

outdoor toys

Best outdoors toys for kids

Whether playing in the backyard or taking your adventures on the road, it’s always nice to have a few activities around that our kids go for time and time again. There are thousands of things to do outside, but here are a few of our all-time tried-and -tested highly-recommended favorite outdoor toys, activities, and inspiration for getting outdoors.

Slackline: Slacklining is a great activity for kids because it requires concentration, balance, and core strength, plus all you need is a kit like the ZenMonkey Slackline Kit and two trees for hours of fun. If you need info on how to get started, check out this Beginner’s Guide to Slacklining with Kids

Kites: If you’re looking for another activity that is portable and provides endless amounts of outdoor time, a kite is a perfect solution. These Pocket Flyer Kites can even be put in a kid’s backpack to fly anywhere the wind strikes. Before you head out, be sure to read our post on Kite Flying with Kids

Binoculars: All explorers need a good pair of binoculars for adventuring. A good pair of high-resolution, waterproof binoculars like these Occer compact binoculars will make sure your kids don’t miss a thing (but they also won’t break the bank). 

Photo credit: @arevook

Walkie-talkies: Walkie-talkies are perhaps one of the best outdoor toys you can purchase for your kids! Not only are they fun to use and can be a catalyst for hours of imaginative play, but they are also a helpful device for keeping track of our busy independent kids. These Topsung rechargeable walkie-talkies are great because they are long-range and come in packs of two or three.

Bait nets: Whether you’re at the beach, in a creek/stream or next to a pond, kids love playing in the water and catching things. These Promar Aluminum Bait Nets are the very best bait net on the market – trust me, we’ve been through a million. Most nets have the netting on the outside of the basket, which means after a while of scraping on sand and rocks, the net wears thin and rips. This one has a metal framing (net guard) and a super durable handle, ensuring it lasts years longer than the others. A bit more expensive, but totally worth it. Perfect for scooping rocks/shells and catching minnows, crabs, crawdads, etc. 

Wagon: A classic little red RadioFlyer Wagon is a multi-purpose outdoor toy. This wagon has been a staple in my kids’ childhoods, and we use it more than we ever could have imagined. Use it for taking the kids for a walk around the block (they’ll not only love riding in it, but pulling it as well) or use it for transporting gear and equipment. The uses are endless, and it’s a ton of open-ended fun.

Best outdoor activity books for kids

We all have days when the motivation to head outside is hard to find. Even our outdoorsy kids need a bit of inspiration sometimes. Here is a list of books with fabulous activities, games, and ideas for getting everyone out the door.

activities for kids

Best outdoor gear for kids

Phew! I think we covered nearly everything you could need to fuel your outdoor adventures for years to come! You certainly don’t need this entire list of gear, but hopefully, this will be a good starting place to find just the right gear for your outdoorsy kids. Let us know if there’s any category of items we missed! And in the meantime, here are a few more posts on gear and activities you might enjoy!

family camping gear packing checklist

Printable camping gear lists for families

To make it easier for you to get started on your next family camping trip, we put our ultimate camping packing list for your family in a free printable 2-page PDF for you! Use this as the perfect start to create your own master packing list. You’ll also be signed up to receive our  AMAZING weekly newsletter, filled with fun outdoor activities and inspiration for getting your kids and family outside! You can opt out anytime (although we’d hate to see you go). 


About the author

RyAnn is a mom of four (20, 18, 15, 6) that loves exploring her home in the Pacific Northwest. She works as a youth outdoor program instructor for the Mountaineers Org. in Washington state. RyAnn also loves getting out and adventuring with her family as much as possible. They enjoy traveling around the PNW in their converted Sprinter campervan. On her days off she generally loads up the van and hits the trails for hiking, mountain biking, skiing, or climbing. RyAnn is passionate about instilling love and respect for outdoor spaces in her kids and the youth she is lucky to work with.

You can find more from RyAnn in the following locations:
Instagram: @mountain_mama4
Website: Mountain Mama
RWMC articles: RyAnn

The post Ultimate List of Outdoor Gear for Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Roan Mountain Highlands with Kids Wed, 27 Jul 2022 15:43:58 +0000 The Appalachian Trail and Great Smoky Mountain National Park are both huge touristy areas this time of year. The park is incredible, but the crowds can be intense and overwhelming. However, there is another option for exploring the Appalachian Trail with kids nearby that is family-friendly and way less crowded, with spectacular vistas and stunning wildlife. If you find yourself in Southern Appalachia, check out the Roan Mountain Highlands! The Roan Highlands are quite simply...

The post Roan Mountain Highlands with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

The Appalachian Trail and Great Smoky Mountain National Park are both huge touristy areas this time of year. The park is incredible, but the crowds can be intense and overwhelming. However, there is another option for exploring the Appalachian Trail with kids nearby that is family-friendly and way less crowded, with spectacular vistas and stunning wildlife. If you find yourself in Southern Appalachia, check out the Roan Mountain Highlands! The Roan Highlands are quite simply a gem of the American Southeast and have something for families of all abilities. Today, local Tennessee mom and avid hiker Somer Pickel is here sharing her favorite section of the Appalachian Trail to hike with kids and tips for exploring the Roan Mountain Highlands. 

Roan Mountain Kids

The Roan Mountain Highlands are the perfect southeastern mountain get away for families of all abilities.

An introduction to the Roan Mountain Highlands

Roan Mountain is located a couple of hours northeast of Smoky Mountain National Park, nestled along the North Carolina and Northeast Tennessee border. It’s part of the Unaka Mountain subrange within the Blue Ridge Mountains. The surrounding mountains of the area are blanketed by beautiful deciduous national forests (hello fall foliage!) and magical spruce-fir forests of the Cherokee and Pisgah National Forests. The area is famous for its expansive 360-degree Appalachian views and incredible wild rhododendron gardens. Every June, crowds flock to the mountain to view the rhododendron and flame azalea blooms for good reason. They’re magnificent. 

Roan Mountain Rhododendron blooms

Roan Mountain has the world’s largest wild rhododendron gardens and it’s sure something to see!

Visit the Appalachian Balds

The Roan Highlands were my first introduction to Appalachian “Balds”. Aka mountain tops and ridge-lines without forests. The Roan Highlands are the longest stretch of balds in the entire Appalachian Mountain range! The Roan Balds stretch about ~ 2.5 miles across three mountains (Round, Jane, and Grassy Ridge). On clear days, hikers have continuous expansive mountain views for hours while exploring the trail.

These wide open views and minimal light pollution also make the highlands perfect for stargazing. On crisp clear nights, the Milky Way is clearly visible, and there’s no better place to watch a meteor shower.

Appalachian Trail Kids

On a clear day you can see hundreds of miles in every direction from the Roan Highlands. Not that your toddler will appreciate it. This boulder is right off the trail about half a mile up. It’s a favorite climbing spot for small children devouring snacks and adults looking for a breather. 

Hiking portions of the Appalachian Trail with kids

If one were to take a day hike with kids from Carver’s Gap parking area, they could choose the distance of the hike based on the family’s ability. The wide open expansive views start not even half a mile up the Appalachian Trail.

Oh, I guess I haven’t mentioned that little detail yet. The trail that leads across these stunning mountains is none other than the famous Appalachian Trail! 

The Appalachian Trail is a long trail that stretches nearly 2200 miles from Northern Georgia into Maine. The trail follows the Appalachian Mountainss and includes countless incredible vistas. But the Roan Highlands section is considered one of the most beautiful–especially in June when the rhododendrons and azaleas are blooming. Honestly though, I’ve been up there in all seasons and all weather; it’s a beautiful stretch any time. 

Hiking kids Roan Mountain

Exploring with kids isn’t always easy. But that’s not to say it isn’t doable or worth the effort. Even if they are too young to remember it—I promise you will.

Hiking with kids

My recommendation, if you and your children are able-bodied, is to park at Carver’s Gap on the Tennessee/ North Carolina state line. Directly across the street from the parking lot is the Appalachian Trail and an information board. 

Anytime you’re new to an area, you’d be wise to look over any information boards you see. Sometimes it’s just a map of the surrounding area and/or trail. But a lot of time, they have invaluable information about the hike you’re about to embark upon. For instance, there may be a posting warning of recent increased bear activity. Or, in the case of Roan Mountain, it may have warnings not to touch the endangered Grays Lily wildflower species or how you can do your part to protect and preserve the Roan Mountain Highland ecosystem.

Wildflowers Hiking Kids Roan Mountain

Roan Mountain Balds sport incredible wildflowers, including these flame azaleas to trout lilies, trilliums, endangered Grays lilies, the famous rhododendrons, and dozens more!

Roan Mountain State Park

If you’re looking to get your bearings before you set out, head to the Roan Mountain State Park Visitor Center. It’s a lovely stop at the base of the mountain situated on the rambling little Doe river. My kid is a huge fan of the large water wheel at the center. I’m not sure what cascades more, the water or all her ‘why?’ questions about its inner mechanical workings.

But all jokes aside, the visitor center is a great resource where you can ask questions. They will know the shape of the trails and roads (aka, are they too muddy or snowy to traverse) and may have insight into how the weather is on top of the mountain. It is typically open from 0800-1600 EST.

Camping with kids Roan Mountain

For those who may not be up for backpacking, never fear. The State Park at the base of the mountain has over 100 campsites and 30 cabins available for rent.

Camping at Roan Mountain State Park

Roan Mountain State Park also offers camping in designated camp areas. There’s a $5 reservation fee for booking online, in addition to the nightly fee, which varies depending on the season. And while I can’t give exact costs, the nightly rates are quite reasonable—and lower than those we’ve paid when staying at parks out west.

The camping areas have access to walking trails lower on the mountain, wildflower viewing areas, the beautiful Doe river, and of course, some bathhouses. You also regularly see deer ambling about the fields at dawn and dusk. 

Hiking kids Roan Mountain

Hiking with kids is just as rewarding for kids as it is for us parents. Kids get to explore their capabilities and push their physical limits. Seeing them pride themselves in their own accomplishments is incredible.

Roan Mountain cabins

If you book early enough, you may be able to snag one of the park’s adorable little cabins. There are 30 cabins in all, but they’re spread throughout a beautiful deciduous forest, giving each one a secluded feeling. The cabins sleep between 4 and 6 people, and rates vary between $100-300 a night depending on size and season. 

All cabins are equipped with electricity and running water but not Wi-Fi.

Backpacking Roan kids

Roan Mountain Highlands are a fantastic introduction hike for children. The section of trail up to the first bald is accessible for most children and families.

Carver’s Gap hike with kids

But back to Carver’s Gap. Cross the street and head up the trail as it passes through a field spotted with rhododendron. About a quarter mile up, you enter a Frazier fir forest that’s simply magical, especially in golden hour light and/or in fog. You hike through this forest for another quarter mile or so before you come out onto the side of Round Bald with immediate expansive views of the North Carolina Blueridge mountains, including the highest peak east of the Mississippi–Mt. Mitchell.

If your family isn’t used to hiking and the climb is starting to get to you, or if your toddler is demanding their 5th snack of the day, there’s a great snack rock right off the trail. It’s also a great little bouldering challenge for smaller kiddos. 

If you keep going up the trail to the summit of Round Bald, you’ll get your first 360-degree views. From there, you and your family can choose how far to go. If you go all the way out to Grassy Ridge and back, the total length of the hike is somewhere around 5 miles. Keep in mind this milage includes some significant elevation gains along the way.

While I wouldn’t say it’s an easy hike, it’s definitely doable for many. My three-year-old has hiked the entirety of the trail on a recent backpacking trip (though she insisted on being called Spider-Man the whole time–hey, whatever works…). 

Backpacking Roan Mountain Kids

Backpacking to Grassy Ridge was our perfect introduction trip for our toddler. Far enough out to be an adventure, but close enough to bail to the truck if things go awry.

Entry-level backpacking on the Appalachian Trail with kids

For anyone looking for a great entry-level backpacking trip for kids, you found it! This section of the Appalachian Trail was our child’s first backpacking trip when she was 9 months old. It was far enough out to give us the experience we were looking for, but close enough to the car to bail if something went awry. It was also our kid’s first backpacking trip that she hiked completely independently (hallelujah!). 

There are multiple places one could set up camp around this area. There are a couple of backpacking shelters within a few miles of Carver’s Gap parking (Roan High Knob and the Stan Murray Shelters).

Backpacking with kids Roan Mountain

Backpacking on the Roan Highlands is one of our favorite family adventures. The mountain gets top points for it’s beauty and accessibility.

Recommended camping site

My recommendation is to camp on one of the balds, if the weather forecast is favorable. If you keep a keen eye, you’ll find multiple established campsites on each bald. I truly cannot describe how beautiful and otherworldly watching the sunsets and sunrises from each of the three balds. (Unless you’re three. Then you’re too busy playing with the penlight you found in your mom’s pack to notice.) Plus, having multiple options on each bald is fantastic when hiking with kids who may or may not have lost all interest in forward progression. 

Backpacking Kids Roan Mountain

The sunsets and sunrises are 100% worth the lack of sleep that comes with sharing a tent with a toddler. Can we take a moment to peep that happy pupper? Okay, you’re welcome. Moving on. 

More family-friendly & accessible trail options

If hiking isn’t your family’s cup of tea, but you’re still out looking for a fun nature-fueled adventure with the kids, head up past Carver’s Gap to the rhododendron gardens. There’s parking galore and trails aplenty to explore.

Another of our favorite trails is the Roan High Knob trail. This leads to a beautiful deck overlook on the western side of Roan. The trail winds less than a mile through a beautiful mossy rich fir forest, that always reminds me of Middle Earth. The forest is an amazing habitat full of treasures. From mushrooms in what look like fairy gardens to salamanders. It’s truly a kid’s dream come true. 

While the first section of this trail is paved, the whole of it is not. So, I don’t recommend bringing strollers or wheelchairs on this particular trail. However, the popularity of the rhododendron gardens has led the park to develop more options for folks of all ages and abilities. Paved meandering paths wind through the gardens and fir forests. While some are wheelchair or jogging stroller accessible, others aren’t easily so in patches where roots have bumped up the asphalt. But with a bit of extra effort, you could get kids of all abilities deep into this forest wonderland. On hot days you can smell the balsam in the air as you see the sun twinkling through the canopy overhead. We’re talking core memories here, people. 

FYI, the access road up to the gardens is closed in the winter months, so check before heading out. 

Roan Mountain Kids Salamander

The Roan mountain ecosystem is incredibly diverse and rich. Salamanders are a definite favorite of our family though. If you’d like to learn more about them check out our Salamander article!

Baby rhododendron roan mountain

The rhododendron gardens are designed so that visitors of all ages and abilities can get out and explore.

Special considerations when hiking the Appalachian Trail with kids

While I don’t want to scare anyone off the trail, there are special considerations to take if you are planning to day hike or backpack this section of the Appalachian trail (especially if you plan to have kids in tow). 

First off, know your and your child(ren)’s abilities. If your kid has never done a five-mile hike on even terrain, don’t expect them to be able to climb up and down three mountains. But too, don’t be frightened. This is a great hike for parents of little kids or babies still in carriers. There are sections that are pretty technical and require having the littles under three or four in a carrier. But, there are many sections all along the way that are quite mild. My kid has been crawling down them since before she could walk. 

A side note of caution to any parents hiking while wearing or carrying children. Keep in mind wearing children throws your balance and makes it more difficult to keep your footing–especially if you are wearing your child in the front and you can’t see your feet. I always recommend using hiking poles while baby wearing on the trail. They’re a quick and easy safety tool that’s saved my kid and me more than a few mishaps. 

The Roan Highlands make for a fantastic entry level backpacking trip.

There’s loads of opportunity for parents to stretch their legs and for kids to safely explore.

Exposure & elevation

While we are on the topic of safety, let’s point out one of the dangers brought on by what makes Roan so unique. You’re totally exposed for miles. There aren’t any trees to buffer the wind or offer shade. You have to plan for sun and wind exposure. We take sunscreen year-round. We also utilize merino wool’s sun protection year-round (if you want to read more about the crazy awesome powers of merino wool, check out this previous article).

The Roan Mountain Highlands are at a higher elevation than typical for most of us Easterners, and the weather can change on a dime. But don’t let these challenges stop you. Just make sure you prepare properly for the environment. Below are some basic hiking safety tips that can be applied to almost any situation.

Toddlers Hiking Roan Mountain

If properly dressed kids will often surprise you on what they are game for, even in cold environments.

Always check the weather

I am a strong believer in “There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather” (if you haven’t read this book yet, I 100% recommend it).  However, you have to know what sort of weather you might encounter while out adventuring and hiking with your kids so that you can be prepared.

Oftentimes, regular weather apps and websites aren’t suitable sources for labile mountain-top weather. The weather on the mountain may be very different than the weather down below. My personal go-to is You can look up specific mountains you’ll be on rather than the nearest town, which may be 30+ miles from where you are hiking. 

Kids Hiking Roan Mountain

Weather changes rapidly in mountain environments. It’s always safe to bring extra layers just in case.

Dress in layers

Once you know the weather you should expect, plan for the worst outcomes. For instance, with a 30% chance of rain, I’m going to bring my kid’s rain gear and an extra change of clothes in case she gets wet. (You know what, let’s be honest. My kid is three, so I always bring an extra set of clothes with me and have another in the car no matter what the forecast. If your kid is anything like mine, they’re born with an innate ability to trash clothes. But, I digress…) 

If it’s showing temperature ranges of 45-60 degrees Fahrenheit, I’m going to bring multiple layers for my kid, including an insulating layer and a windbreaker. Little kids and babies can’t regulate body temperature as well as adults. What may not be too cold for you, could very well likely be too cold for your toddler. (This is especially true if you have recently transitioned your toddler from a front carrier to a backpack carrier where they can’t rely on your body heat any longer.)

If you want to know the ins and outs of layering and my personal go-to’s (hint, hint–it’s merino wool 100% of the time) check out my merino wool article. It contains all you could ever possibly want to know, and then some, about the wonders of merino wool and layering in general. 

Kids Merino Wool Roan Mountain

Merino wool is nature’s wonder fabric. It wicks moisture, protects from the sun and temperature regulates!

Bring food and plenty of fluids

For those out day-hiking, keep in mind that you’re totally exposed to the elements when on the balds. So, bring plenty of water, as it’s likely that you will dehydrate faster than typical. Plus, you never know when your kid might decide to trail run a couple of miles for no reason (or is that just my kid?). But yea, definitely bring water for each party member and even more for breastfeeding mamas–even if you only plan on going out a mile or so. 

Snacks are a must for my kid in every situation, but they become more important while hiking. I like to bring high-calorie snacks when hiking with my kiddo. Our go-to’s are typically nut butters, granola/protein bars, meats sticks, dried fruits, and crackers.

But let’s not forget the bribery tools, because heck yes, I resort to bribing my kid on the reg. My favorite bribery snacks are fun-sized packages of fruit snacks or gummies, chocolate bites, and lollipops. Word to the wise about the lollipops, though, do not give your kid a lollipop in a backpack carrier if you have hair. Trust me, just don’t. 

Children Mountains Layers

If ever in doubt, bring all three layers for your kids. It’s so much better to be safe than sorry.

And last but not least…leave no trace

Please make sure to follow the leave no trace principles whenever you are visiting wild spaces. Take out all your trash and try to leave the area cleaner than you found it. If we want these places to remain accessible to future generations, we have to preserve, protect, and take care of them. Little eyes are watching. 


Have you ever hiked a portion of the Appalachian Trail?

About the author

Somer is a mama living in southern Appalachia. Somer’s motherhood journey began when her oldest daughter was born with severe congenital heart disease. Avelyn spent the majority of her 18 months of life within a pediatric ICU. Though she lived her life chronically critically ill, Avie was an incredibly loving and joyous child. After her death, Somer and her husband sought solace backpacking a section of the Appalachian Trail. Before long, they discovered their ability to cope seemed to correspond with time spent outdoors.

When it came time to add another kiddo to the mix, bringing the baby along was never a question. In an effort to celebrate the freedom provided by healthy bodies, Somer has hiked her second-born 2k+ miles. Even so, she doesn’t believe grand adventures are necessary to reap nature’s wonder. They just as often revel in mundane evenings in their backyard. The family believes it’s prioritizing time spent outdoors that’s important.

Professionally, Somer has spent the last decade caring for veterans in an acute psychiatric unit as a clinical nurse educator. Over the years, she’s become a passionate advocate for the intersectional relationships of mental health, wellness, and the natural world. She truly believes there’s healing and strength to be found outdoors for those who seek it.

You can find Somer online in the following locations:
Instagram: @somerpickel
RWMC posts: Somer Pickel
Podcast episode: Overcoming Grief Outdoors

The post Roan Mountain Highlands with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Camping with Kids: Best Tents for Families Tue, 21 Jun 2022 16:52:54 +0000 Whether you’re buying your first tent or upgrading to accommodate a growing family, there’s a lot to consider when purchasing a new tent. When camping, your tent is your home away from home. It’s where you’ll spend your evenings when you sleep and possibly hang out during rain or bouts of bad weather. Tents provide privacy, room to hang out, and most importantly, protection from inclement weather, cold, wind, and rain. Your tent can make...

The post Camping with Kids: Best Tents for Families appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

Whether you’re buying your first tent or upgrading to accommodate a growing family, there’s a lot to consider when purchasing a new tent. When camping, your tent is your home away from home. It’s where you’ll spend your evenings when you sleep and possibly hang out during rain or bouts of bad weather. Tents provide privacy, room to hang out, and most importantly, protection from inclement weather, cold, wind, and rain. Your tent can make or break your camping experience and needs to be accommodating for your family and your needs. We’ll walk you through everything you need to consider when choosing the right tent for your family. This post contains all the factors you need to consider and includes our recommendations for the best tents for families. 

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best tents for families

How to choose the right tent for your family

When it comes to finding the perfect tent for your family, there’s no one right way to make your decision. Each family should choose a tent based on their needs, size, budget, weather, camping style, etc. There are a million options out there and lots of features to consider, which can make it very overwhelming for anyone looking to purchase a new tent. However, there are a few really important factors to consider when selecting a tent for your family camping trip. Here are a few things we think all families should keep in mind when looking for a new tent.

Size of tent

Tent size is usually based on the number of people a tent can house in the sleeping area. However, there’s no industry standard for size, so you’ll find that tent size varies across brands for the same number of people. The number of people a tent can house basically means the number of average-sized adults that can lay down on the tent’s floor area. This doesn’t take into consideration space for sleeping bags, sleeping pads, air mattresses, gear, luggage, etc. 

It’s always recommended that you size up your tent by at least 1 person so you can accommodate gear, luggage, sleeping pads, etc.  So, if a family of three would want at least a 4-person tent (possibly larger if you’ll be storing gear in your tent or the people in your family are larger than “average”). For determining tent size, kids should be considered the same size as an adult (a child’s sleeping pad/mattress is probably not going to be that much smaller than an adult’s). 

Photo credit: @kristcx

Weight and packability

The type of camping that your family will be doing should play a significant role in the type of tent you purchase. If you’re “car camping” (meaning that you’re not carrying all your gear far from your vehicle), then the packability and weight of your tent are much less of a concern. However, if you’re backpacking (meaning that you’re carrying all your gear to a remote location), you’ll be much more concerned with the size, weight, and packability of your tent. 

Backpacking tents are much lighter and smaller than a traditional car camping tent for the same number of people. They’re made from ultra-light materials and usually have fewer features and accessories. They’re also much shorter, making it difficult (if not impossible) to stand up inside the tent when dressing/undressing. 

In this article, we’ll only be covering car camping tents. These tents tend to be larger, heavier, and roomier than backpacking tents. However, they’re great for most traditional family camping set-ups and can usually accommodate any size family. 

Ease of setup 

Some tents are simple pop-ups, while others require more work to set up, even requiring multiple people. It may be difficult to set up a large tent that takes an hour (and requires 2 adults) when you have toddlers and babies running around. The easier it is to erect and set up your tent, the better. Reviews are an excellent way to figure out if a tent is easy or hard to set up. 

We always recommend that you set up your tent at least once prior to going on your camping trip. You’ll want to familiarize yourself with how to set up the tent, what it looks like inside, how you’ll arrange your sleepers, and ensure that you have all the parts and supplies you need. Most tent poles are color-coded so you know what goes where. Instructions for assembly are usually printed on the storage bag or included. If you don’t have instructions, you can almost always find them online or YouTube videos showing you how to set up the tent. 


Be sure the check the tent’s durability and seasonality. A tent is your home away from home when camping and can make or break your camping experience. The quality of tent material is crucial because you need something that will protect you from the elements. Consider the area where you’ll be camping, the time of year you’re camping and the types of weather that you’ll likely encounter. Camping in the PNW is very different than camping in Texas and you’ll want a tent with different features based on your location. No matter where you can, choose a tent that offers a rain cover (or rainfly), has durable zippers, is water-resistant, and is rated as durable. Most tents are 3-season tents, so they are lightweight and designed for the relatively temperate conditions of spring, summer, and fall. If you’ll be camping in the winter in really cold temperatures, you’ll want a tent that can handle that. 


Tents come in many shapes! There are cabin-style tents, which have straight walls, are very spacious, and have a high center height so that you can stand up while inside. Some of the larger cabin tents have multiple rooms for privacy or separation of the sleeping area from gear storage space. They offer plenty of room, but due to their height and size, they are not always the most durable in windy conditions, can be heavy, and tend to take longer to set up. Dome-shaped tents are durable and weather friendly. They are lighter, easier to assemble, and can be used for all sorts of camping excursions. Dome tents tend to withstand heavy winds and rainy weather a bit better and sometimes have fewer issues with leaks. 


Tents can also come with (or you can purchase, in addition) a wide variety of features, options, and accessories. Some tents come with vestibules (created by a rain fly), garages, or attachments to add more square footage, extra space, and rain coverage to your home in the wild. Some have additional doors and windows. Most tents come with an integral pocket or two to let you keep small items off of the tent floor. A gear loft is an optional interior mesh shelf that can tuck greater volumes of gear out of the way. Other accessories include a footprint (usually purchased separately), seam sealant, stakes and anchors, tent repair kits, and floor mats.

Best tents for families

Now that you know some of the factors to consider when shopping for the best family tent for your next camping trip, it’s time to roll out our list of top contenders.  Remember to be specific about your choice of material for the climate and your weather conditions, as well as the type of camping you’ll be doing, the size of your family, and ease of setup. Below, we’ve rounded up our recommendations for the best tents for families, based on the size of your family. We’ve included 4 quality options for each family size (family of 3, family of 4/5, and larger families with 6+ people) and ranked them according to a variety of factors. We’ve included specifications for each tent, as well as price, pros, cons, and a link to purchase or find more information. Here are our recommendations for the best family camping tents.

best tent for a family of 3

Best tents for a family of 3

1. Big Agnes Spicer Peak 4

  • Size: 4-person tent
  • Floor dimensions: 92 x 90 inches
  • Peak height: 70 inches
  • Weight: 11 lbs. 15oz.
  • Price: $499
  • Features: 3 seasons, double-walled, 2 doors, 2 vestibules, polyester taffeta breathable fabric and nylon mesh, 8 interior mesh pockets, taped seams
  • Pros: excellent quality, tall, lightweight, lots of storage, 2 doors with vestibules for access on both sides
  • Cons: pricy, footprint NOT included, not aerodynamic (tends to not do as well in strong winds)


2.  REI Co-op Wonderland 4

  • Size: 4-person tent
  • Floor dimensions: 100 x 100 in.
  • Peak height: 75 inches
  • Weight: 21 lbs. 11 oz.
  • Price: $499
  • Features: 3 seasons, 2 doors, 75-denier polyester fabric, near-vertical walls for extra headroom, large doors and windows for 360° views, bugproof mesh paneling walls, multiple interior storage pockets, rainfly, sealed seams,
  • Cons: footprint NOT included, heavy, not aerodynamic (tends to not do as well in high winds)


3. Marmot Limestone 4

  • Size: 4-person tent
  • Floor dimensions: 100 x 86 inches
  • Peak height: 61 inches
  • Weight: 11 lbs. 11 oz.
  • Price: $389
  • Features: 3 seasons, 2 doors, 1 vestibule, vertical interior walls, taped seams, full-coverage rainfly, 40-denier polyester no-see-um mesh/68-denier polyester taffeta fabric
  • Pros: decent quality dome tent, great price, lightweight, more floor space
  • Cons: footprint NOT included, some leaking/pooling issues in heavy rain


4. Coleman Skydome Darkroom 4

  • Size: 4-person
  • Floor dimensions: 96 x 84 inches
  • Peak height: 55 inches
  • Weight: 11 lbs. 
  • Price: $149
  • Features: 3 seasons, 1 door, Dark Room technology blocks 90% of sunlight and reduces heat inside, quick setup (less than 5 min), also available in a 6-person version
  • Pros: budget-friendly, dark blackout cabin is great for helping kids sleep and nap, easy setup
  • Cons: footprint NOT included, lower quality fabric doesn’t hold up as well in the rain, very little storage, only one entry point


best tents for family of 4

Best tents for family of 4 or 5

1. The North Face Wawona 6

  • Size: 6-person 
  • Floor dimensions: 120 x 96 inches
  • Peak height: 76 inches
  • Weight: 20 lbs. 15 oz.
  • Price: $475
  • Features: 3 seasons, 2 doors, hybrid double-wall construction and a large mesh front door, extra interior height, large vestibule, rainfly, multiple storage pockets, 75-denier polyester with 1,200 mm polyurethane coating, rainfly
  • Pros: super high ceiling, large vestibule, lots of space
  • Cons: footprint NOT included, rainfly can be a bit tricky to assemble, takes up a lot of room


2. REI Co-op Base Camp 6

    • Size: 6-person
    • Floor dimensions: 110 x 110 inches
    • Peak height: 74 inches
  • Weight: 20 lbs. 10 oz.
  • Price: $549
  • Features: 3-4 season, 2 doors with solid fabric for privacy and mesh for ventilation, 2 vestibules, highly stable dome architecture, rainfly, also comes in 4-person version
  • Pros: spacious, great quality, high ceilings, excellent ventilation for summer (but also great for cold nights)
  • Cons: footprint NOT included, pricy, can be a bit difficult to set up


3. NEMO Aurora Highrise 6

  • Size: 6-person
  • Floor dimensions: 120 x 100 inches
  • Peak height: 77 inches
  • Weight: 18 lbs. 14 oz.
  • Price: $499
  • Features: 3 season, 2 doors, 2 vestibules, steep side walls and high ceiling, durable polyester fabric, multiple gear pockets, protected by the NEMO lifetime warranty
  • Pros: spacious and roomy, easy to set-up, great ventilation, excellent quality for the price
  • Cons: footprint NOT included


 4. Kelty Wireless 6

  • Size: 6-person
  • Floor dimensions: 118 x 106 inches
  • Peak height: 79 inches
  • Weight: 17 lbs. 3 oz.
  • Price: $269
  • Features: 3 seasons, 2 doors, 2 vestibules, 40-denier No-see-um mesh
  • Pros: great budget-friendly option, simple set-up
  • Cons: footprint NOT included, not quite the same quality as the higher-priced tents


best tents for large families

Best tents for large families 

1. NEMO Wagontop 8

  • Size: 8-person tent
  • Floor dimensions: 180 x 100 inches
  • Peak height: 80 inches
  • Weight: 30 lbs. 3 oz.
  • Price: $799
  • Features: 3 season, 2 doors, 2 vestibules, standing height throughout nearly the entire interior space, massive screened panoramic windows, lots of internal storage pockets, 75-denier polyether urethane-coated polyester fabric, 2 separate divided rooms, large attached gear garage (sold separately)
  • Pros: super spacious, easy to set up
  • Cons: footprint NOT included, heavy, size can be too large for some campsites


2. Eureka Copper Canyon 8

  • Size: 8-person 
  • Floor dimensions: 156 x 120 inches
  • Peak height: 84 inches
  • Weight: 34 lbs. 12 oz.
  • Price: $315
  • Features: 3 season, 2 doors, generous living space, vertical walls are ideal for potential cot use, removable divider curtain creates 2 separate rooms for privacy, mesh ceiling panels for circulation, 2 gear lofts plus high stash pockets, zippered electrical power cord port, rainfly, also available in a 12-person version
  • Pros: super roomy for all your family members and their gear, easy setup
  • Cons: footprint NOT included, heavy, potential leaks in heavy rains, may be too large for some campsites


3. CORE Instant Cabin 12

  • Size: 12-person
  • Floor dimensions: 216 x 120 inches 
  • Height: 80 inches
  • Peak height: 47.8 lbs.
  • Price: $399
  • Features: 3 season, 2 door, awning, rainfly,  2 attachable room dividers to create multiple separate living and sleeping spaces, durable 68D polyester fabric, advanced ceiling ventilation, 
  • Pros: easy setup, ridiculously roomy, room divider makes the tent customizable for large groups
  • Cons: footprint NOT included, potential leaks in heavy rains, enormous (may be too large for some campsites), heavy


4. Coleman Montana 8

  • Size: 8-person
  • Floor dimensions: 192 x 84 inches
  • Peak height: 74 inches
  • Weight: 26.67 lbs
  • Price: $170
  • Features: 3 season, 1 door, awning, spacious enough room for 3 queen size air beds
  • Pros: very roomy, affordable
  • Cons: footprint NOT included, not as high quality as pricier tents, potential leakage issues in heavy rain, may be too large for some campsites


Try before you buy

The best tent is the one you already own or have access to (assuming that it works for your family). Tents can be expensive, and we never want price or feeling like you have to have the “right gear” to keep anyone from camping. We always recommend that families camping for the first time either rent or borrow a tent before purchasing a tent. This keeps the price point for entry into this fun activity lower and ensures that you like/enjoy camping before making a purchasing commitment. 

Photo credit: @kristcx

More family camping resources

If you’re looking for even more info on how to camp with kids, we’ve got you covered. Check out these great camping resources below:

family camping gear packing checklist

Printable camping gear lists for families

To make it easier for you to get started on your next family camping trip, we put our ultimate camping packing list for your family in a free printable 2-page PDF for you! Use this as the perfect start to create your own master packing list. You’ll also be signed up to receive our  AMAZING weekly newsletter, filled with fun outdoor activities and inspiration for getting your kids and family outside! You can opt-out anytime (although we’d hate to see you go). 


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Unique Family-Friendly Camping with Hipcamp Mon, 06 Jun 2022 21:53:22 +0000 It’s almost summer, which means it’s officially camping season! This summer millions of weary souls will head into the wilderness to refresh, recharge and connect by spending time in nature. We hope that you’ll be one of them! Camping is such an amazing way to bond with your kids, disconnect from your screens, and get a serious dose of Vitamin N (nature). Camping certainly isn’t easy, but it’s always worth it. The first step in...

The post Unique Family-Friendly Camping with Hipcamp appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

It’s almost summer, which means it’s officially camping season! This summer millions of weary souls will head into the wilderness to refresh, recharge and connect by spending time in nature. We hope that you’ll be one of them! Camping is such an amazing way to bond with your kids, disconnect from your screens, and get a serious dose of Vitamin N (nature). Camping certainly isn’t easy, but it’s always worth it. The first step in curating an amazing camping experience is picking the right campsite for your family. Today, we’re going to tell you all about Hipcamp, one of our favorite little secrets for finding the most unique and top-notch campsites for families.

What is Hipcamp

At its core, Hipcamp is an online platform for finding and booking campsites, but, it is unique in a myriad of ways. Not only does it list traditional campgrounds in those big well-known (and often booked months in advance) national and state parks, but it offers a variety of options for camping on private land as well. It’s been referred to as “AirBnB for campsites,” and gives campers something a little different! 

Private landowners can list their property on Hipcamp and welcome campers to camp there! The minimum land requirement for a Hipcamp site is generally just two acres, but many Hipcamps have hundreds of acres to explore. Some listings feature simple plots of land with a single campsite, while others offer multiple campsites, spread out over the property like a traditional campground, albeit way less crowded. No matter how small or large, every Hipcamp offers direct access to nature. These campsites vary from primitive sites for tents only, to RV sites with hookups, to Airstreams, yurts, ski huts, farmhouses, tepees, tiny homes, tree houses, cabins, and cottages. Many listings have electricity and plumbing.

Why Hipcamp’s great for families

While camping anywhere is great for families, Hipcamp makes finding the right campsite for your family so much easier. Camping with kids brings on a whole set of concerns for parents, from privacy to crowds to safety concerns. Hipcamp has so many different options for camping, there’s sure to be something that works well for your particular family and concerns. Here are a few reasons why we recommend Hipcamp for families:

  1. Easy to search – Hipcamp’s website and app both make it easy to find a campsite that’s perfect for your family. You can search campsites by price, area (nearby location, park, state), what amenities you want (showers, electricity, hot tubs), nearby activities (hiking, biking, swimming), glamping experiences, pet-friendly options, and terrain (mountain, lake, woods, etc.).
  2. Variety of campsite options – Hipcamp has a ton of regular traditional campgrounds, but there are also lots of fun unique options for taking your camping experience to the next level. Hipcamp’s the perfect place to find a yurt, hammock pod, teepee, treehouse, cabin, rehabbed school bus, retro RV, tiny home, or cottage to rent. You might be surprised by how many options are available in your area!
  3. Availability – In the last few years, the popularity of camping (and the need for disconnecting and spending time outside) has multiplied exponentially. It’s harder now than ever to find and book a campsite in particular areas. Some state and national park campgrounds book months and months in advance. That can be really hard for families to plan around. We’ve found that the availability of campsites on Hipcamp is much better. You can usually find campsites available in your area just days (or even hours) in advance of your trip. If you’re looking for a more spontaneous trip, you can use the “Instant Book” within your search.

How to book a campsite using Hipcamp

The Hipcamp platform is incredibly easy to use and very well-done. To get started with booking a campsite, you’ll just need to create a free account. Take a few minutes to fill out your profile so that the people who own the campsites can get to know a little about you and your family (optional). 

Next, start searching for campsites using the dates you want to camp, the number of campers, and the location. If you have flexibility on any of these criteria, you can leave the field blank to see even more results. Then, you can add filters to narrow your results or scroll through the options available on the map. Save your favorites to folders for easy access later. Once you find a campsite that looks intriguing, check out the listing and read through all the details carefully. Campsite details include things like type of lodging, capacity, accessibility, amenities, essentials, check-in/out times, nearby activities, terrain, availability, price, photos, and other camper reviews. 

When you’re ready to book, click the green “Request To Book” or “Instant Book” button and use the discount code CAMPLIKEACHAMP10 to get $10 off your booking. Wait for your confirmation and get excited about your upcoming camping trip! Leading up to your trip, your Host will send you all the information you’ll need to get to the campsite and you can even message the Host directly on the Hipcamp website or app.

Here’s a helpful step by step guide from Hipcamp on how to book your trip.

Our Hipcamp experience

My kids and I recently booked a little weekend camping getaway through Hipcamp and we had a blast! I wanted to stay somewhere a little different than a traditional campground, away from the crowds and the hustle and bustle of busy state park campgrounds in our area. Hipcamp delivered with tons of options for private campgrounds near creeks, in the woods, on farms, or vineyards. There were treehouses, barns, school buses, cabins, and yurts. I had no idea there were so many options within a 2-hour drive of my city.

We chose to stay in a yurt on an animal rehabilitation farm. It was the perfect combination of rustic and secluded, yet comfortable and nice. The yurt was separate from the barn, house and other traditional campsites, so we had a sense of privacy, but easy access to others (just in case we needed help, if necessary). This gave me a lot of peace of mind when camping solo with my kids. The amenities and campsite were well-described in the listing and it was super easy to chat with the landowner via text through the Hipcamp app when we had questions. The whole booking process was a breeze.

I loved the beautiful yurt we stayed in and the amenities available for campers. The yurt was well-appointed with beds, linens, furniture, cooking equipment, fans, and more. We had access to a firepit, our own private outhouse and shower, a nearby creek, and a whole farm full of animals! The animals were by far, the biggest hit of the entire experience for my children. They had the opportunity to love on horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, potbellied pigs, chickens, and dogs. They couldn’t get enough of them and would spend hours petting them and visiting with them. It was an amazing experience. 

Check out some of America’s best Hipcamps to visit in 2022

Book your next camping adventure with Hipcamp

If you’re looking for a unique camping experience for your family, we highly recommend giving Hipcamp a try! You never know what kind of camping adventure you’ll find in your area. Be sure to use the code CAMPLIKEACHAMP10 to get $10 off your next booking. 

More family camping resources

If you’re looking for even more info on how to camp with kids, we’ve got you covered. Check out these great camping resources below:

family camping gear packing checklist

Printable camping gear lists for families

To make it easier for you to get started on your next family camping trip, we put our ultimate camping packing list for your family in a free printable 2-page PDF for you! Use this as the perfect start to create your own master packing list. You’ll also be signed up to receive our  AMAZING weekly newsletter, filled with fun outdoor activities and inspiration for getting your kids and family outside! You can opt-out anytime (although we’d hate to see you go). 


Have you tried Hipcamp yet?

The post Unique Family-Friendly Camping with Hipcamp appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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