Comments on: Gardening with Ladybugs Reconnecting families through outdoor activities and adventures. Tue, 30 Jan 2024 17:03:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: ResearchMom Tue, 30 Jan 2024 17:03:44 +0000 Ladybugs actually do bite, or at least some species do. I know because my infant had a ladybug on his ear and I thought nothing of it until it didn’t fly away and when I went to send it on its way I realized it was firmly attached to his ear. When I was able to get it off his ear it was bleeding and had a small chunk missing, literally. I looked it up online and found out that ladybugs do indeed bite. Yikes! I’m still a huge fan of raising and releasing them in my area, but needless to say I won’t be having them on their skin! I’m sure your child was fine, as I always was as a child. Just putting the information out there, not to discourage ladybug cultivation, but just as a heads up so no one is surprised like I was!

By: Tim Page Mon, 01 Jan 2024 01:17:36 +0000 What is the best month to order, buy, release the insects?

By: Constantino Fri, 25 Nov 2022 01:09:11 +0000 Gostei das informações pertinentes às joaninhas e gostaria de adquiri-las pará o meu jardim de leitura e meu orquidario, se houver algum produtor, gostaria de contatá-lo.
