WINTER Archives • RUN WILD MY CHILD Reconnecting families through outdoor activities and adventures. Tue, 13 Feb 2024 03:24:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 WINTER Archives • RUN WILD MY CHILD 32 32 Practical Tips for Getting Kids Outside in the Winter Wed, 31 Jan 2024 17:58:06 +0000 Embracing the winter season with kids in tow can be a chilly challenge. But kids (and their parents) need time outside during the winter, just as much as any other time of year. There are so many amazing benefits of spending time outside together during the winter season. Today, Teri Walzenbach, Washington mom of two, is here to share her invaluable tips, tricks, and family-favorite outdoor adventures that will have you and your little ones eagerly...

The post Practical Tips for Getting Kids Outside in the Winter appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

Embracing the winter season with kids in tow can be a chilly challenge. But kids (and their parents) need time outside during the winter, just as much as any other time of year. There are so many amazing benefits of spending time outside together during the winter season. Today, Teri Walzenbach, Washington mom of two, is here to share her invaluable tips, tricks, and family-favorite outdoor adventures that will have you and your little ones eagerly donning those snowsuits. Get ready to transform your winter perspective and discover the joy of creating lasting memories amidst the frosty landscape as we invite you to shift your mindset and savor the unique magic that the winter season has to offer.

Getting kids outside in the winter

Getting kids outside in the winter isn’t always (or ever) easy.  The cold, the snow, the lost mitten, all the layers, and the pull of the cozy warmth of the indoors can all prevent us from going outside.

But, getting outside in spite of these challenges is important for several reasons. First, it can help children stay active and healthy. And, of course, it helps kids get enough Vitamin D, which we know helps with your immune system. Spending time outdoors can also help kids reduce stress and anxiety. It can also help mamas too, for all the same reasons. It’s not always easy, but it is definitely worth it.

As a lover of the outdoors in every season, I am hoping to help inspire you today to get outside during the cold winter months. I’m here to share some of our favorite activities (and tips and tricks) that help get our family outside in the winter, in the hope that they help you, too!

Mindset shift

Depending on your location, there will be certain seasons that are more conducive to getting outside than others. Winter is probably not too many parents’ favorite season for outdoor play. Winter can be hard. It brings its own set of challenges, but it also brings special magical outdoor activities you can’t do any other time of year. Kids need outdoor time year-round, and so do you! We’d hate for you to miss out on months of adventures just because this is a hard season. 

But, as moms, we can do hard things! And getting outside may just take a bit of a mindset shift so that you can embrace (and maybe even enjoy!) the season. Instead of looking at winter as a season of inconvenience and uncooperative weather, it’s time to shift our perspectives. Infusing gratitude into this season can make a huge difference in our attitude and feelings about going outside, transforming our perspective from dread and reluctance to excitement and appreciation. 

Winter also provides opportunities for unique and memorable experiences that can only be found in the chill of the season. If you’re lucky enough to live in a place that gets snow, there are all kinds of new possibilities for creative play, imagination, and construction.

Simple and practical tips for getting kids outside in the winter

Keep it simple

Make it easy on yourself, and keep the outing simple. I get wanting to make every outing as epic as possible, but it can burn you out. It’s good to have the big adventures, but the small can also be memorable and check all the needed boxes. Sometimes, just getting out and taking a walk around the neighborhood or heading to your local playground/park can be enough to really help your mood and attitude. If a big outing feels overwhelming, keep it simple and close to home. Short and sweet is the way to go. Set reasonable limits on the amount of time spent playing outside to prevent hypothermia and frostbite, and, of course, just keep it fun. It’ll still be worth it. 

Plan ahead

Plan ahead with your clothing, gear, and layers. Gather all of your hats, mittens, boots, and other necessary clothing before you start to dress your kids. You want to make sure it’s as quick and painless as possible for everyone! Put it all by the door and have it ready for everyone when they’re ready to go out. Not having to stop and look for a missing boot or glove for 20 minutes will help get you outside quicker and cut down on stress.

Make it fun

Make the process of gearing up for the cold a fun family affair. Involve your kids in picking out winter gear, from colorful snowsuits to cozy hats and gloves. When they have a say in their attire, they’ll be more eager to venture outside. If the process of getting dressed and gearing up makes you want to scream, you’re not alone. Find a way to make it fun or turn it into a game. Turn on fun music and have a getting-ready-dance party, or make it a race to see who can get dressed the fastest. 

Change things up

Sometimes, the winter can feel like it lasts FOREVER. In that case, I start getting antsy and tired of visiting the same places again and again. I like to take winter mini vacations and change the scenery. These can be big and small adventures. Sometimes, getting out of town or into a new environment gets my kids more excited for outdoor adventures. 

Be a winter role model

Kids often take cues from their parents. If they see you embracing and enjoying the winter season, they’re more likely to follow suit. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards the colder weather and make outdoor time a family priority. Get out there with them and try to enjoy the season! Observe and point out things that are unique about your location during the winter months. Show them you enjoy being outside and they’ll enjoy it, too! 

Don’t forget the snacks

Add special treats to keep it exciting! Anything you do with kids is better with snacks. In the winter, I often pack a thermos with hot chocolate or the kids’ favorite warm soup. Or, if we are planning to make a fire in the snow, then I bring fixings to make good ole s’mores. Having something warm and delicious to break things up always adds to the overall mood. 

How to dress for outdoor winter activities

Warm kids are happy kids who are likely to stay outside longer. If you want to spend time outside during the winter in comfort, you may need to invest in quality winter boots, insulated gloves, and thermal layers. When kids (and moms!) are comfortable, they’re more likely to enjoy the outdoor experience.

Before heading out, check the weather forecast and keep an eye on changing conditions throughout the day. Layers are the best because you can modify them depending on the activity level and find the just right body temperature.

Start with a base layer of moisture-wicking fabric, then add a layer of fleece or wool, and finally, a weatherproof outer layer. Try to steer clear of cotton. Don’t forget to cover your kiddo’s head, neck, hands, and feet. Warm hats, gloves, and boots are essential!

If you need help finding the perfect winter gear, check out the following articles by fellow RWMC mamas:

Fun outdoor winter activities for kids

There are so many ways to get outside with kids in the winter! We have a great, super comprehensive post with 100+ Outdoor Winter Activities for Kids, but honestly, the list could go on and on beyond that!

Of course, my family has our favorite outdoor winter activities and traditions that we love to do every year. Here’s a list of our family’s favorites. These are the activities that we keep going back to for more!


Sledding is a classic and a quintessential outdoor winter activity for kids of all ages! All you need is a sled and a hill with snow on it.  This one is probably the most obvious because, let’s face it, what kid doesn’t LOVE sledding? Hours of downhill fun and lots of walking the sled back up to get in all that needed exercise. It’s a win-win for a great night’s sleep and a heavy dose of fresh air. Check out your state’s recreational website for sno-park locations and pass information. Here is an additional article about visiting Sno-Parks

Sledding safety tips

However, as with every fun activity, especially when children are involved, it’s important to be safe as well as have fun. Here are some sledding safety tips for your little ones.

  • Young kids (5 and under) should sled with an adult and wear a helmet when sledding.
  • Everyone should sit face-forward on their sleds with their feet downhill. Never godown the hill face-first because this can lead to a serious head injury.
  • Go down the hill one at a time and with only one person per sled (except for adults with young kids).
  • Keep arms and legs within the sled at all times.
  • If you’re on a sled that won’t stop, roll off it.
  • Walk up the side of the hill and leave the middle open for other sledders.
  • Don’t ever pull a sled with a moving vehicle (like a snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle).


Snowshoeing is an amazing way to get outside and enjoy the beauty of the winter months. This is probably my favorite activity because it is really just winter hiking. It’s a great way to get out into the woods and walk through a winter wonderland.

It’s a relatively easy sport to pick up, even for kids, and requires no prior experience or training. Everyone who is able and willing to snowshoe can and should, no matter their age! It is a great way to get the kids outside and hike through pristine powder snow.

Basically, snowshoeing is a type of hiking that involves walking over or on top of the snow with the assistance of footwear that displaces your weight over a larger area (so you don’t sink). No snowshoes? Don’t worry! If the trail is popular enough, you might not even need the snow shoes. But, wearing them is sometimes half the fun for kids,  so check to see if you can rent some at your local outdoor sports shop or even check them out at your local library or nature center. 

For more information on getting started snowshoeing with kids, be sure to check out our full post on Beginner Snowshoeing Tips for Kids

Ice skating

Ice skating is a fun and fabulous activity for kids that offers SO many benefits. Skating helps kids develop better balance, coordination, and flexibility, strengthens muscles, and improves their endurance. Skating can also be a social activity that allows kids to make new friends. Finally, ice skating is just so awesome and fun! The feeling of sailing across the ice is delightful and can provide hours of entertainment for kids.

Our family loves skating so much that we make a vacation around it to help us with getting outside during the winter. We have found an incredible free outdoor skating rink in Stanley, Idaho, that is surrounded by the Sawtooth Mountains. We rent a cabin nearby and skate till our hearts are content. Another awesome trip would be to ice skate through the forest outside of Quebec City. I’ve heard it’s a magical experience!

Building a snow fort

My kids LOVE building snow forts! Building a snow fort has to be up there at the very top of awesome winter outdoor activities. Last year, my kids built an amazing snow fort that they played in for hours and hours over the course of a few weeks (until it melted). They were so incredibly proud of their fort and had so much fun building it! Always be extra careful not to make it too heavy on top and make sure kids have proper adult supervision.

If you want to take it up a notch, throw in a fire and some hot chocolate, and you have a memory that lasts a lifetime. Seriously, a snow fort with kids is a fun and creative activity that can provide hours of entertainment. All you really need is a shovel and some creativity. It’s a great way to get a workout, enjoy the outdoors, and teach kids about physics. Snow forts are fun snow construction projects!

Book a getaway cabin

Does winter give you cabin fever? I’m talking about the kind of cabin fever that makes you want to rent a cabin in the woods and get immersed in nature!

Renting a cabin in the woods in the winter with your kids can be a great way to spend quality time together and create lasting memories. Cabins in the woods offer a unique opportunity to get away from the daily hum-drum and experience nature up close. You can explore the surrounding forests, go on hikes, and spot wildlife. There is something invigorating about being in a new environment. 

Visit the beach

Beaches in the wintertime are magical places. While the cooler temperature makes the water a bit too cold for swimming, there are still many activities the whole family can enjoy doing at the beach during the cooler winter months. Take advantage of the lack of crowds and spend some time shelling. For the best shelling, arrive at the beach at the earliest low tide, when the water recedes, uncovering thousands of shells. Shells are especially abundant after winter storms stir up the ocean water.

Bring along some binoculars to spot all sorts of birds and marine life, from crabs and live sand dollars to dolphins. Look for a place where the sand is dotted with rocks and branches so that the water gets trapped when the tide is low, and you will find many critters in these small tidepools. 

A place like the PNW coast in the winter is a definite playground. We hit the Oregon Coast a few years ago in November, and it was incredible. It rained the entire week, but it didn’t stop us. My kids chased the tides, made sand angels, and looked for anemones and starfish. If you dress right, the weather just adds to the fun. Misty and foggy beaches are like another world!

Visit your favorite park in the snow

Playgrounds can be a ton of fun in the snow. If it’s snowy and/or muddy outside and you’re not in the mood to track through the muck and get filthy, consider a playground. Most local parks have some sort of outdoor playground equipment that can be enjoyed no matter what the season or weather. You’ll likely have it all to yourselves, which makes it the perfect place to play games. There is usually enough space to spread out, things to climb on and the possibility to meet new friends. 

My kids love playing Follow the Leader on playgrounds. They take turns being the leader and lead each other through a maze of playground equipment, doing silly and challenging things. For example, they love walking across the swings without touching the ground, climbing up the slides, and leaping from thing to thing. Check out our post for even more ideas of park playground games for kids

Cheers to an active and wonderful winter

Just because it’s cold and snowy outside doesn’t mean you can get out there and have fun! Kids need time outside in the winter just as much as they do in the summer. Time spent outdoors during the winter helps their immune system, gets their blood flowing, and helps them get essential nutrients. I hope this post gave you some ideas for fun new things to do to keep your kids active, outdoors, and having fun! So bundle up and get ready for a fun winter of outdoor fun. Adventure awaits even when it’s cold outside!

About the author

Teri is the mama of 2 adventurous kiddos (ages 7 and 9), living in Washington State. She loves to explore the outdoors, and her kids often tell her she has a “crush” on the mountains (she agrees). Teri is an avid hiker and backpacker, who enjoys getting out on solo trips as well as trips with her kids. She has been taking her kids camping, hiking, and backpacking since before they could walk. Teri loves to unplug with them, be fully present, and immerse themselves in the outdoors. She has traveled a lot of the world with her kids, they lived in China for a while, but she keeps finding herself most excited about her own backyard. Teri is passionate about inspiring other families and moms to get outside and explore the outdoors with and without their kids.

You can find more from Teri online in the following locations:
Instagram: @the.trekking.mama
RWMC posts: Teri Walzenbach

The post Practical Tips for Getting Kids Outside in the Winter appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Ideas for Getting Outdoors at Night with Kids Thu, 07 Dec 2023 15:59:49 +0000 The days grow shorter, and nights get longer as we transition from fall to winter. With dark, cold evenings, it’s easy to succumb to the allure of cozy indoor activities. However, just because the sun sets earlier doesn’t mean outdoor adventure has to end. If your kids are anything like mine, even though it’s dark by 5:00 pm, they’re probably still bouncing off the walls and have lots of energy to burn. Today, Amy Eastin,...

The post Ideas for Getting Outdoors at Night with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

The days grow shorter, and nights get longer as we transition from fall to winter. With dark, cold evenings, it’s easy to succumb to the allure of cozy indoor activities. However, just because the sun sets earlier doesn’t mean outdoor adventure has to end. If your kids are anything like mine, even though it’s dark by 5:00 pm, they’re probably still bouncing off the walls and have lots of energy to burn. Today, Amy Eastin, Kansas City mom of three, is here sharing ideas and activities that will not only keep your kids entertained after dusk but will also create lasting memories filled with laughter, wonder, and the warmth of familial bonds. Let’s embrace the darkness and light up the night together with these nighttime activities for the whole family.

pinnable image for "ideas to get outside at night with kids"

Embracing darkness in the winter and fall

Part of what makes winter different than other seasons is the shorter days and longer nights. The lack of sunlight is usually seen as a negative. And I agree that it’s certainly less conducive and convenient for spending time outside. However, it’s also part of what makes winter special and if we can learn to manage our expectations and get creative, we can still spend a lot of time outside in the winter evenings. 

The evenings bring with them a special ambiance. By encouraging your family to venture outdoors after sunset, you not only extend your playtime but also instill in your children an appreciation for the beauty that lies within the mysterious realms of the night. When else can you explore in the darkness and still make it home in plenty of time for bedtime?! 

So, instead of retreating indoors when the sun goes down, consider embracing the darkness as a special part of the winter experience. From glow-in-the-dark treasure hunts to storytelling by the flickering light of a bonfire, the night becomes a canvas for imaginative play, allowing children to explore their creativity in a magical setting. Embracing the darkness not only opens doors to new activities but also strengthens the family bond through shared experiences under the vast winter sky.

Here are some ideas so your family can continue having fun outdoor time at night. Enjoy playing outdoors after dark! 

Flashlight tag

Our family plays our own version of freeze tag with flashlights. We have one person with a flashlight who chases everyone. They tag people by shining their light at them. Then, that person is frozen. In order to become unfrozen, another person must crawl under their legs. 

This game has led to me running harder and faster than I had in years. We laugh so hard, and the kids all scream and run. It is so much fun! 

a family wearing headlamps

Photo by Sarah Boles


Our kids are still fairly young and have bedtimes before it gets dark in the summer. This makes stargazing in the winter extra special because they haven’t seen the stars for a long time. Sometimes, we put out a blanket on our lawn and bring pillows and blankets and cuddle to keep warm. 

We can’t see as many stars from our house in the city though, so we also like going on nighttime drives and looking for stars out the windows. I check out books on stars from the library, and we look at the Sky Tonight – Star Gazer Guide app to learn about the stars and look for specific constellations. 

For more great ideas for ways to help turn stargazing into a fun and educational activity, be sure to check out this post on Using Storytelling to Connect Children with the Night Sky

stars at night and the milky way

Glow-in-the-dark toys 

Somehow, even simple games become more fun and novel when you do them in the dark. They take on an entirely new dimension of excitement and novelty when played in the dark with the addition of glow-in-the-dark toys. Whether it’s a game of catch with luminescent balls or a spirited round of capture the flag with glow-in-the-dark bracelets, the darkness amplifies the thrill, turning familiar activities into unique and memorable experiences. The bonus is that I can always see where my kids are because the toys illuminate them!

glow in the dark capture the flag

Here are some must-have glow-in-the-dark toys: 

Ring Toss: This ring toss tic-tac-toe set is perfect for a family game. It takes skill but is still fun for the whole family. 

Capture the Flag: This classic kids’ game can still be played at night! Invite your neighbors, split into teams, and have some fun!

Football: Play catch as a family or a football game with friends. Either way, you can keep playing after dark! 

Glow Velcro Catch: This classic toy has a light-up version! This is a great game if you want to get your kids outside but don’t feel like running around yourself. Give this to your kids, and you can sit down and watch them play. 

Lawn Darts: Light-up lawn darts are fun for the whole family. We like to break into teams to play. Our family gets competitive. Whoever wins usually gets a prize, like getting to choose the movie at our next family movie night. 

Basketball: You don’t have to stop playing basketball if you have a basketball hoop just because it’s dark. This light-up ball will be easy to spot and be a way to get outdoor family time when it’s dark. 

Glow Rocket: My kids love rocket launchers like these, but you can’t use the traditional ones at night because it would be too easy to lose your rocket in the dark. These light-up ones are the perfect solution to nighttime play for rocket enthusiasts. 

Glow Frisbee: Another great way to play catch even though it’s dark outside! 

Light up hula hoop: Let’s be honest, hula hooping at night just looks cooler, and it’s just as fun! 

Kick the Can: This classic kids game can still be played at night! Invite the neighborhood kids over, split into teams, and have some fun!

campfire in the snow with three trees

Flashlight hide and seek

We play hide and seek in the dark often. We all carry a flashlight, which we are allowed to turn off. The way we play is that you hide but then try to run to the front door before the seeker tags you. We all start off hiding, then when the seeker is distracted, we run as fast as we can for the porch. It’s so much fun and ends with us all laughing and out of breath. 

a man and child walking at night with Christmas Lights in the background

Outdoor movie night (with hot cocoa)

Hear me out on this one. A movie in the cold might not sound delightful, but imagine that you’re under lots of blankets, snuggling your family, and sipping hot cocoa. The unique ambiance of the season adds a touch of magic to your cinematic experience. The cozy blankets, the breath of cold air, and the hot chocolate create a memorable sensory experience that your kids will love! This is a great way to make an ordinary movie night memorable for your kids and have fun outdoors at the same time.  

Here’s a great post on how to have a fun and successful outdoor movie night with your family

ideas for getting kids outside at night in the winter

Campfires and s’mores 

We eat s’mores at least twice a week in the winter. It’s kind of our winter thing! My kids think it is so fun, plus we get to warm up by the fire! Afterward, the kids almost always end up running around the yard, and my husband and I relax by the fire. It’s a win for everyone as we all get to spend quality time outside together (and get a delicious treat)! 

Check out our full post on ways you can take your bonfire up a notch and get creative! 

kids around a campfire

Lantern walk or full moon hikes

Winter is the best time to go on a night hike if you have little kids because it gets dark so early that their bedtime won’t be pushed back too late. There is something magical about hiking at night. If you’re able, go on a night hike when the moon is full (and the sky is cloudless). You’ll be amazed by how much you can see and how magical the world feels around you. 

Or, you could go on an evening lantern walk, even just around your neighborhood. Waldorf schools around the world take part in an annual evening lantern walk custom every November to commemorate Martinmas, and again in December around the Winter Solstice, the longest night and shortest day of the year. It’s a beautiful time of connecting with our kids with the Earth.

Lantern walks can be small family affairs, or large gatherings where groups of families or neighbors light their lanterns and go out together after the sun sets. Walks can be quiet and contemplative, or songs can be sung (we like a mix of both!). Bring a thermos of hot cocoa or hot apple cider, and it will make the event even more festive and fun. 

night time lantern walk with kids to spend more time outside in the evening during winter and fall months

Northern lights nights

We live in Missouri, so it’s not very often we can see the Northern Lights, but it can happen. This year, I am following the northern light reports that predict when it is likely that they will be visible. I plan to load up the kids and drive them out of the city to an open spot if there is a good night to view. I think my kids would definitely remember their mom keeping them up late to witness something so special. 

If you live in a place where you’re more likely to see the Northern Lights, take advantage of that! Pack the kids up and get outside to observe and appreciate their beauty! Trust me, they’re quite a spectacle that not many people get the chance to see! 

kids climbing at night wearing headlamps

Glow stick walks

We go on lots of night walks around our neighborhood, but a way to make them interesting is to add glow sticks! This is such a fun (and super easy!) way to add some fun and excitement to any nighttime activity. My kids love wearing glow necklaces, crowns, and bracelets. It gets them excited about walking at night and makes them easy to spot in the dark.

kids playing outside at night with glowsticks

Photo By Sarah Boles

Add twinkle lights to your backyard

Elevate the allure of your backyard or swingset by simply adding some twinkle lights to your space, which will keep your kids outside longer during evening hours. The lights not only add a touch of enchantment but also serve as a practical solution, providing ample illumination for safe play. Never underestimate the appeal of a set of twinkle lights! Kids who haven’t shown any interest in a swingset, treehouse, playhouse, or sandbox may get excited about it all over again just by the addition of fun lights! 

Build a winter fort

This year we’re planning to “winterize” our climbing dome by covering it in plastic. If you have a tree house, play structure, or build a stick teepee, you can make it more winter-friendly by covering it in a plastic tarp. I plan to hang twinkle lights inside so my kids can play out there at night time. 

Outdoor public spaces

Take advantage of outdoor lighted public spaces during fall and winter evenings to maximize your time outside. Public ice rinks and ski areas are usually well-light through evening hours to get your family outside and active. Go for an evening stroll in a well-lit downtown area with shops and restaurants. Also, look for botanical gardens, parks, zoos, and other outdoor places in your area that may be open in the evening.

Embrace the darkness

This year, I am looking forward to embracing the darkness and making our evenings fun and memorable. The whole family is happier when we get time outside, and I love the quality time we have. Getting outdoors at night is one way to keep the winter blues away. 

Which of these things are you most looking forward to trying with your kids? 

About the author 

Amy is a Kansas City-based adventure mom to three kids. She loves exploring all that the middle of the USA has to offer, from hiking trails to family experiences, rivers, museums, and everything in between. Before kids, Amy traveled and lived around the world, rode camels, trekked through mountains, and occasionally danced with the locals. Now, Amy is usually road-tripping with her kids (and sometimes her husband), getting outside, and exploring Kansas City. Amy is passionate about promoting the Midwest as a travel destination and encouraging families to get outdoors with young kids.

You can find more from Amy in the following locations: 
Instagram: @everydayoutdoorfamily
Facebook: Everyday Outdoor Family
Tiktok: @everydayoutdoorfamily
RWMC posts: Amy Eastin

The post Ideas for Getting Outdoors at Night with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Best Kids’ Winter Boots Tue, 21 Mar 2023 17:21:09 +0000 We rounded up the highest-rated and most recommended kids’ winter boots on the market and put them to the test! And we’re sharing our recommendations for the best winter boots for kids with you! Leslie Alvis, an Ohio mom of four, let her kids put a dozen of the best winter snow boots through the wringer! She’s here with recommendations and reviews of how the boots stood up and what they liked about each pair....

The post Best Kids’ Winter Boots appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

We rounded up the highest-rated and most recommended kids’ winter boots on the market and put them to the test! And we’re sharing our recommendations for the best winter boots for kids with you! Leslie Alvis, an Ohio mom of four, let her kids put a dozen of the best winter snow boots through the wringer! She’s here with recommendations and reviews of how the boots stood up and what they liked about each pair.

*This post contains affiliate links. Some products reviewed in this post were provided in exchange for review purposes, as noted below. All opinions expressed and all photos contained herein belong to the author.
Best Kids' Winter Boots - tried and tested by real kids in real winter conditions

Best winter boots for kids

Every parent of an outdoorsy kid in a cold climate knows the battle to find a good pair of winter boots. They are absolutely essential for winter outdoor adventures. They have to be warm but not too heavy, tough but flexible, waterproof, and easy to put on (and stay on). You need winter boots that are affordable but good quality, that fit right now but also last at least one whole season. In short, finding a good winter boot that works for your child can be a daunting task! But don’t worry, we’ve done all the work for you in finding and reviewing kids’ winter boots.

Boots: See Kai Run Gilman /Photo: @sara_mccarty

Top recommendations for kids’ winter boots

Curious minds want to know (we want to know!), what are the best winter boots for kids? We polled the moms on our Creative Team, as well as our ambassadors and online communities for their top recommended kids’ winter boots. We collected all the answers and then put those recommendations to the test to find the best winter boots for kids. We put the boots through the wringer and tested them on real kids in real winter situations. We compiled all the info here for you in this post. So, here’s the scoop on the best winter boots for kids (alphabetical order): 

A note on kids’ boot sizing

Buying kids’ winter boots is tough. You want them to be roomy enough to accommodate thick wool socks and large enough to last through at least the whole season with room to grow. On the other hand, you don’t want too much extra room in the boot, which will simply add more struggles to getting your kids outside. If their feet are sliding around inside their boot, kids have an even harder time moving around in the mud, snow, and ice of winter. Also, I’ve learned the hard way that some kids will let the boot flop around as they walk if it’s too big, breaking holes in the side of any rubber boot.

Most websites offer careful sizing directions. Sizing varies from company to company, and sometimes even between boot styles. You might have to get out a measuring tape or ruler, but it’s worth the time to find out exactly what size your child needs. One sales representative told me to make sure to measure my child’s foot while they were standing up, with their foot flat on the ground. This ensures the most accurate measurement. Then add a little extra (one website recommended 1.5 cm) for growth, and you should have the right fit for your child’s winter boots.

Sorel boots

Boots: Yoot Pac by Sorel/Photo: Courtneyk @wildmigrationfamily

Big kids’ winter boot sizes

If you have kids that have reached double-digit ages, you may have already learned that kids’ shoe and boot sizes only go so far. My older children have been in adult shoe sizes long before they reached junior high. I’ve tried to include notes about the sizes available in the boots featured in this article. Some focus on small children, some on toddlers through little kids, and a few offer big kids sizing or identical boots in adult sizes.

playing in winter boots

Boot: Trek by Stonz

Lightweight boots help

It’s been my experience over the years that one of the biggest obstacles to getting small children outside in the winter isn’t the weather, but the gear. Both the process of putting it on and moving around in it feels absolutely overwhelming to little people. Not to mention all the extra challenges that come with trying to maneuver through snow and ice on short little legs.

So any winter boot that is easy to put on and lightweight/flexible enough for kids to move easily in wins my vote immediately! A number of the boots in this article score very high on the lightweight and flexible test, making them very easy for kids to wear in snow, ice, and slush. 

See Kai Run Winter Boots

Boots: Gilman by See Kai Run

Waterproofing needs

We’d all like to think that we can buy one style of winter boot that will meet all our kids’ winter needs! That fluffy, well-insulated snow boot that’s ideal for the far north may not work for every area. Some regions seem to spend the winter season in an endless fluctuation between snow, mud, ice, and puddles. If you live in one of them, you know exactly what I’m talking about!

A typical fabric snow boot with only a waterproof bottom just ends up soaked and covered in mud. That nice, soft interior fleece never dries out, and your kids’ feet are always damp. There’s no one perfect boot for every kid in every region and every weather. For this article, we’ve reviewed a variety of insulated winter boots for different climates and situations and made notations about what weather condition each style is best suited for. 

Stonz Boots

Boot: The West by Stonz

Quality does matter

Sometimes, as parents of growing kids, we buy the most reasonably priced gear we can find. After all, children are either going to wear it out or outgrow it very quickly. And while I’m all about buying inexpensive play clothes for kids, investing in good winter outerwear is really important.

If you spend any amount of time outside in the cold, you know how necessary it is to have warm gear. It’s especially essential for little people who don’t have the body mass that we adults do to help keep warm. And with winter boots, quality really does matter! Those little toes get so icy cold unless they have good quality, insulated boots. The general consensus is that cheaper boots are never as warm.

Over the last fifteen years of being a mom, I’ve learned that it’s worth the money to buy decent outdoor winter gear for my kids. This doesn’t have to break the bank—you can find good quality kids’ outerwear on sale, at thrift stores, in online marketplaces, and on eBay. You may have to get creative, especially if you’re dressing multiple kids for the cold, but it’s worth the effort and the investment. I’ve also learned that higher-quality gear is much more likely to last for more than one child, making it more justifiable to spend money on items that can be passed down from kid-to-kid. 

See Kai Run

Boot: Atlas by See Kai Run

Shopping sales

Shopping sales is a great way to get kids’ winter boots at a reasonable price. If you know what sizes your kids are going to need in the coming winter season, many companies offer excellent sales at winter’s end. Most of the boots featured here are up to 50% off by February.  I usually get stymied trying to figure out what sizes my kids for next winter will need that far in advance, so I’ve found myself shopping fall sales, like Black Friday. If you know what brand or model of boot you want, you can often watch for sales and get a good quality winter boot at a really good price.

Kuoma boots

Boot: Lumilukko by Kuoma

Featured boots

With all those thoughts in mind, let’s check out some of the best boots on the market for kids these days! The following boots cover a wide variety of purposes and styles, from warmly insulated tall rubber boots, to a fluffy lined barefoot shoe. Our team of outdoorsy moms let their kids put these boots to the test, and here’s what we think about this roundup of winter boots!

Polarn O Pyret Boots

Boots: Kavat from Polarn O Pyret

Polarn O Pyret Kavat*

Price range: $64

Size range: Toddler – little kid

This Swedish-made boot, distributed by Polarn O Pyret, is adorable, durable, and warm. The outer rubber layer is tough and well-made, with fully welded seams and using recycled materials. Anyone whose kids spend much time out in the mud knows how important it is to have a rubber boot that holds up! I can’t even count the number of boots we’ve had to throw away over the years because they split open at the seams.

The inner lining is a wool blend that is the softest, warmest boot liner I’ve ever felt. As a huge fan of wool for its unique body-regulating abilities, I was thrilled to see that the lining is 90% wool. These boots are warm, cute, and multi-purpose. Not only does the removable lining allow these boots to span the seasons, but it also helps the boot to grow with the child’s foot. I wish they made these in adult sizes!

*These boots were gifted to the author for review purposes. 

See Kai Run bootsBoots: Gilman by See Kai Run

See Kai Run Gilman and Atlas*

Price Range: $80

Size Range: Toddler—big kid

Marketed as “toddler shoes that just make sense,” See Kai Run was founded by a mom who wanted shoes to accommodate the healthy development of her son’s feet. She has built a line of footwear that meet that goal, in a variety of fun colors and styles. 

Our girls love their winter boots! They are a great choice for a lightweight, flexible, and easy on boot. The material is durable and waterproof on the outside, and soft and warm on the inside. They became instant favorites.

We love how they keep feet warm and dry, but aren’t heavy or clunky. The Velcro straps make them really easy to adjust snugly without being hard for kids to put on themselves. Both the taller Gilman boot and the Atlas short boot have been go-to footwear for my girls in all kinds of winter weather, and they’ve kept their feet warm and dry through snow, mud, and rain. This is the ideal boot for new walkers, toddlers and little kids. 

*These boots were gifted to the author for review purposes. 

Kids Kuoma bootsBoot: Reipas by Kuoma

Kuoma Lumilukko and Reipas*

Price Range: $83-$99

Size Range: Toddler–Adult

If you’re looking for a unique, quality snow boot that’s not only warm and lightweight but also remarkably waterproof, check out Kuoma boots. Made with almost 100 years of Finish craftsmanship behind them, Kuoma boots are built for outdoor adventures in cold climates. They are amazingly light and easy to get on and off, which adds to their appeal by simplifying getting kids outdoors.

Kuoma boots have not just one, but two removable insoles for warmth and comfort. The uppers of these boots are made with a lightweight and flexible material that is completely waterproof (like a waterproof leather type material). My kids were skeptical that a boot that wasn’t solid rubber could repel water…until they stuck their whole foot in the creek and watched the water run right off! We are truly impressed with these boots.

Kuoma’s most popular kids’ winter boot, the Lumilukko, is waterproof and rated for temperatures down to -22F/-30C. It comes in a large variety of bright, fun colors and patterns. The Reipas shares many of the same qualities, but is a lace-up version with bright reflective laces. 

After decades of being a European-only company, Kuoma is about to open stores in the US and make their high-quality boots readily available across the United States. Stay tuned for updated links and product availability in early fall 2023! 

*These boots were gifted to the author for review purposes. 

Kuoma waterproof boots

Boot: Lumilukko by Kuoma

kamik boots

Snowfall P2 by Kamik/Photo: @elizabethstarexplores

Kamik Snowfall P2

Price Range $75

Size Range: Older toddler—big kids

My daughter has been wearing her Kamik Snowfall P2 Winter Boots for two winters now, and we could not be happier with them! In two years of wearing these boots, we have never had a complaint about them from my four-year-old. They keep her feet warm and dry while skiing, snowshoeing, hiking and playing in snow. The inner linings do an excellent job wicking away moisture. The adjustable velcro strap keeps them snug. And the bungee cord closure on top keeps snow out to keep your child’s feet warm and dry. 

My daughter has worn her Kamik boots in the snow for hours at a time and her feet are always completely dry when she takes off the boots. They are also the perfect height: tall enough that her pants stay tucked into them but not so tall that she has trouble walking or running around. There is Velcro around the ankle and bungee at the top. This helps get the perfect fit and ensures no snow gets into the boots, but the boots are also easy to get on and off, even for my four-year-old on her own. Overall they have been the perfect winter boots for us!

Elizabeth Astrella @elizabethstarexplores

Editor’s note: Kamik has a wide variety of styles and colors, as well as a large size range, making them a great option when you’re looking for winter boots for older kids.

Lands End

Boots: Expedition by Lands End/Photo: Sara @midwestnomadfamily

Land’s End Expedition

Price range: $85

Size range: toddler–big kid

Lands End has long been synonymous with quality outdoor gear, and their snow boots are warm with thick padding inside. The Expedition comes with favorite features like a waterproof outer shell and good grips on the bottom. I like the zipper on the side that helps with getting them on and off quickly. My daughter also stayed completely dry, even climbing through the ice castles and snow tunnels for 90 minutes. She liked the fun color options and stylish design. They’re a great winter boot for keeping tiny toes warm and toasty. 

~Sara Lesire @midwestnomadfamily

Baffin boots

Boots: Young Hunter by Baffin

Baffin Young Hunter*

Price range: $60-80

Size range: older toddler–youth–men (there is a similar style in women’s boot options, the Storm)

The Young Hunter by Baffin is a sturdy, all-purpose boot for mud, water, and snow. The solid rubber construction means that it can take on whatever conditions your child will encounter all winter long, and the warm liner helps keep feet warm even in icy slush. I love that the very top of the boot has fabric with an elastic drawstring to cinch the opening tight.

This boot is a great find for families like ours, who spend our winters in a constant fluctuation between icy mud puddles and snow. Our kids need a tall rubber boot that’s able to withstand the rigors of maple syrup making in February and March. Our sugar bush has deep mud holes that easily come up over the top of many kids’ winter boots. Even though it’s muddy, the weather is still cold, so we need some sort of insulation to keep their feet from freezing during the long hours we spend gathering maple sap.

These sturdy boots have checked all the boxes for our warmth and waterproof needs.  The insulated liner is also removable and washable, which makes them multi-season rubber boots.

*These boots were gifted to the author for review purposes. 

Stonz the West

stonz rain boots

Boots: The West by Stonz 

Stonz West and Trek*

Price Range $67

Size Range: Toddler–Big Kid

Easily the cutest kids’ winter boots we’ve ever seen, the Stonz West neoprene boots are a great all-purpose winter boot. The waterproof bottom comes up past the ankle, while the fabric upper helps keep pant legs tucked in and dry. They’re perfect for snow, slush, and shallow puddles. They have enough insulation to keep little feet warm all winter in many areas–they’re rated for temperatures down to 5 degrees F.

The Stonz West boots have excellent treads on the bottom, helping kids’ feet grip even slippery surfaces firmly. Made with chemical-free rubber and eco-friendly materials, they’re good for both your little ones’ feet and the environment. This pair of boots come in a large variety of super cute colors and patterns.

The Trek by Stonz is a cozy, super lightweight snow boot for all your snow play needs. With a buckle, a Velcro strap, and an adjustable elastic band at the top, these warm boots keep the all snow out! They are easy to put on and fully lined with a removable, super-soft liner. They have waterproof bottoms, a water-resistant upper fabric, and a rated for temperatures as low as -58 degrees F!  With all those features, these cute and snuggly boots are perfect for all the snowy activities your winter can bring. 

*These boots were gifted to the author for review purposes. 

Stonz boots

Boot: The Trek by Stonz

Sorel Boots

Boots: Yoot Pac by Sorel/Photo: Courtneyk @wildmigrationfamily

Sorel Yoot Pac

Price Range: $90

Size Range: Little kid–big kid (similar styles available in adult sizes)

Winters in Maine, we are all into Sorels. They’re warm, waterproof, and quality to pass down from child to child. The Yoot Pac youth boot is waterproof and insulated with a removable liner to keep feet warm in even deep snow. Sorel even sells replacement liners to help increase the boot’s lifespan. These boots are perfect for snow day adventures through heavy snowfall, and are an excellent choice if you want a boot that will last a long time. The one disadvantage of this durable boot is that they are a little on the heavy side.

~Courtneyk Cronin @wildmigrationfamily

Vivobarefoot boots

VivoBarefoot Kids Lumi

Price Range: $100-125

Size Range: Toddler–Kids–Youth

Have you been hunting for a “minimalist” or “barefoot-style” boot? If so, you have to check out the Vivobarefoot Kids Lumi. The shoes are wide and flexible but still have great traction and insulation. But too, and maybe most importantly when it comes to kiddo shoes, the boots are incredibly durable.

After months of near-constant wear at forest school and beyond (including Thanksgiving dinner), these boots still look brand new.

My kid has put them to the test stomping through the icy shallows of cold mountain creeks and scrambling up trees. At no point has she complained that her feet were cold or wet. It took me three years to find the perfect barefoot kiddo boot. Now that I have, I foresee more pairs of these kids winter boot in our future! Maybe they come in mama sizes too?!

~Somer Pickel @somerpickel

saguaro winter shoes

Saguaro Defender winter shoe

Saguaro Defender*

Price Range: $80

Size Range: Toddler-big kids

If you’re looking for lightweight winter footwear that isn’t exactly a boot, but will keep your kids’ feet warm through winter playground and hiking activities, check out this insulated barefoot shoe from Saguaro! With a splash-resistant outer material and warm fleece lining, this is a great alternative to a heavy boot when all you need is a lightweight shoe. We love how flexible and comfy the rubber soles are, while still offering warmth and some water protection. They give kids’ feet that barefoot feel during winter play without cold feet.

*These boots were gifted to the author for review purposes. 

Bogs Classic II no handle camo

Bogs Classic II

Price range: $90

Size range: Toddler – big kid

If you’re looking for the most rugged durable waterproof boot, check out the Bogs Classic II boots. These boots provide great traction for tromping through the mud and snow, plus, a wide toe box for thick wool socks and room to grow. They are heavy, so they’re better for older kids. My son (age 10) wears these for hunting, playing in the snow, fishing, hiking, and more. They’ve lasted longer than any other boot we’ve tried, and we’re been impressed with their durability. Bogs offers boots in baby sizes through adults (men and women). They come in a wide variety of colors, patterns, styles, and price points. 

Sara McCarty @sara_mccarty


What are your favorite kids’ winter boots?
Share in the comments below!

About the author

Leslie is an Ohio farm girl and chaser of light, children, and sometimes chickens. She’s a lover of Jesus, wife to her high school sweetheart, and a homeschooling mom of four wild rascals who love the great outdoors as much as she does. As a family, they love hiking, camping, fishing, and just about any outdoor activity. She and her husband are just beginning the process of building a homestead from the ground up, doing most of the work themselves. Leslie has a lifelong obsession with writing and capturing everyday life from behind the lens. Follow along with their homesteading, homeschooling, and everyday adventures on her Instagram account.

You can find more from Leslie in the following locations:
Instagram: @c_l_allofus
Leslie’s RWMC posts: Leslie Alvis

The post Best Kids’ Winter Boots appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Cross Country Skiing with Kids Wed, 15 Mar 2023 17:38:32 +0000 Cross-country skiing with kids is a great way to get outside in the winter months, explore your area, and get physically active! And it’s easier to get started than you might think! Today, Executive Team member and California mom of three, Araceli Gonzalez, is here sharing her family’s recent experience cross-country skiing for the first time! Araceli’s family took a cross-country skiing lesson with the experts at Wylder Hope Valley and is here passing on...

The post Cross Country Skiing with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

Cross-country skiing with kids is a great way to get outside in the winter months, explore your area, and get physically active! And it’s easier to get started than you might think! Today, Executive Team member and California mom of three, Araceli Gonzalez, is here sharing her family’s recent experience cross-country skiing for the first time! Araceli’s family took a cross-country skiing lesson with the experts at Wylder Hope Valley and is here passing on all the great tips and advice they received to you! 

*This post was sponsored by Wylder Hope Valley. Activities and accommodations were exchanged for review purposes. All opinions expressed and all photos contained herein belong to the author.

Cross-country skiing with kids

Are you looking for a fun way to get outside, explore, and be active with your kids during the winter months? Looking for an activity that is accessible to beginners and does not require much gear to get started?  Well then, we have a great option for you!

Cross-country skiing with kids is such a great sport to try this winter.  With very little (or no!) experience, this is a great winter outdoor activity for children and a great way for the whole family to explore during the cold winter months together!

What is cross-country skiing?

Unlike downhill skiing, cross-country skiing involves gliding across relatively flat terrain, relying on your own power and strength to move yourself from point A to B. The classic style of cross-country skiing entails shuffling your legs back and forward (as if you’re running). The more-complex skating method involves moving your legs side to side in an ice skating-like motion. 

Cross-country skiing is a sport you can try on your own, as a family, with a friend, or take lessons from a professional instructor.  Most ski resorts offer cross-country ski rentals, coupled with lessons. Cross-country skiing is definitely less daunting than traditional downhill skiing or snowboarding, more affordable, and much more accessible. 

Benefits of cross-country skiing for kids

Cross-country skiing is a low-impact sport and an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise. Sliding across snow-covered trails is much more strenuous than it looks! Cross-country skiing works every single muscle you have and helps improve balance, coordination, and agility. 

Cross-country skiing is also an activity that’s easy to pick up at any age and can be done together as a family. It’s a great way to get outside and explore together during those cold dark winter months when kids can really benefit from fresh air and physical exercise. The mental benefits of spending time outside also apply, such as a reduction of stress and anxiety. 

Wylder Hope Valley

We had the opportunity to visit a beautiful resort that offers cross-country skiing sessions, along with many other family-friendly winter activities.  We love to discover destinations where access to adventure is easy for the entire family. Let me introduce you to Wylder Hope Valley; it is an all-season resort tucked away in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Alpine County, California, right in the middle of Hope Valley.

Alpine County (and Hope Valley), is only a 20-minute drive from South Lake Tahoe, but it feels like you’re in another world. This majestic area will take your breath away. Located on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevadas, northeast of Carson Pass, Alpine County is California’s least populous county. The US government owns 96% of Alpine County, the highest percentage in the state, including 3 national forests: Eldorado, Stanislaus, and Humboldt–Toiyabe. And because of its sparse population, Hope Valley is one of the best places in all of California to stargaze!

Located along the banks of West Carson Fork River and nestled in a grove of aspen trees, Wylder Hope Valley offers a variety of lodging options, such as cabins, traditional campsites, RVs, and custom yurts. Most of the adorable cabins were brought in from around the world, themed, and impeccably outfitted. 

Cross-country skiing with kids at Wylder Hope Valley

Wylder Hope Valley offers wonderful activities for the whole family all year long! Enjoy fly fishing, wildflower hikes, and mountain biking during the spring and summer months.  Hope Valley is a popular destination in the fall for its picturesque autumn colors and aspen groves.  You can explore the area’s gorgeous trails and fall colors, taking in views of all the beautiful aspen trees and fall foliage. 

In the winter, the area turns into a literal Winter Wonderland! You will find amazing views and snow-capped mountains, wide-open valleys, and pristine rivers. During the winter months, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are popular activities. 

We took advantage of all the snow we’ve gotten and decided to give cross-country skiing a try! We booked a lesson through Wylder to learn the basics, which we’re now passing on to you! Joyce and Todd manage the ski shop and have over 30 years of experience skiing and teaching. Joyce set us up with the equipment we needed, and we were on our way!

Todd & Joyce Coker – Wylder Hope Valley Ski Shop  

What you need to cross-country ski with kids

You will need the following gear and equipment to cross-country ski:

  • Skis – two styles, classic or skate (see below)
  • Boots – must be compatible with your skis 
  • Poles – it is important that they are sized correctly 
  • Base layer – made for snow conditions 
  • Snow jacket and pants
  • Warm socks
  • Waterproof gloves – when skiing with kids, warm hands and feet are of most importance 
  • Eye protection (sunglasses/ski goggles) – really important even on cloudy days

There are two styles of cross-country skis, classic and skating. We opted for classic skis, these are usually made for trails that are already groomed, and you move them in a similar motion like walking or running.  Skate skis are made to move faster and at higher speeds. 

Dress for the weather

It is important to dress in layers that you can remove as you move through your session.  It’s very cold when you’re just getting started, but by the middle of the session, our kids were ready to strip down to their base layers.  It is quite a workout, and you will work up a sweat! We highly recommend a good merino wool base layer because it’s naturally breathable and can absorb large quantities of moisture (so you don’t feel wet and cold). 

When it’s cold outside, your child’s head, ears, hands, and feet are most prone to cold exposure. Extremely cold weather can cause two potentially serious conditions: hypothermia and frostbite. To ensure they stay toasty and warm, make sure you have heavy socks, waterproof boots, waterproof gloves, a scarf, and hat, and/or ear muffs on hand depending on changes in weather. For older children and toddlers, gloves are needed when the weather is 40°F or lower.

Additional items to pack for cross-country skiing

Here are a few extra things to consider bringing with you when skiing with littles.  We brought along a backpack and carried a few extra items that came in handy during our session.

  • Snacks 
  • Sunscreen – even on cloudy days
  • Hand and feet warmers 
  • Water 
  • Phone 
  • Extra change of clothes – which you can leave in the car to change into afterward

Cross-country skiing basics

Todd, our amazing instructor, was super patient with us and gave the kids plenty of time to play in a flat area to familiarize themselves with their skis before we got started. We then moved right into the lesson and started working on the basics of cross-country skiing.

We started by learning how to put on the skis and move around on skis, making our way around a flat area. The kids practiced shuffling around and walking back and forth to get a feel for how the skis move. Similar to downhill skiing, balance is very important when cross-country skiing.  We learned how to shift and move our weight correctly so that we could move in the direction we wanted and use our weight to our advantage. 

Next, we learned how to use our poles. Our poles were strap-wrapped around our wrists correctly to avoid getting tangled up or lost. If you have little kids (under age 8), you might even start them out without poles. Sometimes poles just get in the way for younger kids who are just learning how to balance and move around. 

Finally, we learned how to fall (and get back up again). Practicing this makes falling into less of a fail and more of a game.

Hitting the cross-country trails

Once we had the basics down, we set out along some groomed trails.  The kids got the hang of it pretty quickly.  The most challenging part was getting up after a fall, but after a few times, they mastered the skill.  They made their way through pretty deep snow-covered trails.  It was definitely a workout, and by the end of our adventure,they were completely exhausted! (I call that a win!)

There was an incredible amount of snow on the ground due to recent storms, so it was pretty difficult to move through so much fresh snow. However, we managed to learn the basics and still had so much fun. We didn’t even mind the cold weather.  The mountains, the fresh air, and something about being out in the middle of this valley made this such a memorable experience. We can’t wait to come back again and put our new skills to good use! 

Cross-country skiing safety 

When you’re heading out into the elements with kids, it’s really important to take weather and snow conditions into consideration. Check weather information ahead of your trip and continue to do so the day of. Selecting the right area for skiing is key.

Choose an area that matches your skill and comfort level.  Staying on groomed trails is a much safer option; only experienced skiers should venture out into backcountry trails where the risk of going off trail is higher.  As a beginner, it is important to stick to areas that are marked and closely monitored.  While it is a pretty low-risk sport, and almost everyone can enjoy it, it is important to know our limitations.  

Ultraviolet radiation is something to consider and, therefore, it’s super important to wear eye protection and sunscreen.  

Last, consider animal safety and familiarize yourself with the area and carry appropriate safety items such as bear spray. 

After skiing fun at Wylder

After a full day of adventure, we went back to our cabin at Wylder to relax and unwind.  Whether you are looking for a cozy rustic log cabin, a camping weekend, or a glamping experience, you will find it at Wylder! We enjoyed the most amazing dinner onsite at Sorenson’s Cafe, which offers seasonal home-cooked meals all year long. Their homemade tomato soup hit the spot after a cold day out!  We picked up a cherry pie from the General Store (right by the Ski Shop) and enjoyed it by a cozy fire back at our cabin. 

Like so many families, we are constantly seeking out wild destinations where adventure is easily accessible.  We love places where it is easy to get outside, create memories and disconnect in nature; Wylder Hope Valley offers that and so much more. We have now added a new activity to our skill set and look forward to returning to Hope Valley to put our new skills to use!

Wylder Hope Valley
1425 CA-88
Hope Valley California 96120
Phone: 530-694-2203

Have you ever been cross-country skiing? 

About the author

Araceli is a wife and momma to three wild and adventurous littles. She believes that nature and free play are truly the foundation of a beautiful childhood. Araceli and her husband have made it a priority to raise their children with a strong bond to the great outdoors. Araceli is a working mom with an extensive career in Project Management. She’s creative, crafty, and loves collecting houseplants. As a family, they love exploring wild places, and she loves documenting their adventures.

Find more from Araceli in the following locations:
Instagram: @roaminggonzalez
All RWMC posts: Araceli Gonzalez 

The post Cross Country Skiing with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Free Outdoor Scavenger Hunts for Kids Wed, 08 Feb 2023 16:35:49 +0000 As a mom to young children, I have always looked for quick and simple activities that keep my kids engaged, occupied, and moving. Scavenger hunts are an excellent activity for kids of all ages, are low-cost or even free, and include items you can already find in your home or backyard! Today, Lissy Perna, founder of Get Outside Cape Cod and mom of two, is sharing all kinds of fun ideas for free outdoor scavenger...

The post Free Outdoor Scavenger Hunts for Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

As a mom to young children, I have always looked for quick and simple activities that keep my kids engaged, occupied, and moving. Scavenger hunts are an excellent activity for kids of all ages, are low-cost or even free, and include items you can already find in your home or backyard! Today, Lissy Perna, founder of Get Outside Cape Cod and mom of two, is sharing all kinds of fun ideas for free outdoor scavenger hunts for kids. Use our free downloadable printable scavenger hunts for your hunts, or feel free to use the suggestions or ideas to create your unique scavenger hunt!

free outdoor scavenger hunt for kids

Free outdoor scavenger hunts for kids

We’ve put all the outdoor scavenger hunt ideas into one fun FREE printable bundle for you! Click the button below to download the entire bundle of 20+ free outdoor scavenger hunts! The free printable bundle includes the following scavenger hunts for kids:

  1. Alaphabet Scavenger Hunt
  2. Color Wheel Scavenger Hunt
  3. Beach Scavenger Hunt
  4. Hiking/Forest Scavenger Hunt
  5. Holiday Walk Scavenger Hunt
  6. Halloween Scavenger Hunt
  7. 4th of July Scavenger Hunt
  8. Sensory Scavenger Hunt
  9. Texture Scavenger Hunt
  10. Park/Playground Scavenger Hunt
  11. Spring Scavenger Hunt
  12. Summer Scavenger Hunt
  13. Fall Scavenger Hunt
  14. Winter Scavenger Hunt
  15. Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt
  16. Creature/Critter Scavenger Hunt
  17. City Scavenger Hunt
  18. Farm Scavenger Hunt
  19. Creek Scavenger Hunt
  20. Camping Scavenger Hunt
  21. Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
  22. Indoor Scavenger Hunt (for days when you cant’ get outside)
  23. Zoo Scavenger Hunt


Great activity for all ages

Scavenger hunts are great for kids of any age. The great thing about scavenger hunts is that there are so many ways to make them adaptable, not only for kids of all ages, but for whatever location and adventure you want to have. Use the printables like traditional scavenger hunts for the little ones. Younger kids love the thrill of finding something on the list of items and checking it off. If you have older kids and want to take it up a notch, turn it into a photo scavenger hunt and let them take a picture of each item they find. Older kids can also help out the little ones and show their reading skills and leadership. Scavenger hunts don’t have to take up much time and can help kids get comfortable in new locations. 

Alphabet scavenger hunt for kids

“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” – Fred Rogers

With school-aged children, use their knowledge of the alphabet as a starting point for a scavenger hunt. This simple scavenger hunt idea allows the children to find objects that coordinate with each letter of the alphabet and can adapt to any location or environment you are exploring. This activity can be done outside on nature trails, running errands, or in the grocery store with your young kids. Our free printable list of scavenger hunts includes an alphabet page for kids to cross off each letter as they find something outside that starts with that letter. 

Color wheel scavenger hunt for kids

“Colors are the smiles of nature” – Leigh Hunt

Nature is a rainbow of elements, colorful, vibrant, and ready to be explored. Use our color scavenger hunt for kids to inspire your children to get outside and identify all of the colors mother nature produces. This will help younger children identify colors and name them. You may even be surprised by what colors you can find that are purely natural!

Beach scavenger hunt for kids

“When two roads diverge, take the one that leads to the beach!” – Hannah McKinnon

Do you have the privilege of living near a beach? Or plan to visit one on vacation? If so, keep our beach scavenger hunt for kids in mind. Your child can add shells, rocks, tiny sea creatures, driftwood, or even an unfortunate litter to their search. Collect smaller items with a paper bag or bucket if you’d like, but remember to leave any living creatures at the beach!

Forest/hiking scavenger hunt for kids

“Into the forest, I go, to lose my mind and find my soul” – John Muir.

I love this quote because it shows the healing power of the woods, where children can play freely and reap the benefits of fresh air and sunshine. So why not facilitate a scavenger hunt in a beautiful forest? Hit the trails and keep your kids entertained while hiking with our forest/hiking scavenger hunt.

Many items can be found on a scavenger hunt in the forest. Mushrooms, insects, flowers, a variety of trees, colorful leaves, pine cones, bird nests, stones, and animal tracks are just some of the treasures you may find. 

20+ free outdoor scavenger hunt printable for kids

Holiday scavenger hunt for kids 

“May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas Eve” – Unknown

Not all scavenger hunts with your kids need to be physically collecting items. The holidays, specifically winter holidays, can be a great time to participate in a holiday-themed scavenger hunt in your town or neighborhood. Take a drive or walk around and see what sights you can find. Christmas trees, wreaths, blow-up lawn decorations, rainbow light displays, the grinch, and a snowman wearing a top hat are just some items you can seek out. 

We’ve also included free scavenger hunts for Halloween and the 4th of July! 

free holiday walk scavenger hunt for kids halloween scavenger hunt 4th of july scavenger hunt

Five senses scavenger hunt for kids

“My five senses are a doorway to the present” – Unknown

While most of these scavenger hunts utilize your child’s eyesight solely to find treasures, you can also do a scavenger hunt based on your other senses. Go on a nature walk and listen for a bird chirping, feel something wet, smell something pretty, taste a wild blueberry. This sensory scavenger hunt will help kids feel completely immersed in nature and aware of all the wonderful things around them.

Texture scavenger hunt for kids

“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.” -Diane Ackerman

A texture-based scavenger hunt is an engaging, outside-the-box option for your child to explore the outdoors. Find something soft (moss, a bird feather, a cattail). Look for something rough (bark, pavement under your feet, a rock). Find something smooth (birch bark, a rounded stone, an acorn). Can you find something prickly (holly leaves, pinecones, butterflies feet)? Or silky (water, mica, beetle wings)?

Playground or park scavenger hunt for kids

“It is a happy talent to know how to play” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

A playground at your local park is a great place for outdoor fun and to initiate a scavenger hunt. Include the other young kids at the park for even more fun! Our playground scavenger hunt will have your kids looking for swings, a slide, a water fountain, a trash can, a sign, a tree, etc. 

free park scavenger hunt for kids - free scavenger hunt bundle

Seasonal scavenger hunt for kids 

“There is a beauty to be found in the changing of the earth’s seasons, and an inner grace in honoring the cycles of life.” -Jack Kornfield

Each season comes with beautiful changes, many visible to the keen eye of your children. Changing leaf colors, snow or ice, new sprouting flowers, or leaf buds are signs of change. You may even weave your scavenger hunt activities into your homeschool curriculum if you homeschool your children. Our free printable scavenger hunt bundle includes a separate scavenger hunt for each of the four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. There are specific items to find in each season, relating to the change of the seasons and weather. 

free beach scavenger hunt for kids

Backyard scavenger hunt for kids

“Play is the highest form of research.” – Albert Einstein

No need to travel to initiate a scavenger hunt! If you have an outdoor space where you live, head outside! Or go for a walk around your local neighborhood. Look for garden tools, toys, and even small animals or insects that live near your house. This is a great way to explore your own backyard with your kids! 

These scavenger hunts are perfect activities to use at a birthday party, a local park, and with kids of all ages. You can set a time limit or adjust each hunt depending on your child’s skill level. I hope you enjoy these printable scavenger hunt lists and exploring with your family!

Neighborhood scavenger hunt for kids

“We become neighbors when we are willing to cross the road for one another” – Henri J. M. Nouwen

Get outside and explore your neighborhood with your kids! This fun scavenger hunt gives you many different things to look for: fire hydrants, mailboxes, stop signs, pets, flowers, and even wild animals can be found in your neighborhood. A fun walk through your neighborhood is a great option for an easy dose of fresh air and one of our favorite outdoor activities for families. 

free neighborhood scavenger hunt for kids

Creature/critter scavenger hunt for kids

May we raise children who love the unloved things–the dandelion, the worms, and spiderlings. – Nicolette Sowder

What is more fun than finding small animals and insects? Birds, bugs, chipmunks, deer, or foxes could be found! This scavenger hunt is perfect for kids who love all creatures of the world and teaches us how to care for the critters that live in our environment. 

free outdoor scavenger hunt for kids

City scavenger hunt for kids

“To live in a city is to live the life it was built for, adapt to its schedule and rhythms, and move within the transit layout made for you during the morning and evening rush, winding through the crowds of fellow commuters. To live in a city is to consume its offerings.

Do you live in a bustling city? Will you be visiting one soon? Scavenger hunts can be so fun in an urban environment and are a great option for keeping kids entertained when traveling through the city. Keep an eye out for buses and taxis, pigeons and dog walkers, and don’t forget to seek out the elements of nature that are always present, like trees and flowers!

free scavenger hunts for kids - bundle of 20+ printable scavenger hunts

Indoor scavenger hunt

Yes, I know we’ve mentioned multiple times that these scavenger hunts are designed to help kids, and families get OUTSIDE. But, as parents, we know that’s not always a possibility. When you need a fun indoor activity on a rainy day, we’ve got you covered. We included a free printable indoor scavenger hunt in our bundle with items kids can easily find around any house. 

20+ free printable outdoor scavenger hunts for kids

We hope this free PFD printable scavenger hunt bundle for kids will help get you outside with your kids and keep them entertained and on the lookout for nature all around them! Scavenger hunts are a fun outdoor activity for the whole family. Spending time together outside and in nature is always worth it! Download your free copy of our printable scavenger hunts today and let us know which one is your kids’ favorite! Happy hunting! 

Which scavenger hunt will you choose first?

Lissy Perna

About the author

Lissy lives near the ocean on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with her husband, 2 rambunctious boys (aged 4 & 7), and an ever-growing number of pets. She grew up walking nature trails and finding joy in the beauty of nature. She now shares that love for local adventures with her community through her blog, “Get Outside Cape Cod”. Lissy knows that everyone can benefit from spending more time outdoors, and wants to inspire and support families to do just that!

You can find more from Lissy in the following online locations:
Instagram: @getoutsidecapecod
Website: Get Outside Cape Cod
Facebook: @getoutsidecapecod
RWMC Posts: Lissy Perna

The post Free Outdoor Scavenger Hunts for Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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100+ Outdoor Winter Activities for Kids Fri, 06 Jan 2023 07:06:18 +0000 Brrrr! It’s cold and snowy outside, so that means one thing…winter is officially here! The short days and cold weather usually mean that kids aren’t spending as much time outside. We’re hoping to change that! Kids need time outside in the winter, just as much as they do in the summer. Time spent outdoors during the winter helps their immune system, gets their blood flowing, and helps them get essential nutrients. But sometimes finding things...

The post 100+ Outdoor Winter Activities for Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

Brrrr! It’s cold and snowy outside, so that means one thing…winter is officially here! The short days and cold weather usually mean that kids aren’t spending as much time outside. We’re hoping to change that! Kids need time outside in the winter, just as much as they do in the summer. Time spent outdoors during the winter helps their immune system, gets their blood flowing, and helps them get essential nutrients. But sometimes finding things to do in the cold winter months can be tough! We’re always looking for fun new things to do to keep us active, outdoors, and having fun! We’ve put together this HUGE comprehensive ultimate list of 100+ outdoor winter activities for kids!

Special thanks to our Instagram community

These winter fun activities are guaranteed to keep your kids (and you) entertained, learning, and active while outside this winter, whether you have snow or not! These activities have been tried, tested and kid-approved by our followers, editors, writers, and contributors! Plus, all of the photos in the post of kids outside having fun are from our absolutely amazing Instagram community! A very special thanks to all the mamas that let us feature their beautiful images. 

Free printable PDF checklist

While this post will give you all the details and variations for all 100+ outdoor winter activities for kids, if you want a printable checklist version, CLICK HERE to sign up for our newsletter and get a free printable of the list! 

Photo credit: @ourgirlielittlelife

Benefits of spending time outside during the winter

The winter blues are real, and it can be easy to succumb to cabin fever if you’re used to spending time outside. While it may sound warm and cozy to spend the winter months inside your house, you might be surprised at the multitude of mental and physical benefits for children spending time outdoors. It is a common misconception that being outside in cold weather can bring on illness, which is why many parents keep children inside. However, research has shown that’s just not true! As long as kids bundle up and stay safe, being outside in the cold is more beneficial than staying inside. 

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @thejessaddress

One of the biggest health benefits from spending time outside during the winter is the Vitamin D our skin absorbs from the sun. Humans require Vitamin D for bone health and disease prevention. Vitamin D can also help protect against a plethora of diseases. Kids also burn more calories in the cold than in the heat. Our basal metabolic rate – which is the number of calories we burn just by living and sitting still – increases in the cold because our bodies use up more energy to keep warm. Spending time outdoors in the winter can also help with mental health (preventing Seasonal Affective Disorder) and help improve creativity and focus.

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @everydaylightwithliza

A bit of extra caution in the winter

While we want your kids to spend as much time outside during the winter as they can, it must be noted that going outdoors in the winter does require preparation and precaution. Dress your children appropriately for the weather in layers. You can always take off a layer if you get too warm, but it is dangerous to be outdoors with not enough protection from the cold. Also remember to bring plenty of water, as water fountains or other water sources may not work in freezing conditions. Another important tip is to know the weather forecast and keep an eye on the sky as you spend time outside. This will help you to avoid getting caught in a winter storm.

It is astonishing what we can gain just from spending time outdoors in the winter. It can help us improve our bodies and our minds. So, if you are feeling restless after long days spent cooped up indoors, get outside, be safe, and have fun!

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @ae_bacz86

100+ outdoor winter activities for kids

The temperature may be dropping, but getting your kids outside should still be a top priority. We’ve worked with our team and online community to put together this giant list of over 100 fun things to do outside with your kids this winter! We’ve got all the traditional winter (and snow) activities, but we’re throwing in dozens more than you may not expect (and don’t need snow to enjoy)! We hope this list will help you learn about nature and plan fun outdoor adventures for your family this winter. And if there’s anything we’ve forgotten, let us know in the comments below, and we’ll get it added!

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit:

1. Ice skating

Winter is such a fun time to try ice skating – particularly at an outdoor rink. There’s something magical about skating outside when it’s frosty cold. Most rinks have rental ice skates for kids as young as two, along with buckets or rails for little kids to hold onto. If your kids are little, we also recommend wearing a bike helmet and super thick gloves to protect kids’ heads and fingers.

2. Frozen colored ice globes

Even if you don’t have snow, you can add some magic and fun to your outdoor space by making colored ice globes. All you need to do is add a few drops of food coloring to the water in a water balloon and let them freeze (either outside or in the freezer). Once frozen, pop the balloon and you’re left with a beautiful ice globe in your color of choice. Take them outside to decorate or play with.

3. Make nature confetti

We’ve all heard the dangers of glitter and want to use less plastic. One way we can incorporate natural elements into our winter celebrations is by making nature confetti from leaves! All you need to do is use a hole-punch to punch out shapes from colorful leaves. Use the punched out shapes (circles, hearts, starts, etc.) to throw in your celebration. If your celebration is outside, there’s no need to clean up. The little pieces of hole-punched leaves will simply biodegrade. One day you’ll see them scattered all around the grass and then a few days later, they’re gone. Start your year (or celebration) off by being conscious of the environment.

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @sara_mccarty

4. Frozen suncatchers

Suncatchers made from ice are not only beautiful, but super easy to make! Spend some time outside gathering natural items to use in your suncatchers. The more colorful the better. Examples: branches, berries, twigs, flowers, buds, leaves. Lay out a plastic lid, paper plate, pie plate or silicone mold to use as the mold for your suncatcher. Fill the mold with water and add your natural elements to the water in any design of your choosing. Leave outside for a few hours or overnight to freeze. Gently remove the ice suncatcher from the mold and hang from a tree branch or window sill. Pro tip: Rumor has it that if you want your ice to be crystal clear, boil the water first! For a full tutorial, check out our post on how to make frozen ice suncatchers.

5. Chalk hearts & kindness words

This is a perfect outdoor wintertime activity for kids to do around Valentine’s Day. All you need is some sidewalk chalk and the desire to make others smile. Head to your local park or pick a sidewalk on a favorite street. Have the kids use the chalk and leave words of kindness, love, and encouragement for others. Decorate with hearts or any other designs of their choice.

6. Evergreen identification

Winter is a great time to learn about evergreen trees and how to identify them. Knowing the conifers common to your area is a great educational skill to possess. Kids can learn to identify conifers by their shape and by their needles. While you may think that all evergreens look alike, upon inspection, each of these trees looks very different. You can find printables of different shapes and needles to help you identify the trees in your area. Go on a hike and try to collect as many different varieties as you can (and take a photo of the shape of the tree).

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @this_gr8_kozi_life_

7. Make a snowman

Do you want to build a snowman? We’re not sure if there’s anything more quintessential winter childhood than building a snowman. If your kids are looking for a creative spin on this classic activity, try making a snow animal (bear, cat, dog, penguin) instead.

8. Snow paint

Get creative with your outdoor nature crafts this winter by making some snow paint for your kids. Combine food coloring or watercolor paints with some water and place in a spray bottle. Send your kids out to color the snow in any creative way they’d like! You’ll be surprised by what incredible clever creations they come up with!

9. Lichen hunt

A lichen hunt can be done year-round, but is especially great to do in the winter. Lichen is easy to find nearly anywhere, so get out and explore! Head to a park, local trail or into the woods. Look for lichen on trees, stumps, fallen logs, etc. Talk to your kids about what lichen is, how it’s different than moss, what purpose it serves and where it’s usually found. Then let them find some! Lichen comes in all kinds of varieties, shapes, and colors. Get up close (or take photos), but make sure to leave lichen on living trees alone, as removal may disrupt the ecosystem.

10. Freezing bubbles

Blowing a bubble and watching it turn to ice is such a fascinating activity. If it’s super cold outside (below freezing), try making frozen bubbles! This is a great science experiment for kids in freezing temperatures. It might take a few different attempts to get a bubble to freeze, depending on time, sunlight, what the bubble lands on, and bubble solution. This is an experiment that can last over weeks! Check out our full post on how to make frozen bubbles with kids (which includes a DIY bubble recipe). 

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @thesamfam4

11. Eagle watch

January is prime time to see eagles along rivers and reservoirs. Bald eagles are fascinating to watch! Bald eagles are fierce predators that hunt from high-up perches and hover over water scooping up fish with their talons. They grab what’s been left or dropped by other animals, or outright steal other’s prey. They’re opportunistic feeders, choosing live, fresh or dead animals, whatever is available.  There are lots of places across the US that host “Eagle Days” to celebrate and observe eagles hunting fish in nearly frozen rivers and streams. Many of these festivals include observation stations, conservation programs, and educational nature activities for kids. Check out the resources in your area to find a local eagle watching location near you.

12. DIY Yeti tracks

After you’ve found animal tracks in the snow, why not have some fun creating some of your own! Use heavy cardboard to create oversized yeti footprints. Cut the feet out and attach them to the bottoms of your kids’ snow boots. Head outside and let them create their own yeti tracks in the snow. Create a trail around the yard or neighborhood for others to track. Your kids might be surprised by how they can seem to walk on top of the snow. With a larger surface area, they will sink less, giving walking on snow a whole new feel.

13. Cut down your own tree

There are so many great reasons to choose to cut down your own (or purchase a live) real tree, instead of purchasing a plastic one.  Heading out to the woods or local tree farm is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise. It’s also a fun family tradition you can start and continue doing each year. When you purchase a live tree you’re also supporting a farm that depends on the income from those trees to continue to run. While the trees are growing, they help clean the air we breathe. Once the trees are cut down, they’re replaced with new ones. When they’re in your home, they smell heavenly! If you need tips on what to do before you go tree hunting or how to choose the right tree, we’ve got a great post with tips on cutting down your own tree.

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @lizbinder

14. Explore an ice castle

Have you heard of the Ice Castles? The Ice Castles are awe-inspiring, must-see winter phenomenon, each built with hundreds of thousands of icicles that brings fairy tales to life. There are six locations throughout the US and Canada in 2020 (Colorado, Alberta, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New Hampshire and Utah). The perfect destination for the whole family to explore. The photos I’ve seen taken there are just spectacular! They’re blue and white and gorgeous by day and lit up in vibrant colors at night. Visiting an ice castle is at the top of my winter bucket list.

15. Plant onions

Winter onions are basically the same as “regular” onions, except they grow in bunches and the flavor is slightly milder. Winter onions can be planted any time the ground can be worked – usually between October and December in most climates – or two to three weeks before the first hard freeze. Plant the onions 2 to 4 inches deep (with 4 to 6 inches between each bulb), in full sun. Water well. The onions are underground and tolerate cold weather. However, a layer of mulch is helpful for overwintering onions in cold, northern climates. Harvest the first winter onions two to three months after planting. When allowed to mature, each bulb usually produces seven or eight bulbs.

16. Animal tracks spotting

Winter is a great time to head out to the woods (or even your local park) and see if you can find animal tracks. Fresh snow is great for showing tracks of various woodland animals. Examples include rabbits, foxes, deer, and squirrels. Make it a game and see who can spot the most tracks, the biggest, the smallest and the most exotic. Try to guess what animal made them, where they were going and what they were doing. Don’t recognize the tracks? Take photos of the tracks and look them up when you get home to see what animal made them.

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @nicolecaradonnaphoto

17. Goose lessons

Geese are really fascinating creatures and winter is the perfect time to study their unique habits and leadership skills. Geese begin migrating back North as early as January. Watch the skies for classic V geese formations in the sky. If possible, find a place where you can safely view geese from a distance (without bothering them). Talk to your kids about why geese migrate, where they go and their characteristic flying V formation. This formation is a highly efficient way of flying that creates up to 70% less drag on the geese by picking up the updraft the geese in front of them.

The lead goose expends the most energy, so geese tend to switch out the position and share the responsibilities. Geese are great examples of teamwork, leadership and hard work. Geese also make a lot of noise! Listen to them honk and try to hear the variety of the sounds they make.

18. Snow maze

If you’ve got an untouched patch of snow (a field or a large yard), have the kids create a snow maze! It’s up to them to come up with the parameters, the maze entrance, the obstacles, and the exit. Let them challenge each other to see who can make the hardest maze and see who can finish fastest.

19. Start a winter solstice tradition

The Winter Solstice marks the first day of winter (in the Northern Hemisphere), which is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Many families adopt traditions for the Winter Solstice that they do every year to get outside and celebrate the change of the seasons, such as candlelight dinners, outdoor picnics and offering trees. Traditions help us remember the past and are wonderful ways to pass love and memories to the next generation. If you’re looking for some fun festive traditions to start with your family to celebrate the Winter Solstice, we have a great post with a few fun and simple ways your family can celebrate the Winter Solstice this year (and every year!).
Outdoor Winter Activities for Kids

20. STEM skier challenge

We love projects that not only get kids outside, but also teach them about nature and science. Setting up a “Winter Sports Ski Challenge” will teach and engage your kids during the winter season. Work with your kids to plan, design, and engineer a skier (from aluminum foil or other material of their choice) that can stand on skis (popsicle sticks) and make it down a slope! Not only will this get kids thinking outside the box about physics, engineering, elements, and design, but it’ll keep them interested, engaged and outside for hours!

21. Skiing/snowboarding

Skiing and snowboarding with kids is incredibly exhausting, but so much fun! Pack up your gear and head for the hills to take advantage of all the fun the winter has to offer. If your kids are new to skiing, we highly recommend a lesson or ski school before hitting the slopes. Instructors are usually really great with kids and teach them in a way that’s fun and easy to understand. Once they’ve gotten the hang of it, they can show off their new skills with you.

Here’s a great post with the best tips for getting started downhill skiing with kids

22. Christmas light walk

One of my kids’ favorite holiday activities is to go for a nighttime winter walk through our neighborhood and look at the Christmas lights. I bundle them up, pop them in our little red wagon with a travel mug of hot cocoa, and off we go! We usually only walk around a few blocks, but just being outside at night all alone is so special to them. We always have the best conversations and so much fun on our evening walks.

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @young.explorers.vienna

23. Build a nest challenge

Building a nest is a super fun STEM challenge for kids that gets them thinking creatively and applying imagination to science! Making a nest is a great activity for any age. Start by going on a nature walk and collecting items that a bird might like to use to build a nest. Twigs, feathers, leaves, dried grass, pine needles and evergreen branches are all great building materials. Use the dried grass and twigs to make a circular shape. Weave in some feathers and leaves so that there’s a comfortable, padded space for the birds and their eggs. You’ll be surprised how much you learn about the intricacies of nests and how hard it must be for birds to make without hands!

Check out our post filled with nature-inspired outdoor STEAM activities for kids (including nest building)

24. Make snow ice cream

Snow ice cream is one of those special delicacies that every child should experience! It’s a magical mixture of nature, vanilla, sugar and sprinkles! What could be better than that? Our favorite recipe combines 1 cup milk/cream, 1/3 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla extract, and 8 cups clean snow. Mix all together, adding snow until you get the creamy consistency you want. Then top with sprinkles! Homemade snow ice cream on a cold day can’t be beaten!

25. Maple syrup snow candy

Speaking of delicacies, how about maple syrup snow candy? All you need to make this delicious treat is some pure maple syrup and snow! You’ll need to help your little ones, though, as you first have to heat the syrup before pouring it hot into the snow to solidify. Grown-up supervision is a must. For the full set of directions, check out this awesome maple syrup snow candy post from our friends at Little Bins for Little Hands.

26. Shovel someone’s sidewalk

Around the holidays is a great time to consider doing some acts of kindness to others. If you have kids old enough to help, shovel the sidewalk or driveway of an elderly neighbor or new parents. They’ll not only appreciate the kindness, but hopefully, pay it forward. Check out this post for more outdoor acts of kindness for kids

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @sara_mccarty

27. Go caroling

Caroling is one of my kids’ favorite winter traditions (and one of the cutest). Every year, all the kids on our street go house-to-house and sing 2-3 songs for a donation to give to a local charity. We print off the lyrics of around 10 songs for the kids. Caroling doesn’t have to just be for Christmas! Start a new tradition in February and go caroling for Valentine’s Day! You can serenade your neighbors with silly love songs! Bust out your favorite Disney songs, like Let it Go, Hakuna Matata and Bare Necessities. Some of our favorites for little ones include: Ram Sam Sam, She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain, You are my Sunshine, Twinkle Twinkle, Ants Go Marching, Baby Shark, Wheels on the Bus and Take Me Out to the Ballgame.

28. Build an igloo

There are so many fun things you can do in the snow. Building a snow fort has to be up there at the very top of awesome winter outdoor activities. Last year my kids built an amazing igloo (with my husband’s help) that they played in for hours and hours over the course of a few weeks (until it melted). They were so incredibly proud of their igloo and had so much fun building it! Always be extra careful not to make it too heavy on top and make sure kids have proper adult supervision.

29. Look for beaver dens

Beavers spend the winter inside their lodges, but you can still find evidence of beavers in the area. Winter is a great time to study how beavers have changed the landscape in your area. A beaver dam is a barrier that stops the flow of water and forms a pond or lake. These new ponds make it easier for beavers to access trees found along the shoreline. Beavers collect logs and branches in a pile to create the dam and then use grass and mud to fill in the spaces in between.

Go for a hike and look out for dams, blocking streams to form ponds and reservoirs. Look for trees missing bark or cut down, from their sharp teeth. Finally, keep your eyes open for beaver lodges. You can tell if beavers are inside a beaver lodge by looking at the very top of the lodge. In the winter, their breath and body heat will rise, which melts the snow at the top of the lodge. Sometimes, if you listen carefully, you can even hear (and smell) the beavers inside!

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @rachelgatesphotography

30. Ice fishing

If you live in an area where ice fishing happens, share this experience with your kids! It’s not something I’ve had the opportunity to every try, but I can only imagine how fun this would be to fish with those tiny poles and pull out a massive fish! This activity is definitely on our family’s bucket list! Make sure you dress warm and go with an experienced angler that knows what they’re doing and how to stay safe.

31. Nature-inspired Valentines

February is the month of love! While lots of kids will be handing out store-bought Valentines (there’s nothing wrong with that), consider making your own this year using items found in nature. Attach a cool rock to a card that says “You Rock, Valentine.” Tie a couple of twigs together to a card that says “Let’s Stick Together.” Or create cards that are little envelopes/pouches for wildflower seeds. Our friends over at Rain or Shine Mama have a fun round-up of 15 nature-inspired Valentine’s Day cards, crafts, and activities.

32. Study snowflakes

There’s nothing more magical in the wintertime than snowflakes! If you’ve ever seen photos of individual snowflakes up close, you know just how truly miraculous and incredible they are. Take some time this winter to study snowflakes with your kids. Talk about how snowflakes are formed, how/why they’re similar, but all unique. Use a piece of black felt to try to catch falling snowflakes to observe and see if you can even photograph them.

33. Make a birdfeeder

Winter is the perfect time to feed your local backyard birds and observe them. There are so many great ways to make simple bird feeders with kids. We’ve got a whole post with 3 simple bird feeders you can make from household items. Set these up in your yard where you can easily observe them from a window and let your kids watch the fun (and drama!) that is backyard birding. Here’s more about how to create a “nature window” where you can observe and learn. Get all the steps in this post on eco-friendly bird feeders to make with kids

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @maakitude

34. Cross-country skiing

Tons of people enjoy cross-country skiing in the winter. I personally have never tried cross-country skiing, so I’m definitely not the right person to tell you how to get started with this activity with your kids. Our friends over at Tales of a Mountain Mama have a great post on how to cross-country ski with kids. I leave you in good hands! Let us know how it goes.

35. Fly a kite

You may think that kite flying is only for summertime, but you’d be wrong! You can fly a kite in any season, and winter is a great time! Winter winds can be chilly, but they also make it easy to fly kites to great heights. Plus, in the dreary weather, the splash of color high in the sky is a beautiful contrast to the gray-white background.

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @_anines_

36. Visit a zoo

Winter is a great time to visit your local zoo. The crowds are usually much thinner in the winter and there’s often a discounted admission fee!  There are so many animals that are super active in the winter. Wolves, otters, red panda, snow leopards, cougars, arctic fox, sea lion, and polar bears love the cold weather. Plus, many zoos have penguin walks/parades in the winter and let the penguins get out and explore. Check out all the different ways animals get through the colder months and talk about the differences. There’s a lot to learn in the winter!

37. Turn water into ice

Turning water into ice sounds simple enough, but in the winter, it’s a great educational science experiment. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celcius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Challenge your kids to see how long it takes water to freeze into ice at various temperatures throughout the winter months. Try freezing water in various locations around your neighborhood to see if that makes a difference. What about using different containers? On a super cold day, we’ve heard of people throwing a cup of water into the air and watching it freeze instantly!

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit: @kdmsphotography

37. Listen for owls

Owls are very active in winter months, making it the perfect time to listen. Most owls are nocturnal, so you’ll need to find a time and a place to safely get out in the evening for your adventure. Owls use their voices to establish territories and attract mates in the dark. Several species begin nesting as early as midwinter, which is one reason why you can often hear them in fall and winter, when most other birds are quiet. Try to identify the different calls of the Barn Owl, Eastern Screech-Owl, Western Screech-Owl, and Barred Owl. Here’s a great post on getting started owling with kids.

38. Attend a tree lighting

Tree lightings are really fun ways to celebrate the holiday season outside with your community. Lots of cities, towns, neighborhoods, and areas have local tree lightings that you can attend with the kids. Most are outside and are accompanied by a special visitor from the North Pole! Our local community’s tree lighting is adorable and filled with kid-friendly holiday activities. All the kids gather outside city hall and sing Christmas carols until Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive. They come roaring up on a fire truck called the Polar Express! There are lots of booths and stands selling hot chocolate, cookies and donuts and holiday goodies from local shops and vendors. The kids have the chance to get a photo taken with Santa or help decorate a gingerbread house.

39. Garland for the birds

Similar to making a bird feeder, winter garland for birds and woodland animals is super fun and easy for kids to make. There are lots of options for making garland. You could string up popcorn, cheerios, cranberries, pretzels or dried fruits. Consider using slices of dried oranges or apples. You could dip pinecones in peanut butter and roll them in birdseed and hang those on the string.

Outdoor Winter Activities for KidsPhoto credit:

40. Outdoor hot tub

Who says you can’t swim outside in the winter?! If you have the opportunity, let your kids experience the fun of “swimming” (or soaking) in an outdoor hot tub in the winter. There’s something really special about being enveloped in warm water while it’s snowy and cold outside. The contrast is invigorating! Don’t have a hot tub? Make your own! Fill a big bucket, tub, or kiddie pool with warm water and let the littles soak. But as always, use caution and adult supervision. Kids shouldn’t spend very much time in hot tubs at the risk of overheating their small bodies.

41. Make kindness rocks

Making kindness rocks are one of my kids’ favorite activities. I have to admit, I love it too! Any time we have a rainy day or need to stay inside for any reason, I set them to painting kindness rocks. We keep them super simple with brightly colored paint and simple words of kindness such as “hope,” “brave” or “love.” Once we’re back outside, we love taking these rocks to local parks or carefully placing them along hiking trails or walking paths. We hope that they’ll spread kindness and smiles to those that need a little extra love. Check out this post for some great ideas for making kindness rocks with kids

Winter hikingPhoto credit: @e_hawthorne_photography

42. Winter hiking

Hiking in the winter is one of my favorite ways to spend time outside in the cold. Hiking warms us up and gets us active on cold days. We love exploring some of our favorite trails in the winter to see just how different they look/feel. Without all the leaves on the trees, you can usually see really far into the woods and spy lots of awesome things you can’t see in other seasons (bird nests high in the trees, frozen waterfalls, icy creeks, fallen logs, etc.). Get all the details on how to have a great winter nature walk with kids

43. Eat an icicle

Icicles are nature-made popsicles, just hanging there ready for a lick! Let kids be kids and give them the chance to taste an icicle this winter. Be careful getting them down, as they can be very sharp. For extra awesomeness, dip it in sugar!

Antler shed huntPhoto credit: @lindseydennistonphoto

44. Antler shed hunt

Did you know that adult male deer naturally shed their antlers each year? After the rut, decreasing testosterone levels trigger this phenomenon. The deer’s antlers fall off and they grow back a new set of larger antlers in the beginning of spring. This means that late winter (starting around the end of January) is a great time to get out and look for antler shed. You don’t need a hunting license or anything other than permission from the landowner to “shed hunt.” It’s a great family activity that occupies and entertains the kids as you hike through the woods. You can keep antlers as a souvenir or leave them for other animals to enjoy (squirrels, mice and other animals eat them as a source of calcium!).

45. “Recycle” your tree

Once you’re finished with a real Christmas tree, it can often be repurposed. Many cities collect live trees and turn them into mulch or other products. Some conservation departments use trees to create woodland habitats for wildlife. Areas close to beaches and rivers often sink them along areas next to water to help with erosion. We often take our tree to a friend’s pond and sink it to make a habitat for fish and other aquatic wildlife. We go back summer after summer and fish in the spot where we deposited our tree and always catch big ones!

howl at the moonPhoto credit: @roaminggonzalez

46. Howl at the moon

Traditionally, the January full moon was called the “Wolf Moon,” appearing when wolves howled outside the villages in hunger. Celebrate the wolf moon by heading outside and howling at the moon with the kids! Get prepared by reading a book about wolves and/or the moon. We recommend the following moon and wolf books for kids: Full Moon Lore, The Ways of the Wolf, Lessons for the Wolf, and The Wolf Who Ate the Sky.

47. Look for snow fleas

Have you ever seen (or even heard of) snow fleas? According to the Farmer’s Almanac, during warmer periods in the winter, snow fleas can be found speckling the snow and jumping around! But don’t worry, they aren’t really fleas (or insects) at all, they’re totally harmless and actually good for the environment!

These small wingless creatures are classified as hexapods (closely related to crustaceans). They are small (about 2-3 millimeters in length) and blue-black in color. They have a super-powered jumping ability that comes from a sort of tail (called a furcula), which unfolds and launches the snow flea over large distances. Snow fleas come out in the winter, dotting melting snow looking for food. They are an essential component in the ecosystem because they feed on decaying organic matter in the soil, thus helping it to decay faster, turning it into plant food. They live in areas rich in organic materials (like leaf litter) and are common around tree trunks.

You’ll see them on warmer days when the snow melts because snow fleas are rising to the surface of the snow in search of new food sources. You’ve probably encountered thousands of snow fleas in your lifetime without even realizing it. In the summer, they tend to sit on top of rich soil, but because they are so small and dark, most people don’t notice them!

playing in the snowPhoto credit: @kaylasatromphotography

48. Set up a bat house

Speaking of insects, if one of the reasons you love winter is due to the lack of mosquitoes, we’ve got a winter project for you! Use this time to construct and erect a bat house. Bats are amazing creatures. One single bat eats between 6,000 and 8,000 insects per night! Less than 1% of bats carry rabies (far lower than raccoons) and a female bat usually only has one pup per year. Bats need our help to survive. Store-bought bat boxes are generally not very successful. By building a bat box, you are supplying bats with a home so they won’t come looking for shelter in yours! In addition, you’ll get less-buggy evenings to spend outside without spraying down your kids with toxic chemicals. It’s definitely a win for all. Check out this awesome post if you want more info on building a bat box with kids.

49. Plan your garden

If you’re anything like me, the minute I rip out my garden in the fall, I start getting excited about what I’ll plant in the spring! Winter is a great time to really do your research and come up with a great garden plan. Think about what worked last year, what you’ll do differently and how to maximize your growing space. Get those seed catalogs ordered and map out your area. Winter is also the time to prep your garden beds and get them ready for spring planting. Add compost and/or fall leaves for some extra protection and nutrients. Don’t forget to get the kids involved in prep and planning. The more involved they are in the process, the more likely they are to help out in the summer and eat the fruits of their hard work! 

Read our full post on winter garden planning with kids

50. Valentine’s heart walk

Love (actually) is all around! All you have to do is look for it! A great outdoor activity to do around Valentine’s Day is go on a heart walk. Whether you’re walking around your neighborhood, through town or into the woods, if you keep your eyes open for hearts, you’ll be surprised how many you can find! From heart-shaped rocks and leaves to heart-shaped knots on trees and everything in between! Go on a hunt for as many heart-shaped objects as you can find. Bring along a camera and take photos of each. Winner gets a prize at the end of the walk! Maybe a nice heart-shaped piece of chocolate!

Read our full post on nature heart hunt with kids

Make evergreen teaPhoto credit: @muse_framed

51. Make evergreen tea

Winter months often bring sickness, coughs, and flu to families. It’s more important than ever to make sure you’re all getting plenty of fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and vitamins during these long cold months. One way to get all of these things is to forage pine needles to make your own evergreen tea!

For generations, pine needle tea has been consumed by indigenous peoples as a decongestant, expectorant, and antiseptic wash. Pine needles have up to five times more vitamin C than freshly squeezed orange juice. While the majority of pine trees are fine for consumption, make sure you steer clear from the following: Common Yew (Taxus), Norfolk Island Pine (Araucana Heterophylla), Ponderosa Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Shore Pine, and Monterey Cypress.

To make pine needle tea, gather at least 1 cup of fresh pine needles. Thoroughly wash the needles with clean, cool water. Chop the needles into small pieces and remove any brown portions. Next, bring 3 cups of water to a rolling boil then add needles to the water. Remove the saucepan from the heat and cover. Allow the tea to steep for at least 20 minutes. Increase potency by allowing the tea to steep overnight. This results in a deep, reddish-brown color as a higher concentration of compounds were leached into the water. Pour the tea through a strainer to remove the pine needles. Sweeten the tea with honey or agave nectar. Add freshly squeezed lemon to enhance the flavor. Enjoy!

52. Colored icicles

If you’re looking for a really cool outdoor STEM activity to do in the winter, try making colored icicles! There are a few different ways to do this, but we love the idea of attaching yarn to small water bottles filled with different colored water and letting it drip down the yarn to created mixed color masterpieces. You can hang the water bottles from your house, on a fence or even off a ladder. Check out both those posts for two different takes on a really cool (literally!) experiment and try it yourself with your own spin!

Night hikePhoto credit: @melisdawn80

53. Night hike

Because it gets dark so early in the winter, it’s a great time to consider a night hike with kids! Give each child a lantern, flashlight or headlamp and head out on a local well-known trail around dusk. As it gets dark, your eyes will adjust to the dark and you’ll start hearing different sounds. Hopefully, you’ll also be able to see the stars in the sky and hear an owl hoot or coyote howl. Hiking at night adds a whole new layer of excitement to a normal hike. But make sure to stay extra safe when night hiking in the winter. Always stay on the trail and make sure someone knows where you’ll be and when you’ll be back.

54. Make a percussion wall

If you’re looking for a way to spice up your backyard to keep the kids outside and entertained, consider adding a percussion wall. It’s super easy to make a DIY percussion wall for kids with items that can be found around the house. If you have a fence or empty wall, all you need to do is hang some “noisy” items on it to create a masterpiece that will keep the kids making music for hours. Add pots, pans, silverware, pipes, rattles, wind chimes, colanders, plates, cookie sheets, hubcaps or anything else you want! Then give the kids a drumstick or spoon and let them create!

55. Collect maple sap

Have you ever considered tapping a maple tree? The whole concept of tapping maple trees, collecting sap, and creating your own syrup is something that fascinates me! For hundreds of years, residents of the North American continent have tapped holes in maple trees in late winter. They’ve collected the sweet sap that flows through the trees as the days warm above freezing, and boiled it down into pure maple syrup. Last year we bought a couple of taps, hoses, and buckets to give this a try in our backyard. We didn’t collect enough to make much syrup, but the process was fascinating and definitely taught us a lot about foraging and where our food comes from. If you want to know more, we have a great post on Tapping Trees & Making Maple Syrup with Kids.

Night hikePhoto credit: @jen.aquila

56. Build snow castles

Sandcastles are all the rage in the summer, but building snow castles can be just as much fun! Get out your sandcastle-building equipment (cups, bowls, shovels, etc.) and do the same in the snow! Create elaborate castles with moats and leaf flags. Bring out the army men, Barbies, or characters and make an entire town. Add some colored water to give it a whole new look! There are so many fun things to build in the snow.

57. Go ice bowling

Keep your kids outside and occupied for hours with ice bowling! All you need are 10 water bottles and a balloon. Fill all the water bottles with colored water and place them outside or in the freezer to freeze solid. Leave room at the top or leave the lid off to give the water room to expand as it freezes so it doesn’t distort the bottom of the bottle, keeping them from standing upright on a flat surface. Fill a round balloon with water and freeze to make a round bowing ice ball. Once it’s all frozen solid, take outside and set up a bowling lane! The bottles are the pins and the ice water balloon is the ball. Teach your kids how to keep score and it becomes an educational math activity as well!

58. Snow cake for animals

Everyone loves cake…even animals! But while deer, squirrels and birds probably shouldn’t be eating cakes made from sugar and flour, they can eat cakes made of snow, fruits and veggies for the animals! Head out to a field or choose a spot near the woods where animals will be sure to find it. Use the snow to make a big cake on the ground and decorate it with birdseed, carrots, apples, lettuce and other fruits and vegetables. The animals will be grateful for your generosity.

SleddingPhoto credit: @hikingtheglobewithkids

59. Sledding

Sledding is a quintessential outdoor winter activity for kids of all ages! All you need is snow, a sled and a hill to have some exhilarating outdoor fun! Dress the kids appropriately for the weather and they can stay outside sledding for hours! The thrill of speeding down a hill on a sled is invigorating! Plus, trudging back up the hill a hundred times is sure to get them all the exercise and fresh air they need to sleep very well through the night!

60. Host an outdoor playgroup

Sometimes getting the kids outside in the cold weather is easier if they’ve got someone to play with. Hold yourself more accountable for getting outside by creating or hosting an outdoor playgroup. Invite some families with kids the same ages as yours and pick a time, place and outdoor activity to do. Knowing that others are counting on you makes it more likely that you’ll get outside. Plus, having friends around makes it much more enjoyable for kids, so they’ll likely spend more time outside and less time whining.

61. Winter scavenger hunt

Scavenger hunts are fun outdoor activities for kids that can be enjoyed year-round, no matter what the season. Winter scavenger hunts are extra fun for kids because so much can be seen and observed outside without the leaves on the trees. The barren landscape provides a new element in the hunt and an extra challenge. Winter scavenger hunts focus on items that can be found outside in the colder months. You can find a lot of examples on Pinterest (this is a good one) or make your own. Include things like pinecones, acorns, animal tracks, frozen puddles, feathers, evergreens, etc. We also have a Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt that can be done at any time of year.

Build a fortPhoto credit: @danaphillipsphoto

62. Build a fort

Cooler and colder temperatures do not mean the fort building has to stop. For many of you in the warmer climates, it’s actually the best time of year to head to the woods to build some forts! The risk for snake encounters goes down, the ticks die off and so do the mosquitoes! There are so many options for building forts, including eco-friendly options. Our favorite ways include finding long sticks and piling them up to make a giant teepee type structure or lining them up against a fallen tree to make a shelter inside. Here’s a great post on how to build an eco-friendly winter fort with kids.

63. Go snowmobiling

If you live in an area where you’ve got lots of snow, we highly recommend a snowmobile ride! There’s nothing quite like zipping across the snow to get your heart racing! Snowmobiles can be rented for the day or even by the hour. Lots of rental places offer safety lessons and guided tours, for those not familiar with the area or machines. Snowmobiles will give you access to incredible places you couldn’t otherwise get to. Snowmobiling is a fun outdoor winter activity for the whole family.

Visit a ski townPhoto credit: @lminor17

64. Visit a ski town

If you’re in an area where you can visit a local ski town or ski resort, make sure to get outside and explore! Ski towns offer many fun outdoor winter activities for kids and families to do outside in the winter months. From walking around town and window shopping to tubing, sleigh rides, snowmobiling, bonfires, skiing, and more!

65. Flashlight tag

It’s dark so early in the winter, so use that to your advantage. Burn some energy after dark with a game of classic flashlight tag. This fun game mixes hide and seek with tag and is played in the dark. The person who is “it” waits at home base counting to a high number while everyone else hides. Then, armed with a flashlight, this person searches for the others who may be switching hiding spots. The flashlight must remain on at all times and may not be covered. When “it ” spots someone, s/he must use the flashlight to get a close enough look at the person to identify him or her and call out that person’s name (who then becomes “it”)!

Attend a winter festivalPhoto credit: @expat.adventures

66. Attend a winter festival

No matter where you live, there are usually opportunities to attend winter festivals. Many towns and cities have winter festivals to celebrate everything from winter activities to winter harvests, winter holidays, and active winter animals. Lots of winter festivals have both indoor and outdoor activities and are family-friendly. Enjoy shopping from local vendors and taste delicious food from local bakers. Check out the activities in your area and find a fun winter festival to attend with the kids.

67. DIY wildflower seed bombs

Wildflower seed bombs are super easy to make, great for the environment, and make lovely gifts (perfect for Valentine’s Day). They are easy enough for kids to make in under an hour and good for the birds, bees, and butterflies in your area. They only require a few ingredients and have the added benefit of letting kids get their hands really messy! Make them and let your kids “bomb” the neighborhood once the snow melts. Or give them as homemade eco-friendly gifts to teachers, neighbors, family, and friends. Everyone will love watching the bombs grow into a beautiful patch of colorful wildflowers. Check out our full post on DIY wildflower seed bombs for all the instructions.

68. Go sightseeing

Winter is a great time to go explore a new city/town, a natural attraction, or a state or national park! Sightseeing in the winter is great because crowds are usually smaller and lots of companies are running winter deals. Everyone has a different goal when it comes to winter vacations. Some want to ski or savor all that goes with a snowy environment: cozy fireplaces, hot cocoa, crisp air, and white-capped mountains.  Others want to and swim in warm tropical waters and soak up the sunshine. Whatever your goal, look at taking a winter trip with the kids and exploring a new location. Here’s a great post from Travel + Leisure about the best US cities for winter travel.

Host an outdoor family happy hourPhoto credit: @smallstories_fotografia

69. Host an outdoor family happy hour

We love the idea of hosting an outdoor winter party for families. Cover your summertime lawn furniture with buffalo check plaid tablecloths and lots of warm snuggly blankets. Make a centerpiece of evergreen branches, holly, and pinecones. Set up a smores station around a bonfire, with hot chocolate for the kids and mulled wine for the adults. Add some twinkle lights around the location and you’re all set for a fun and festive outdoor event!

70. Winter word hunt

Similar to a scavenger hunt, try doing a winter word hunt with your kids.  This fun winter outdoor activity combines education with exploration. Learning outdoors is active and increases students’ physical, mental, and social health. Outdoor education and play support emotional, behavioral, and intellectual development. Most children learn better by using their senses, and outdoor environments provide wonderful hands-on experiences in nature. Check out our Winter Word Scavenger Hunt post for more details on this fun activity.

71. Go geocaching

Geocaching is a fun outdoor activity for kids no matter what the season. As long as your location isn’t buried under tons of snow, geocaching is a great way to get outside and explore during the cold winter months. Geocaching is basically treasure hunting, with the GPS on your phone as a guide. Caches can be found nearly anywhere these days and kids have a blast finding them! Bring along a few trinkets to trade and mark them down as a smiley! If you need more info, we’ve got a great post on how to get started geocaching with kids.

Visit a botanical gardenPhoto credit: @misskyleejo

72. Visit a botanical garden

Winter is a great time to explore your local botanical gardens. In the winter months, you’ll find fewer crowds, lovely lawns, and gorgeous greenery. Botanical gardens usually expand for miles both outdoors and in, with well-maintained paved trails, so they are a wonderful place to spend a chilly winter afternoon. Most gardens even have special exhibits that rotate through the winter months, so there is always something new to see. And if you are tired of the cold weather and need some warmth and some pretty plants, lots of botanical gardens have lovely indoor greenhouses filled with lush warmth and color! It feels great to enjoy the warm, humid greenhouses on a cold harsh winter day.

73. Make colored ice blocks

Most educational resources will tell you how important it is for kids to learn how to play with simple blocks. We definitely agree, but we want to put our own twist on it by taking it outside! And in the winter, why not make ice blocks for building for an even more enjoyable experience? All you need to do is freeze water in various size containers. Make small blocks using ice cube trays and larger ones using Tupperware. Add a few drops of food coloring to the water to make colored ice blocks. Pop them all out of their containers on the ice-cold sidewalk and let the kids get creative!

74. Socks & mitten experiment

If your house is anything like ours, you’ve probably got a dozen pairs of mittens/gloves scattered throughout your house and probably only half of them have matches. Some of the gloves are fine, some only work for a short amount of time outside before they get wet and cold, some are too big/small. Why not turn your haphazard mitten situation into a science experiment!?

Test the gloves/mittens in all different scenarios to see which ones withstand the cold and keep your hands warm. Take them outside and try them in the cold. Put your gloved hands in ice (or ice water) and see how long it takes before you feel the cold. Talk about the difference between fingered gloves and mittens (which keeps your fingers warmer). Not only will this teach children about proper insulation and the importance of wearing gloves outside, but you’ll know which ones they like, which ones you can pitch, and which ones work so you know what to buy next year!

Winter photography challengePhoto credit: @kylieraephotography_

75. Winter photography challenge

Two of my biggest passions are exploring the outdoors and photography. I love it when these two come together in one fun activity for kids. Winter is a great time to give them a camera (handheld or phone) and see what they can capture. You can either make a list of winter items to photograph or let them choose what to capture on their own. There’s a lot of beauty in the cold winter months and this activity forces you to actively look for it. Consider photographing things like snowflakes on colorful leaves, winter shadows, frost on leaves and grass, frozen berries, patterns in lichen or bark, fog, ice puddles, and animal tracks.

76. Make wind chimes

Making windchimes with kids is a fun and easy activity for kids to do any time of year. Last winter we made windchimes from driftwood and shells we found on our beach vacation. We drilled small holes in the shells and then hung them from a long piece of driftwood with twine. We also dangled a few pieces of driftwood so they’d all knock together in the wind and remind us of the beach. Other fun natural elements to add or use for windchimes are pinecones, sticks, sea glass, rocks. To make them extra fun and musical, add bells, old utensils, CDs, beads, or cans. Feel free to make wind chimes out of anything you can find! It’s fun to let kids choose their own items and discover what makes noise and what doesn’t.

77. Outdoor luau

Just because it’s chilly outside doesn’t mean you can’t have a Tikki party! Break out the hula skirts and lais – layer them over your down coats for extra color this winter! Host an outdoor luau with a traditional bonfire and warm(er) versions of your favorite summer drinks and frozen fruit kabobs! Set up the slip-n-slide for the kids and let it cover over with ice. Fill up a baby pool with snow for the little ones. Play Hawaiian music and dream of warmer summer days ahead!

Hand-feed chickadeesPhoto credit: @romana_zackova

78. Hand-feed chickadees

Did you know that you can train chickadees and nuthatches to eat out of your outstretched hand? It’s truly amazing and all it takes is a bit (ok, a lot) of patience and determination. If you want an incredible experience this winter, this is definitely one to work towards. Start by filling a bird feeder with black-oil sunflower seeds, which is the food of choice for small birds.

Once chickadees start visiting your feeder, stand about ten feet away and watch them for 10 minutes a day for a few days. Every day, while their eating, move just a bit closer. In time, the birds won’t mind, particularly if you make “pish” noises. Next, take away the feeder and fill a bowl with the sunflower seeds. Hold this with your hand in the place where the feeder was and do NOT move! The birds will eat out of the bowl. After a few days of doing this, try using your open hand. Soon, the chickadees will be eating straight out of your hands! It’s an incredible feeling!

79. Set up a birdbath

Birds need water to drink and bathe in. However, during the winter months, water sources often freeze, leaving the birds high and dry (literally). If you have the means and the location, consider setting up a year-round bird bath for our feathered friends. You’ll need to add a small heater to keep the water from freezing in the winter. And consider a way for the water to flow. Flowing water attracts birds, keeps water fresh and also helps prevent it from freezing.  This may be a bit of an investment, but the birds will love you for it!

80. Decorate outside with twinkle lights

You certainly don’t have to celebrate Christmas to enjoy the fun and beauty of twinkle lights. Early darkness means that kids have fewer hours of daylight to spend outside playing. Take the opportunity to turn their favorite outdoor play location into a magically-lit space for evening play. Use twinkle lights to brighten up playground equipment and swing set in your backyard. String them through the trees where they play fairies. Decorate their clubhouse. Place them around the fence that borders the kickball field. Transform the places they love to play into something magical and beautiful with twinkle lights that keep them outside longer.

Park playground gamesPhoto credit: @littletreatsphotographycalgary

81. Park playground games

If it’s snowy and/or muddy outside and you’re not in the mood to track through the muck and get filthy, consider a playground. Most local parks have some sort of outdoor playground equipment that can be enjoyed no matter what the season or weather. You’ll likely have it all to yourselves, which makes it the perfect place to play games. My kids love playing Follow the Leader on playgrounds. They take turns being the leader and lead each other through a maze of playground equipment, doing silly and challenging things. For example, they love walking across the swings without touching the ground, climbing up the slides, and leaping from thing to thing. Check out our post for even more ideas of park playground games for kids.

82. Go on a sleigh ride

Do a little research and see if you can find a place near you to take the kids on a real-life horse-drawn sleigh ride. There are lots of places these days that offer sleigh rides, through the woods, in parks, on local farms or through conservation areas. If you don’t have snow or you’re in the city, try a horse-drawn carriage ride! Our local parks offer carriage rides through a winter wonderland of twinkle lights in all size carriages. Some are huge and can fit large groups and some are small and intimate. One even looks like Cinderella’s pumpkin carriage. A sleigh ride outdoors through the crisp air, while you’re bundled up in blankets is a thrill! It’s something super special and unique that doesn’t happen every day. It’ll be a winter memory that will last a lifetime.

Outdoor tic-tac-toePhoto credit: @racheldayphotography

83. Outdoor tic-tac-toe

Playing tic-tac-toe outside in the winter is so much fun for kids. There are a variety of ways you can set up a game outdoors. Use 4 large sticks to create a board and then use colored water in spray bottles to designate your X or O marking. Or use pinecones for Os and 2 sticks to make Xs. You can do the same even if you don’t have snow in your area. Play on a picnic table with rocks and sticks. Or play in the driveway.

84. Pinecone dissection

Winter is the perfect time of the year to examine evergreen branches and pinecones. Gather your science tools, a few evergreen branches, and some pinecones and get started examining and observing. Use your tools (tweezers, knife (with supervision) and microscope) to examine a pinecone and dissect it. Discuss how pinecones are the fruit of the tree and inside are seeds. Break or cut them open to observe. Feel the textures and smell them. Explore further by measuring, snipping, shaking and observing the pinecones in different scenarios (e.g. do they float?).

Paint your windowsPhoto credit: @susan.grimes

85. Paint your windows

While technically an indoor activity, this is one that is worth including on the list. The house I grew up in had a series of large picture windows. Every winter, my mom would let each kid decorate a window any way they wanted. I usually chose colorful paints and created a bright scene on my window. It was such a simple thing, but something I looked forward to every year. Now, I let my 2 big kids each decorate one of the glass doors in our home. We use washable paint, dry erase markers, and gel clings. They’re always so incredibly proud of their designs. A few weeks later (when the paint’s chipping), I wash it all off and we do it again the following year.

86. Outdoor exercise

Get outside and active this winter by exercising outdoors. Kids love and need to get physical, especially in winter months when illnesses are prevalent and they tend to spend more time indoors. Tons of local parks have exercise stations around them or places where you can exercise outside. These stations include: pull-up bars, incline benches for situps, stretches, and push-ups. Even if you don’t have access to these park stations, you can easily create your own outdoor exercise routine and get your kids involved. Include exercises that they can easily do, like sprints, jumping jacks and frog jumps! 

Read our full post on exercising outdoors with kids.

outdoor winter activitiesPhoto credit: @siesta_makes

87. Explore a frozen creek

If you know me at all (or have been reading this website for any length of time), you know I’m a bit obsessed with playing in creeks. Exploring a creek in the winter can be just as much fun as it is in the summer. Wintertime creekbeds are really fun for kids to check out. There’s all kinds of things to do and look for. My kids love throwing rocks (splashing, skipping or using them to break the ice), using sticks to flip over rocks, searching for minnows and crawdads and stomping through frozen puddles. Always make sure kids are accompanied by an adult and keep them out of deep water areas. Dress appropriately and always make sure to have a change of dry clothes nearby!

88. Visit a national park

One of the best ways to get outside and explore when the temperature drops is by visiting a National Park or Monument. If you’re an outdoor enthusiast who loves to explore but prefers to avoid crowds, visiting National Parks in the winter helps you do that and more. There are so many great National Parks that are just as wonderful (if not even more so) in the winter months. We love this post by Bearfoot Theory on the best national parks to visit in the wintertime.  Their list includes a few parks that are brutally hot in the summer, but lovely in the winter, such as Death Valley, Everglades, Joshua Tree, Petrified Forest and Gulf Islands National Seashore. And a few parks that are just spectacular with a dusting (or more) of snow, such as Arches, Grand Tetons and Great Basin.

outdoor winter activitiesPhoto credit: @blueberryhillimages

89. Make snow angels

Making snow angels is a quintessential wintertime childhood outdoor activity. This activity needs no real explanation or instruction, but there are a few things you can do to make it more fun for kids. After the make the snow angel, let them decorate them! It’s really funny to see hollow snow angels on the ground with pinecones for eyes, sticks for hair, and a red berry mouth!

90. NYE sunset countdown

Celebrate the end of the year with kids by watching nature’s very own ball drop – the sunset. Gather with friends and family on the last day of the year and watch the sunset together. Share stories of the highlights of the year and feel free to share goals or make predictions for what the new year will bring. The sunset usually happens early enough for kids of any age to enjoy it without throwing off bedtime. It’s a lovely way to end the outside and in nature.

91. Make a winter mandala

Making a nature mandala is a wonderful activity to do any time of year. In its simplest form, a mandala is a circular structure with a design that radiates out symmetrically from the center. You can find natural mandalas in flowers, tree rings, the sun, eyes, snowflakes, spider webs, seashells, seeds, fruits and more. There is no right or wrong way to make one which is why it is such a wonderful way to engage children to make their own mandalas using items they find in nature.

Go for a walk or hike and collect items to use in your winter mandala. Choose a location to start making it and let the children’s imaginations create something beautiful! This is a great time to discuss symmetry and shapes, but don’t push them too hard to stick to any hard and fast rules. Creativity wins the day. We’ve got a great post on making nature mandalas with kids if you want to read more about this fun activity.

outdoor winter activitiesPhoto credit: @rachelpeacephotography

92. Have a bonfire

I’m pretty sure I’ve recommended having a bonfire and roasting marshmallows in every seasonal activity guide we’ve published. That’s because this is a timeless activity that can be done in any season and is always a hit. S’mores taste extra great when it’s cold outside and winter bonfires have the added bonus of warming your hands and backsides! Gather some firewood and those you love and spend some time outside together around a fire on a cold and dark evening. Sharing songs and memories around a campfire is such a simple and beautiful experience for families. It makes kids feel incredibly special to be part of it, to listen and participate. 

Find out more about the 5 S’s of making a successful bonfire with kids

93. Practice fire safety skills

And while you’re at it with the bonfire, let your kids be a part of setting it up. Safely building a fire is one of those imperative skills that every adult should know. But we often overlook how beneficial it is for children to know about fire safety and how to properly handle a fire. Because fire is inherently dangerous, I believe kids should learn about it at an early age. With the proper instruction and supervision, kids learn a healthy respect for fire, and with early and frequent exposure, the thrill and mystique of fire wears off. It becomes simply a useful tool, as opposed to something mysterious and forbidden which they can’t resist the urge to explore in secret. 

Here’s a great post on how to teach kids how to build campfires and fire safety tips for kids

Explore a beachPhoto credit: @dayslikethisphotos

94. Explore a beach

Beaches in the wintertime are magical places. While the cooler temperature makes the water a bit too cold for swimming, there are still many activities the whole family can enjoy doing at the beach during the cooler winter months. Take advantage of the lack of crowds and spend some time shelling. For the best shelling, arrive at the beach at the earliest low tide, when the water recedes uncovering thousands of shells. Shells are especially abundant after winter storms stir up the ocean water. Bring along some binoculars to spot all sorts of birds and marine life, from crabs and live sand dollars to dolphins. Look for a place where the sand is dotted with rocks and branches so that the water get’s trapped when the tide is low and you will find many critters in these small tidepools. 

Read more about finding sea glass with kids

95. Frozen water beads

Water beads are a really strange, yet super fun sensory activity for kids. Most people only play with water beads in the summer, but there’s no reason you can’t break them out in the winter, too! Take them outside and see if they stick/freeze to objects? Or freeze them (you can put them on a cookie sheet in the freezer) and use them in outdoor games, like marbles.

96. Play Red Rover

Red Rover is a classic childhood game that is tons of fun to play in the winter when everyone is bundled up and layered with protection! All you need are two teams (the more kids, the better!) and a large open space (a grassy field is perfect). The kids are divided up evenly between teams and stand, facing each other, a good distance apart. The first team to go decides who they want to “send over” and then they yell, “Red Rover, Red Rover, send Janie right over!” At this point, Janie has to leave her team and run toward the other group, who are holding hand. She has to try to break through their barrier.

The more momentum and speed she has, the better. If she makes it through, she gets to choose a person from the opposing team to go back to her team. If she doesn’t get through, she becomes a new member of that team. The group with the most kids after how-ever-many rounds wins!

Have a sword fightPhoto credit: @rubkowa

97. Have a sword fight

Kids don’t need anything but a stick to be completely entertained! But how often do we (parents) interfere with their love sticks because we’re afraid they’ll get hurt? I want you to try giving your kids permission (even if just for one cold winter day) to use those sticks to have the most epic winter sword fight of all time! Let their imaginations run wild as they battle against evil knights and bandits. Give them the chance to learn how to play with sticks safely by allowing them to explore and test the boundaries. Let them play!

98. Bonfire cinnamon rolls

Making a bonfire is already on the list, but let’s take it up a level. Cinnamon rolls on the bonfire are a fun delicacy. All you need is a tube of store-bought cinnamon rolls and a few long sticks. Wrap a cinnamon roll around the stick and let the kids roast them in the fire. Don’t forget to rotate them and practice proper fire safety. They cook up nice and puffy and (once cooled enough to handle), you can pop them off the stick, dunk them in icing and enjoy! 

Here’s a great post filled with even more delicious foods and meals that you can make over the campfire

99. Candy cane hunt

A candy cane hunt is a really fun way to get your kids outside, exploring and active. All you need is a box of candy canes (as many as you want) and a place to hide them that your kids can safely explore. Take a few minutes to hide them all (hang in trees, on bushes, stick in the ground, etc.) in various locations and at different heights (for different kids). Then let the kids go and see how many they can find. If you have kids of different ages, consider giving them each a section of space to find the candy canes or hide candy canes of different colors for each child. Once they’re all found, start again! Hide them in new places or let the kids take turns hiding them for each other.

Snowball target practicePhoto credit: @jessicaklinephotography

100. Snowball target practice

Nothing thrills my oldest child like introducing some competitiveness to any activity we do. Making snowballs is all fun and games, but having a snowball fight is better. He tends to get a bit aggressive with the snowballs, so instead, we do target practice. All you need to do is draw a bullseye target on a large piece of cardboard, poster board, a box or even the side of the house or a fence. All the kids will need to make their own snowballs of various sizes, shapes, and densities (consider it a STEM activity). Then line the kids up and let them take turns hitting the target. Have them keep score and the winner gets a prize!

101. Winter slip & slide

Turn your slip-n-slide into an instant sledding hot spot! Get your money’s worth all year round by breaking out the slip-n-slide this winter. If you have time (and kids that are old enough to handle it), spray it lightly with the hose the night before your big sled party. This will create a thin layer of ice on it, which means extra speed and slickness when sledding. (We haven’t actually tried this at home yet, so proceed at your own risk!)

102. Find winter constellations

Cold (and early) dark winter nights are the perfect time to teach kids about the constellations. Stargazing is a great outdoor winter activity for kids. In the winter, there are six constellations that you can usually find in the night sky: Orion, Taurus, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Gemini, and Aurigo. These constellations are known as the “Winter Six.” Print out a copy of the winter six constellations and see who can find them first. If you need extra help, try the Sky View app.

Play flag footballPhoto credit: @kirschkerne

103. Play flag football

My son recently joined a peewee flag football team that plays games outside during the winter months. Snow and rain don’t slow these kids down, either. They love playing outside and barely feel the cold. It’s much more brutal on the fans and families than the players, but it’s a great way to spend some good quality time outside in the winter and get lots of exercise. If you can, organize a game of flag football for your kids and their friends. The rules are (relatively) simple (basic football rules with no tackling) and you don’t need much other than a ball, a few “flags” (pieces of an old cloth also work) and a place to play! Game on!

104. Hibernation hunt

There are lots of animals that hibernate through the cold winter months. We all know about bears and immediately think of them in dark caves. However, chipmunks, bats, turtles, snakes, hedgehogs, frogs, skunks, and prairie dogs all hibernate as well. Studying hibernation is a great wintertime activity. Pair your study with a hibernation habitat hunt (or hike) and let the kids look for places they think animals might hibernate. Look for dens, burrows or hollowed-out tree trunks. This is more of an i-spy activity and identifying potential habitats. Stay away from any place you think might be housing an animal, as we don’t want to disturb any hibernating animals.

105. Snow day photoshoot

While most families choose to have family photos taken in the fall, winter is another great time! Why not ask your photographer about scheduling a “snow day” photoshoot on the first snow of the season? Dress everyone up in adorable winter wear and get some action shots of all of you making a snowman, having a snowball fight, sledding or skating. Creative family photos are always so much fun. Incorporating a fun activity will take the pressure off getting the perfect posed shot and create memories along the way.

babies in winterPhoto credit: @nina.bogomaz

106. Car camping

Don’t let winter keep you from camping and enjoying the outdoors. Winter is a great time to car camp! Basically, car camping is camping with your vehicle. You can “car camp” anywhere that you can drive up to in your car, truck, or van. While car camping can also mean literally sleeping in your car, that’s not a requirement. The key is that you arrive to your campsite in your vehicle and keep your vehicle onsite, which allows you to carry more essentials than a backpacking trip or somewhere you don’t have access to your car. This means you can bring all the things to keep you toasty warm when camping in cooler weather. Read all about tips for winter car camping with kids

107. Winter adventure chores

This time of year can be hard to get outside with kids. So, why not use this season of staying warm and close to home to clean, prep, and maintain your gear for your upcoming adventures. This post contains a list of winter chores for kids that help them prepare for their next hiking, biking, or camping adventure. A little gear maintenance, organization, restocking, and preparing will go a long way in getting your family out the door quicker when the weather warms up! 

108. Winter photo scavenger hunt

Grab your camera and get outside for a fun winter photo scavenger hunt. In order to make this fun for kids in both snowy and no-snow conditions, we created two different versions of the winter photo scavenger hunt for kids. The first scavenger hunt printable is a “Winter Photo Scavenger Hunt” – this is perfect for a chilly winter day where it is absolutely fine if there is no snow on the ground. The kids can find things like a brown leaf, an evergreen branch, and a pinecone. The second photo scavenger hunt printable is a “Snowy Day Winter Photo Scavenger Hunt.” This one is great for adventures outside when the snow has covered the ground. Children can search for a snow shovel, icicle, and a snowball. This activity also opens up opportunities for your child to make a snow angel and snowman too! Get the winter photo scavenger hunt printables here. 

What are your favorite winter outdoor activities for kids?

The post 100+ Outdoor Winter Activities for Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Snowboarding with Kids at Bolton Valley Resort Thu, 19 May 2022 18:56:10 +0000 Snowboarding is a really fun, active, and challenging way to get kids outside during the winter months. Today, Chelsea Furlong, a Virginia Beach teacher, photographer, and mom of two skateboarding kids is here to share her family’s recent experience at Bolton Valley Resort in Richmond, Vermont, learning how to snowboard. She gives us a great overview of the property, the process of getting outfitted, and all the amazing amenities this gorgeous ski resort has to...

The post Snowboarding with Kids at Bolton Valley Resort appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

Snowboarding is a really fun, active, and challenging way to get kids outside during the winter months. Today, Chelsea Furlong, a Virginia Beach teacher, photographer, and mom of two skateboarding kids is here to share her family’s recent experience at Bolton Valley Resort in Richmond, Vermont, learning how to snowboard. She gives us a great overview of the property, the process of getting outfitted, and all the amazing amenities this gorgeous ski resort has to offer. Let’s check it out! 

Snowboarding with Kids at Bolton Valley Resort Vermont

From skateboarding to snowboarding

For over two years my kids had been begging us to take them to the mountains to learn how to snowboard. They are avid skateboarders and all of their skater friends kept telling them they’d love snowboarding and pick it up quickly.

We live in Virginia Beach, so snowy mountains aren’t readily accessible to us. We do have some places a few hours west, but having grown up in Vermont, I just couldn’t get past the idea of my children starting their journey in the beautiful Green Mountain State!

Having said that, I’ll note that I did NOT grow up skiing every minute of the winter as some may assume. I grew up in an ice hockey family, so we never went skiing in the wintertime because we spent so much time in hockey rinks during the winter months. Since then, I have been skiing a handful of times over the years, all in the very spot we decided to take our own children to learn how to snowboard (which made this whole experience super special)!

Snowboarding with kids in Vermont

Learning a new skill

As a parent, I’m sure many of you can relate to the conundrum of your children being interested in something you cannot teach them! First skateboarding and then snowboarding, they’ve been a bit out of luck when it comes to learning skills and sports from me. I am NOT a skateboarder (shocking, I know), but I have learned how to foster my children’s growth in the sport. I knew I could do the same with this new interest in snowboarding.

So, whether or not you’re a skateboarder or snowboarder (or a skier or have never even been on a mountain), you can, too! You don’t have to know how to do ALL THE THINGS in order to provide your kids with opportunities to learn something new. You can jump in together! It’s a great way to show them that you can learn and try new things at any age! 

Here is how it went for us…

Snowboarding check-in and rentals

We arrived at Bolton Valley Resort on a Monday evening. We checked in to our awesome room in the mountainside lodge. It was perfect for our family of 4. Right after check-in, we headed over to the rental shop to get outfitted with all of our gear.

My husband and I got set up for skiing and the boys got their snowboarding gear. The staff members in the rental shop were so helpful in getting us everything we needed to get started! If you’ve ever been through the process of renting ski or snow gear with (or even without) kids, you know how frustrating this process can be. The staff made it all so easy and answered all our questions about fit, gear, comfort, and sizing. 

Bolton Valley Resort traveling with kids

Snowboarding with kids

Snowboarding gear for kids

The boys got fitted and set up with boots, bindings, boards, and helmets. Since this is something we’ve never done before, it was super helpful to have knowledgeable professionals there to make sure we were set up properly! I do highly recommend renting gear on-site because it’s so easy to grab your things and head out on the mountain or bring it back to your room.

The gear they had available was high-quality gear. They even have seasonal rentals if you live in the area but don’t want to spend the money to purchase it for your entire family. This is especially a good idea with littles that are just trying it out to see if they like it!

Snowboarding with kids

Snowboarding lessons for kids and practice hill

Since we don’t snowboard, we opted for lessons for both boys first thing in the morning the next day at Bolton Valley Resort! The instructor they had was amazing! He was encouraging, relaxed, knowledgeable, and patient. By the time they were done lesson, both boys could independently clip in, and get up and down a small sloped area.

Once they were mobile, we moved on to the rope tow hill. We spent the rest of the day practicing here, while taking frequent breaks to rest, eat, hydrate, and warm-up whenever necessary! It is critical to take breaks frequently. You know your children best, so you’ll know when they’re becoming too frustrated, cold, or hungry.

Like with any new skill, there is a fine line between the point when encouraging your children to keep trying and knowing when it’s becoming too much and they need a break to reset. 

Snowboarding with kids at Bolton Valley Resort

Practicing with the tow rope

The rope tow hill at Bolton Valley was the perfect spot for learning the basics of snowboarding with kids. It is large enough to have a nice ride down, but not intimidating or too difficult. I actually chose to stand in my boots and take off my skis while the boys were learning how to get up and down the hill. They did need me to occasionally walk to them to assist them, and it was easier for me to assist them without my skis on. But you could leave your gear on as well, if that’s what you’d prefer.

The staff at the tow rope were so incredibly helpful and patient! They paid very close attention and assisted every person, from toddlers to adults, as they were learning. They were absolutely wonderful and so encouraging. 

Snowboarding with kids at Bolton Valley ResortSnowboarding with kids in Vermont

Making to the lifts

The boys spent the entire first day on the rope tow hill at Bolton Valley. My oldest (age 9) practiced a couple more times the next morning, and then decided he was ready for the lifts! We made sure that he was able to show enough control to turn and slow himself down when he got going too fast before sending him up the mountain.

I stayed with our younger son, while my husband took the older one up to try out the easiest trail! He said he fell a lot but was smiling from ear to ear and so proud of himself. He spent the rest of the day riding with his dad, while I stayed with his brother who ended up not feeling well. (You know how vacations go with kids – someone always ends up sick, right?!) 


From skateboarding to snowboarding

So, did all of that skateboarding really help them learn to snowboard quickly? Well, sort of…

Since I don’t have a reference point for how long it takes most people to learn to ride a snowboard, it’s hard for me to judge. However, the staff at Bolton were impressed by how quickly they picked it up and surprised our oldest was able to go up and down the mountain within 24 hours.

The movement and balancing they’re used to with skateboarding definitely made the transition easier! I think both of the boys were surprised by how challenging snowboarding was for them given their skating skills. I think they assumed they’d be zipping down the mountain with ease on day one. It didn’t quite happen that easily, but it was a great lesson to learn and experience for both of them. They both loved the challenge of trying something new! I know they’ll be asking us to go again as soon as the fall arrives this year. 

Best places to snowboard with kids

Other activities at Bolton Valley Resort

One of our absolute favorite things about Bolton Valley Resort is that it has an indoor skatepark!! I mean, does it get any better than a ski resort that also has a skatepark?! (No, it doesn’t.)

The skatepark is attached to the Sports Center and has both street and traditional features. It includes a micro mini ramp, a mini ramp, a vert ramp, and even a bowl to ride. It was like a dream come true for my kids to be able to go from snowboarding to skateboarding all day long.

The Sports Center also includes a pool, sauna, and hot tub, as well as a game room. And everything at the resort is close enough together that you can easily walk from your room, to the lifts, to the restaurants, to the Sports Center as much as you want! It doesn’t feel overwhelming because it’s all easily accessible. 

Best vacation resorts with kids Best Winter Resorts for Families

Night skiing and snowboarding at Bolton Valley

Another extra special thing about Bolton Valley Resort is that it’s the only ski resort in Vermont that offers night skiing and riding! Typically offered 5 days a week, this is definitely one of the unique highlights of skiing and riding at Bolton. The atmosphere at the resort during night skiing and riding is so much fun! There is a vibe that you just can’t find anywhere else. Night skiing and riding runs from 4:00-10:00 PM and gives you the opportunity to ski and ride during sunset, which is a stunning sight. 

Summer at Bolton Valley

During the summer months, Bolton Valley opens up its trails and lifts for mountain biking, which looks like a blast. They also have hiking, live music nights, and skate camps for kids. So, if you’re visiting Vermont in the summer months, it is definitely still worth checking out all Bolton has to offer!

Bolton Valley Resort Snowboarding with Kids in Vermont

Dining at Bolton Valley

In between all of the hard work skiing, riding, skateboarding, and swimming, we took lots of breaks to rest and refuel! There are several spots to grab a bite and a drink at Bolton Valley Resort. The Base Lodge Cabin offers quick breakfasts, lunches, and snacks. My kids are huge breakfast burrito fans so those were a big hit for us! The James Moore Tavern has a great menu and selection of local brews.

When in Vermont, be sure to try the poutine and amazing local beers and ciders. Fireside Flatbread offers fresh flatbreads and pizzas cooked in a wood-fired oven. If you happen to be visiting during a Thursday – Sunday evening, you may also find that Miso Toh Kome is open! Miso Toh Kome is a slopeside stand that offers Japanese onigiri, sushi rice balls, miso soup, and Japanese coffee. 

Best Family Resorts in Vermont

Quick Summary of Bolton Valley Resort

What I love:

  • Small resort, so really great for just starting out
  • Recommend staying right there because little ones get tired and cold. You can go back and forth from your room to the lifts all day.
  • Night skiing/riding!
  • The skatepark (of course)
  • On-site dining options – breakfast burrito and maple breakfast sandwich were especially a hit. And the poutine! 
  • Lifts and trails don’t feel overwhelming
  • Super friendly staff 
  • Convenient lessons right outside the lodge for quick and easy access
  • Resort location is close to Burlington (most of the ski resorts in Vermont are not)
  • Laidback vibe – doesn’t feel stuffy or pretentious like some larger, busier, more well-known ski resorts
  • Sauna, pool, and hot tub

Learning to snowboard with kids

Tips for snowboarding with kids at Bolton Valley 

  • Bring extra snacks and drinks for the mini fridge so you don’t have to drive back down the mountain to get what you need
  • Stay at the resort to eliminate unnecessary stress! It’s so much more enjoyable to have a room right at the lifts than to worry about going back and forth between lodging and skiing/riding. 
  • Take breaks as often as needed
  • Check the dining facility schedule for which place is open and when. Then plan your time on the mountain around that!
  • Bring your skate gear! You won’t want to pass up the epic skatepark.
  • Be prepared for all kinds of weather, especially if you’re planning a spring trip, as we did! Plan to dress in layers.
  • Goggles helped. I wasn’t planning to get everyone goggles, thinking we wouldn’t need them. However, we did have a day that was incredibly windy and the goggles helped a lot with keeping the kids more comfortable since the wind gusts and snow were blocked from their eyes. 

Snowboarding with Kids

Bolton Valley Resort information


Address: 4302 Bolton Access Rd, Richmond, VT 05477

Phone: (802) 434-3444

Have your kids tried snowboarding?

About the author

Chelsea is a photographer, mother of two busy boys, and a sunshine and fresh air addict. Her family lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and spends as much time outdoors as they possibly can! Most of their outdoor adventures involve exploring the beach, inlets, and nature trails nearby. They love biking, hiking, paddleboarding, kayaking, building forts, and playing in the sand! During the warm months, you can find them enjoying the Chesapeake Bay almost every night until long after the sun goes down. They’re doing our best to reduce their carbon footprint and always try to leave every trail cleaner than it was when they arrived. Chelsea is also the Run Wild My Child Sustainability Expert and helps spearhead our efforts at reducing our carbon footprint and leads our eco-challenges.

You can find Chelsea online in the following locations:
Instagram: @dimples.and.the.blonde
RWMC posts: Chelsea Furlong

The post Snowboarding with Kids at Bolton Valley Resort appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Beginner’s Guide to Downhill Skiing with Kids Sun, 30 Jan 2022 17:39:38 +0000 Downhill skiing is a super fun and active winter activity for the whole family. Skiing is also a sport that kids can start learning at a very young age. Today, Sarah Warburton, mom of two raising her daughters in the Alps, is here today with all you need to know to get started downhill skiing with kids. She’s sharing her knowledge and experience teaching kids to ski, with all you need to know about what...

The post Beginner’s Guide to Downhill Skiing with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

Downhill skiing is a super fun and active winter activity for the whole family. Skiing is also a sport that kids can start learning at a very young age. Today, Sarah Warburton, mom of two raising her daughters in the Alps, is here today with all you need to know to get started downhill skiing with kids. She’s sharing her knowledge and experience teaching kids to ski, with all you need to know about what to pack, how to find the best kid-friendly resort, how to choose the right ski gear, tips for teaching kids, and so much more! 

Two young children raising their hands in joy after downhill skiing on a mountain with a parent

A guide to getting started downhill skiing with kids

Winter is ski season

When the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, it can be hard to motivate even the most active of kids to get outside. We’ve found that sometimes the best way to get outside in the cold is to find something you really enjoy doing and can look forward to. So, for our family, those blustery, cold, dreary, days at the end of the year have a silver lining – IT’S SNOWING IN THE MOUNTAINS! We have found an activity that everyone in our family loves to do in the winter. So now, every year, our family looks forward excitedly to the first snow and the promise of the ski season ahead!

Benefits of downhill skiing for kids

There are so many amazing benefits of skiing for both kids and adults. Aside from being the perfect excuse to spend the day outside, skiing allows you to access beautiful places you would never otherwise get to see. It’s also great for improving balance and coordination. Even little kids can quickly feel empowered as they navigate moving at (relative!) speed down the mountain. Once the basics have been mastered the whole mountain really does become a playground.

Skiing increases your child’s body and spatial awareness. While skiing, your child must be aware of what each part of their body is doing, as well as where they are positioned on the slopes in relation to others. Skiing improves strength, coordination, and balance. If you’ve skied before you know how strong your legs and core need to be for all those turns and stops. Skiing can also teach your child perseverance and foster a sense of confidence and healthy competition. 

Downhill skiing with kids also brings the whole family together in a way that few other outdoor activities can. Skiing is an activity that can be enjoyed for a lifetime. Often the kids’ grandparents join us for the day and all three generations ski together.  We alternate skiing with frequent stops to grab a snack, treat ourselves to a hot chocolate or admire the view.

a small child takes a magic carpet up a nursery slope while she learns to downhill ski

An introduction to downhill skiing with kids

Whether you’re a skier yourself or skiing is something that you’d love for your family to try, here is all you need to know to get your kids started downhill skiing! Today, I’ll walk you through the basics of how to get started skiing with kids, the best age for kids to start skiing, what to wear on the slopes, the low-down on renting or buying ski gear, tips on choosing a beginner ski resort, whether ski lessons are worth it, tips for skiing with a beginner, and so much more! 

So, lace up your snow boots, and let’s get to it! 

Have fun (and keep your expectations low)

Before we get into the logistics and technical skills of skiing with kids, it’s important start with your mindset and expectations. Remember that although you want your kids to learn to downhill ski, this should NOT be the goal for their first few times on the mountain. First and foremost, the goal when first learning to ski should be to have FUN! So, get rid of any expectations right now, arm yourself with a solid dose of patience, pack your sense of humor, and make the experience as entertaining as possible! 

If your child is very small then they will probably just want to play in the snow at first. Once kitted out, they’ll also need some time to get used to the gear. Walking in ski boots can be a challenge! On skis, games will be your friend – Simon Says, Follow the Leader, imagining they are a super hero… there are a myriad of ways to get kids moving!

The best age for kids to start downhill skiing

What is the best age for a child to start learning to ski?

The short answer is ANY AGE! There’s no real “magic age” that’s perfect for kids to start learning to ski. Kids can start skiing at nearly any age (so don’t worry, you haven’t missed anything).

Kids as young as 2 years old can have fun on a very gentle slope but they are unlikely to join you on a real piste any time soon. At 2, 3, or 4 years old, most kids will enjoy play-based activities on skis. They may well learn to turn and stop by themselves, but they will be far from ready to hit the slopes. However, this early practice will greatly pay off, as they’ll have the benefit of knowing how to move in skills and are used to wearing ski boots.

From the age of 5 onwards, kids will learn skiing skills more quickly. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to expect them to handle an easy slope after a couple of days of practice. Fortunately, kids this age have very little fear of falling (and they’re low to the ground, so falls aren’t as hard on them), and so they make progress FAST!

Know your child’s personality and abilities

However, when learning any new sport or activity, a lot also depends on the child’s personality. Not every kid progresses the same. Not every 5-year-old will be ready to start skiing and not every 3 year-old will only want to play games in the snow. A lot will depend on your child’s personal comfort (ski gear can be bulky/heavy and may be tough for kids with sensory issues), your child’s athletic abilities (skiing takes a lot of leg and core strength), and their confidence/perseverance (learning to ski takes a lot of time and kids fall a lot – it can get frustrating).

Again, just remember that skiing should be FUN. Follow your child’s lead when it comes to what they are comfortable doing. 

two kids stand on a ski slope where they are learning to downhill ski

Downhill skiing with kids: what should kids wear? 

Getting the family kitted out for skiing can feel daunting. There are a LOT of pieces and layers and items. And while the outdoor industry might want you to believe you have to have special “ski-specific gear” for downhill skiing, that’s not necessarily the case. If you have young kids and have already spent time outside in the snow then you probably have most of what you need. Simply put, children need to stay WARM and DRY. And that can be done in any good winter gear, whether it was made for skiing or not.

Layering for downhill skiing

The biggest tip for dressing kids when downhill skiing is to LAYER. When skiing with kids, you’ll need to be prepared for all weather, as conditions in the mountains can change quickly. The easiest way to be extra prepared is with layering. Your kids may need to add (or remove) a layer here and there to stay warm or cool off. Thin layers are your friend as they can be taken off or added as required.

So, from the first layer to the last, here’s what you will need to outfit your kids for downhill skiing:

  1. Long thermal underwear: Opt for a merino wool or a synthetic fabric baser layer, as these are more breathable and quicker drying than cotton-mix fabrics. Choose a long-sleeved top and long bottoms. Make sure they are comfortable (some kids can be very sensitive to itchiness – perhaps snip out any tags) and make sure they’re not too tight. For more info on wool layers, check out our article on The Best Merino Wool Base Layers for Kids and Toddlers.
  2. A warm, insulating layer: This might be a fleece or a synthetic top. Avoid cotton or anything too bulky. This layer will get taken on and off the most, so a full-length zip makes this easier. Avoid a hooded top that adds unnecessary bulk behind the neck.
  3. Warm socks: Socks for skiing need to come well above the top of the ski boot and should be a mixture of wool and synthetic fibers. Having two pairs of warm socks is useful. If your kids are like mine, socks are notorious for disappearing or getting soaked! It’s always handy to have a spare pair. 
  4. Snow pants: Insulated pants that are reliably waterproof and breathable are a must for skiing. Ski pants will have a gaiter around the bottom to stop snow coming up the inside of the leg. Most children’s pants will come with straps to hold them up, but bibs are even better as they also come up high enough to stop snow from getting in at the waist. All-in-one snowsuits are another option that are great for keeping kids warm and dry. But beware…if your child is in nappies, potty training or might need to unexpectedly pee at the side of the piste, they are not very practical! 
  5. Ski jacket: Like the pants, the material for your winter coat (your outer layers) needs to be waterproof but breathable. Choose an insulated jacket for warmth. 
  6. Gloves/ mittens: Mittens are warmer than gloves for little fingers, so opt for these with younger kids. I like ones that come well up the arm and can be secured with a bungee cord. This is easier than tucking the mittens inside the sleeve of the jacket. Mittens are often the first thing to get wet, and wet/ cold hands = game over. If you can, keep a spare pair in your backpack or dry them out if you’re somewhere inside for lunch. For recommendations, check our Gear Review on the Best Kids Gloves and Mittens.
  7. Neck warmer: This keeps cold air and snow from going down the neck. This can be a scarf or (even better), a neck gaiter. It can be pulled up over the nose if it’s windy and cold. My kids prefer the thinner ones – a synthetic material or merino wool is best as it dries quickly (because, you know, snot).  
  8. Helmet: Wearing a helmet when skiing is a non-negotiable! Helmets can be rented, or if you’d prefer to buy one, then you’ll probably get at least 2 seasons out of it. Most are adjustable and can worn a few years. 
  9. Goggles: Children’s goggles are generally inexpensive and likely to last a few seasons too. Make sure that they fit snugly around the face and work with the helmet that you have. 

Budget-friendly ski gear

Dedicated ski clothing is worn for just a few months of the year. Children grow quickly, so it can feel overwhelming purchasing nice ski gear that you know they’ll grow out of within a season or two. While we highly recommend good-quality gear, we don’t want your gear to break the bank or prevent you from getting outside.

Because kids usually grow out of winter gear before they wear it out, great quality items can be found on second-hand marketplaces. There are so many ways to get great gear and clothing second-hand now. With lots of different sales sites and apps like Poshmark, ThredUp, and Mercari, it’s easier than ever. You can even look locally using Facebook marketplace or search your local consignment or thrift shop. If you know other families that ski (maybe with kids of different ages than yours), you can also host a clothing swap with your friends and neighbors!

When looking for budget-friendly ski equipment and gear, shopping second-hand can save you a lot of money. If you live in a mountainous (ski-friendly) area, ski clubs, rental shops and rec departments often host ski swaps and used ski gear sales in the fall. This is a great place to buy used ski equipment. Decathlon is a great place to buy new but inexpensive good-quality gear. Other options for finding great deals on used ski gear are Facebook marketplace, eBay, Craigslist, and other used gear shops. 

a child on a kids ski lift while learning to downhill ski

Kid’s ski equipment – should you rent or buy?

While the decision to rent or buy ski gear is a personal one, you might want to consider how much skiing you’ll be doing before making a big purchase. Young children grow quickly and so are unlikely to use the same size boots or possibly skis for more than one season. And ski equipment can be very expensive, depending on the quality and brand you choose. If it’s your first time skiing, I highly recommend you rent or even borrow ski gear to see if skiing is something you’ll continue doing. 

We live in Switzerland and ski the entire winter. For this reason, we have always rented equipment in the early years. If you’ll be skiing regularly throughout the winter, you can rent/lease gear for the whole season. We ski a lot over the course of a winter, so this makes financial sense for us. Renting for individual days can quickly get expensive quickly, but might be the best option if you’ll only be skiing a few days out of the year. Rental equipment is usually reasonably priced and can be fitted each time for your child as they grow, ensuring proper fit. 

Buying skis or boots new or second-hand if you know that you’ll be skiing regularly in a season or then passing them on to a younger sibling (or reselling them) is also a cost-effective option and may be the best thing for you. 

kids skis and boots for downhill skiing

Choosing ski equipment for children 

Now that we’ve covered clothing and whether to rent ski gear or buy it, let’s talk about how to choose the right ski gear for your little ones. Getting the right equipment for your kids will allow them to progress at the right level and have fun. You want to choose skis that are suitable for on-piste (on groomed marked trails) because that is where your child can easily learn and develop their skills. When you are choosing skis for your kids it is also important to select skis appropriate for their level of experience. For example, beginner skis will always be softer and more forgiving compared to advanced skis.

Skis for kids

Making sure your child is using the correct pair and size of skis for their size and ability will help them learn faster. As a rough guide, kids’ skis should come up to the child’s chin. Shorter skis are easier to turn. While it won’t make a difference to the ski’s performance, don’t underestimate the power of skis in a certain color/ with a certain graphic to get your child excited about skiing!

Ski poles for kids

Poles just get in the way when first learning to ski and should NOT be used at all until the child is comfortably turning and skiing parallel between turns. Once your child is comfortable on skis, poles can help with balance or quick turns. To make sure your poles are the right length, have your child stand in their ski boots and hold the poles. Their elbows should be at a 90-degree angle. Make sure the wrist strap is adjusted comfortably.

Ski boots for kids

The right fit in your child’s ski boots can make a big difference to their experience on skis. The most important thing is to get the correct size and boot type. Children’s ski boots are generally soft in flexibility (although, they can still be uncomfortable) and can have between 1 and 4 buckles. When trying on boots, wear ski socks for an accurate fit. You don’t want them to be too tight, but you also don’t want them to be too loose. Kids should be able to wiggle their toes with ease, but have a snug fit around the ankle for support. 

Ski boots should ALWAYS be custom fitted to the bindings on the skis your child will be using. A ski technician will make adjustments according to the child’s size, weight, and ability. This is really important for the child’s safety when skiing. You want the binding to release under the right amount of force. 

A beginner and kid -friendly snow garden or nursery slope for learning to downhill ski

Choosing a child-friendly ski resort

When choosing the best ski resort for kids and families, there are many factors to take into consideration: cost, availability of lessons, ease of access to the slopes, the difficulty of runs, etc. Here are some of the things you may want to think about 

Easy access to slopes

When beginning your search, you want to find one with easy access to the beginner area so that you don’t have to walk a long way. Skiing requires a LOT of gear and it can be very heavy to lug around. Plus, walking in ski boots is a challenge at the best of times, let alone when you’re carrying everything (including a kid). The closer you are to the slopes and the ski areas, the better! Ski-in/ski-out locations are ideal choices for families because they require so little transport time and logistics. If on-site lodging or slopeside access isn’t an option, take a peek at resort maps beforehand and figure out the best place to access the slopes, either from a specific parking lot or bus/shuttle route. 

Difficulty of runs (kid-friendly areas)

When children are learning to downhill ski they need wide, flat, gentle slopes. Look for somewhere that gets the sun as this softens the snow for any tumbles and is just more pleasant overall. Sometimes an area will only be in the sun for part of the day. Often resorts will have specially marked nursery slopes (bunny hill) for beginners.

Dedicated learning zones specially designed for young children to learn to ski are even better. These areas often have magic carpets that the children can ride up the slope, avoiding the need to learn how to ride a lift. There are obstacles, inflatables, carousels and other props to make the experience interactive and fun. There may even be small jumps that are great for keeping more confident beginners interested while their younger siblings get started.

Longer slopes are also better as the child has more time to find their groove and link their turns together. Once your child’s ability level increases and they graduate from these learner zones, choose a wide, gentle slope to practice on. 

Look for kid ski free programs

Cost is also a consideration when choosing where to ski. Often children under a certain age will be able to ski for free. Most major ski resort allows toddlers (and sometimes preschoolers) to ski free. Look closely at the age that a ski resort begins charging for lift tickets as this can start as early as 3 or 4 years old, but may not be until several years later (7 or 8).

Here in Switzerland, you pay a separate, small fee to use the children’s snow parks. This is far more economical than buying a day pass or lift tickets for the whole area. There is no point in buying a lift pass covering a large area for a child who is just learning to ski! 

Crowds and lifts

The less crowded the ski resort, the better! No one likes waiting forever in lines or constantly feeling like you may ski into someone on the slopes. The less crowded a resort, the better. Consider smaller resorts or going on off-days (during the week).

Chair lifts can be intimidating for little ones just getting the hang of skiing. Cable car access is best as it takes away the stress of learning to use a chair life or a drag lift and gives the child a proper rest between runs. 

Other resort amenities and activities

If you’re going to be at a ski resort for longer than just a weekend, be sure to check out what other activities and amenities are offered. Even if you have kids who love to ski, chances are they’re not going to ski all day, every day. Many resorts have really fun non-ski activities for kids, such as snow play centers, tubing, bowling alley, terrain park, movie theaters, ice skating rinks, snowmobiling, and more. Also, some resorts offer night skiing, which is a fun option that allows you to go explore other areas during the day. 

a father and child on a ski slope learning to downhill ski

Teaching your kids skiing: should you do it yourself?

If you are a competent skier yourself, then teaching your child to ski yourself can be very rewarding! It’s also a very affordable option. However, oftentimes it’s not the parent’s skill that determines how successful they are at teaching their child, but how much patience they have! Parents that choose to teach their child to ski on their own has to forgo their own expectations (and their own day on the slopes) to help their little one. Our advice for teaching your child to ski is to really take it slow and try to remember it’s about having fun. And always take lots of photos! Here are a few more beginner pointers. 

a child learns to downhill ski at the nursery slops

The basics of learning to ski

Have your child practice standing up by themselves in skis on snow first. This is not as easy as it sounds. For a little one on skis for the first time, this might take quite a while. There will be falling. There might be tears. But, it’s a skill that will be needed again and again.

Side-stepping and duck-walking come next, along with the all-important art of how to fall. Practicing this makes falling into less of a fail and more of a game.

Sliding comes next, along with learning to stop by making a pizza wedge shape with the front tips of the skis pointing towards each other. Once this is mastered then you can move on to snowplow turns.

Mastering turning will get kids skiing. Turning on skis happens from the feet, knees, and hips. Instead of telling kids to put their weight on one ski to initiate a turn, work on getting them to take an athletic stance and get skis on edge. Playing games like follow the leader are a great way to help children initiate turns.

If your child is confident linking turns and stopping, it’s time to hit the slopes! 

a child stands in a snowplough while learning to downhill ski

Training aids for kids learning to ski

There’s only really one training aid that I would really recommend and that is a ski tip connector. This is a little plastic or rubber device that clips the tips of the child’s skis together to make it easier for them to form, and hold, a snowplow. There are lots of different models – the Edgie Wedgie is a popular choice – but they all basically do the same thing and can be invaluable at the start. Inexpensive and easy to stuff in a pocket, they can be pulled out when needed to boost the child’s confidence, relieve tired legs or reduce falls due to skis crossing on top of one another.

Body harnesses and ski harness vests can be useful for very small children to pick them up when they fall or help them on and off lifts (they’re also good for cross-country skiing). However, for the most part, I would avoid using them with any kind of reins when downhill skiing. If a child’s speed needs to be checked with reins, then they are probably on a slope that’s too steep for them or need more practice at controlling their speed themselves. 

child on a ski lift smiling as she learns to ski

Ski schools or private lessons?

If you’re not up for teaching your child yourself (and there’s definitely no shame in that!), consider signing your child up for a lesson at the resort’s ski school or even a private lesson. Most major ski resorts offer ski schools for children, some are half-day and some are all day. The best all-day programs make plenty of time for learning and fun at an age-appropriate level. In between ski lessons, kids can take a break for snow play, tubing, hot chocolate breaks, lunch, and sometimes movies. Too much skiing can be exhausting for kids and result in frustration rather than skill improvement. 

Enrolling your child in a group lesson with the local ski school has other advantages, too. They get to hang out with (and be motivated by!) other kids. Children’s ski instructors have lots of tricks up their sleeves to make lessons fun and the skills easy for them. Often – let’s be honest – kids listen to instruction a little better when it doesn’t come from mum or dad!

If you sign up for a week’s worth of lessons this often works out more economical, and there might even be a certificate or award for your child at the end. Whether your child will thrive or not in a group environment is often very personal. Neither of my rather shy kids wanted to join a group class when they were first learning, and so we didn’t push it.

One of the disadvantages of group lessons is that you will be tied to the schedule dictated by the ski school. Sometimes with little kids, simply getting them ready to join a 9 am lesson can be a challenge in itself! So what’s the alternative? Private lessons with a private ski instructor are great but can get pricy pretty quickly. That said, you may not need more than a couple before your child has grasped the basics, particularly if they are a little bit older. 

a family stop on the slope while downhill skiing together

Top tips for skiing with kids

Well, we’ve covered a lot in this post! I hope you learned a few things about starting the journey of downhill skiing with your kids. Teaching a child to ski at first can sound daunting and intimidating, but skiing is such a fun and rewarding activity that the whole family can enjoy for years to come. It’s worth it. Here are my top tips for skiing with kids. 

  1. Take lots of breaks! Being outside in the cold, learning something new… it’s a lot to take in especially for very young children. Alternate time on skis with time spent playing in the snow, stopping for a snack, or warming up in a restaurant.
  2. Pack a backpack with snacks, a flask/thermos of something (possibly warm) to drink, sunscreen, spare gloves and socks, tissues for runny noses, spare underwear or nappies, and an extra layer.
  3. Keep small treats handy in a pocket for when your kid needs a little extra motivation. 
  4. If your child has long hair, tie it up and save yourself the trauma of combing out matted strands at the end of the day! I find one or two plaits/ braids work best. 
  5. Finish on a high! As tempting as it is to push for one more run, children get overtired quickly. Stop while it’s still fun, treat them to a hot chocolate at the end of the day and have them eager to return. 

My kids are now 6 and 8 and skiing has become one of our favourite things to do as a family. Being able to cruise all over a mountain on skis is an experience unlike any other and skiing is a skill they will now have for life! I wonder where it will take them?

Did you learn to ski as a child?
Are you considering learning as a family?

About the author

Sarah is originally from the UK but moved to Switzerland 14 years ago and never looked back! She lives with her Swiss partner and 2 children, aged 8 and 5, in a beautiful corner of the Swiss Alps. Together they run a large chalet and are kept busy looking after the groups and guests that stay there. Sarah enjoys anything that gets herself and her family out into nature. Skiing, hiking, and paddling on local lakes are favourite family activities, and annual camper van trips are always highlights of the year. Hugely inspired by the landscapes around her, she loves nothing more than taking her camera along to photograph or film their adventures and capture all the beautiful details of the natural world around them.

Find Sarah online in the following locations:
Instagram: @swissmountainlife
Chalet: @bnbvieuxchalet
More RWMC posts from Sarah: Sarah Warburton

The post Beginner’s Guide to Downhill Skiing with Kids appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Winter Science Experiment for Kids: How to Make Frozen Bubbles Thu, 20 Jan 2022 16:28:37 +0000 Blowing bubbles is a popular outdoor activity for kids of all ages. While most people pack away the bubble wands when cooler weather hits, winter can be a perfect time for creating a different kind of bubble. On days when the temperature drops well below freezing, bundle up the kids and head outside to make frozen bubbles. Today, Sara Lesire, Illinois mom of two and founder of @MidwestNomadFamily, is here to show us all the...

The post Winter Science Experiment for Kids: How to Make Frozen Bubbles appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

Blowing bubbles is a popular outdoor activity for kids of all ages. While most people pack away the bubble wands when cooler weather hits, winter can be a perfect time for creating a different kind of bubble. On days when the temperature drops well below freezing, bundle up the kids and head outside to make frozen bubbles. Today, Sara Lesire, Illinois mom of two and founder of @MidwestNomadFamily, is here to show us all the best techniques for how to make frozen bubbles with your kids, as well as her tried-and-tested homemade bubble solution that produced the best frozen bubbles. This fun winter science experiment is one you must try!

how to make frozen bubbles - winter science experiment for kids

Making frozen bubbles is a lesson in trial and error

You have probably seen those magical images of crystalized bubbles floating around online during deep winter freezes. Blowing bubbles may sound easy, but creating frozen bubbles can be a tricky technique. 

We tried several recipes for various bubble solutions, tested a few different methods of blowing bubbles, and experimented at various temperatures. Most of our efforts left us full of frustration and disappointment. 

However, after a lot of practice and discovering the perfect recipe, we were thrilled to finally master the creation of these delicate frozen orbs. I am excited to share how you can make your own crystalized ice bubbles using common household ingredients. 

frozen bubble

The science of frozen bubbles

Making frozen bubbles is a great STEM activity for kids of all ages. We’re always looking for ways to learn from our outings and adventures. This is one of those fun and easy science experiments that you can do outside with very little prep or cost. And the best part is that there is SO much to learn when studying the science behind how frozen bubbles form.

While it looks like the entire bubble is freezing, the bubble is actually comprised of three layers of liquid. There is a layer of water sandwiched in between two layers of bubble solution. The bubble’s surface and interior layer don’t freeze. The middle water layer is the portion that freezes and forms those crystalline patterns during the experiment as it freezes at a higher temperature than soapy water. 

If you’re interested in reading more about bubble science, scientists have even taken it a step further to study the unusual way the ice crystals form in frozen bubbles. And check out this post for more nature-inspired outdoor STEAM activities and experiments for kids

Frozen bubbles

The right conditions to make frozen bubbles

The colder the better is the motto when it comes to making frozen bubbles. Technically, you can make frozen bubbles at any temperature below freezing. However, cold temps close to freezing can mean the bubble takes a long time to freeze. It will then most likely pop before it can fully freeze. The lower the temperature, the better and faster the bubble freeze. 

We tried making frozen bubbles over the course of a variety of cold temperatures. I recommend trying on a day at least below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. We have had the best success on days when the temperature was below 12 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Frozen bubbles are also best created on a day that is free from wind. Even a little wind or the slightest breeze can cause the bubbles to pop or float away before they can freeze. If you can find a spot protected by the wind such as next to a fence or wall, that can also help to maintain the bubbles. Early mornings are often the best time for both colder temperatures and less wind. 

Frozen bubble making materials

While I read many articles that stated you can use a normal bubble solution for frozen bubbles, it never worked for us. The regular bubble solution that makes soap bubbles is just not as strong as creating a special frozen bubble mixture. This special mixture contains corn syrup for extra strength and thickness while sugar emphasizes the beautiful crystal formations.

The following ingredients are easy to find and you may already even have them around the house. Here’s our tried and true homemade bubble solution that worked great for making frozen bubbles. 

  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2.5 tablespoons corn syrup
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2.5 tablespoons dish soap
  • Straws
  • a plastic container or bowl, preferably with a lid
  • a small plastic bottle that can be squeezed, such as a water bottle, along with play dough or clay (optional)

frozen bubbles ingredients

Making the bubble solution

  1. Start creating your solution by adding the warm water to the container. I use water that is borderline hot in order for the other ingredients to dissolve properly. 
  2. Stir the corn syrup into the warm water until the water is almost clear.
  3. Add the sugar to the mixture and stir thoroughly until the sugar is fully dissolved.
  4. Gently mix in the dish soap until just combined. Don’t over mix or you will end up with a bowl full of bubbles.
  5. Set the container outside or in the freezer for 30 minutes to chill. You don’t want it to be completely frozen, just cold.

Creating a special bubble blower

Blowing frozen bubbles works best with a special blower*. While you can blow the bubbles with your mouth and a straw, which is my kids’ preference, you can also rig up a special bubble blower with a squeezable bottle. This works well because the air in the bottle is much colder than the air coming out of your mouth. The colder air will help your bubbles to freeze quicker. You can also keep chilly faces bundled up better if you don’t have to use your mouth to blow through a straw. 

The bubble blower bottle is made by using playdough to hold a straw in the middle of the lid opening. Mold the clay to hold the straw securely and prevent air from escaping from bottle opening. The bottle can then be squeezed to mimic the action of blowing air from your lips. 

*This part of the process is completely optional. 

DIY frozen bubble blower bottle

The best surfaces for making frozen bubbles

When making the frozen bubbles, in order to get the best results when they freeze, you will need a cold surface to blow them onto. You can blow them into the air, but they will usually pop before freezing or burst upon hitting the ground. Blowing them directly onto a surface gives a higher chance of success for the bubble to stay intact long enough to freeze.

If you have snow on the ground, that can be the perfect soft place for your freezing bubbles to be placed. Other options include a flat table or bench. As you become more adept at making frozen bubbles, you can try placing them on plants and trees. 

how to make crystalized frozen bubblesfrozen bubble on a tree branch - how to make frozen bubbles

Forming the bubbles

The trickiest part of the whole experiment is blowing the bubbles to the right size and letting them go. If your kids are trying to blow bubbles that freeze, they may need some help and adult supervision. Here’s a quick breakdown of the steps for blowing the perfect frozen bubble. 

Dip your straw 

Take either the bubble blower bottle or a straw and dip the straw end into the bubble solution. Try to get the solution to coat about 1″ of the straw to make sure it has enough solution for blowing a big enough bubble.

Hold straw near your surface and blow gently

Next, hold the straw near or on the surface where you want your bubble to land. Then, either squeeze the bubble blower bottle or blow gently through a straw to form a bubble.

Remove straw quickly

Once a bubble has formed, quickly remove the straw from the bubble. The trick is to get the straw detached from the bubble before it begins to freeze. Once it has begun the freezing process, the bubble becomes very delicate. Starting small in size with the bubble is the easiest way to get the hang of the technique.

Practice makes perfect

It can take quite a few tries to figure out the right pressure, speed, and size of bubbles to blow. Don’t be discouraged when it takes several attempts for a bubble to stay intact long enough to freeze. The process for the bubble to fully freeze usually takes around 5-10 seconds. Witnessing the intricate ice crystals dance across a bubble is an amazing sight well worth the effort. The bubbles don’t last long though, so keep blowing and creating more.

Save your bubble solution for next time

When you are finished, pop the lid back on your bubble solution and save it for another bitterly cold day!

frozen bubbles

making frozen bubbles

Practice different bubble techniques

Once you have successfully made a frozen bubble, it can become addicting. Try stacking bubbles together or making a row of them. See who can make the biggest one. Experiment with trapping a branch or object inside the bubbles to make your own natural snow globe. 

Try this experiment at different temperatures and see how the ice crystals form different patterns. Colder days often create more of a snowflake pattern to the ice crystals as the water freezes, while warmer temps lead to leaf-shaped formations. 

The beauty of frozen bubbles is unfortunately fleeting. As the ice crystals form, this also leads to tiny cracks in the layers of the bubbles. Eventually, the bubbles will pop or the bubble may crumble like the shell of a cracked egg. Kids may even have fun popping them as they appear almost to be made of plastic when they pop. Make a game of seeing who can make the most bubbles before they pop. 

frozen bubblefrozen bubblefrozen bubbles

How to make frozen bubbles indoors

If you happen to live in a place where it just doesn’t get that cold, you can still make frozen bubbles indoors. While you can’t watch the crystals form in real-time, you can still see what happens when a bubble freezes. 

  1. Make your bubble solution using the recipe above.
  2. Using a straw or traditional bubble wand, blow bubbles gently onto a cold plate or inside a small container.
  3. Very carefully set the plate inside the freezer. Close the door very gently. 
  4. Check the bubbles after 5 minutes and see if it is frozen. This step will take trial and error to see how long it takes to freeze. If the bubble is left in too long, it will pop.

Making frozen bubbles with kids

We know that as the temperatures drop, it can be harder to get outside with kids and find things that keep them occupied in the winter months. We hope this tutorial will help inspire you to get outside during these freezing days of winter and try your hand at this fun little experiment. 

Have you ever made a frozen bubble?

About the author

Sara has been married to her high school sweetheart for 17 years and together they have two children. Sara spent many childhood hours outside on her grandparents’ farm and strives for her kids to have similar carefree kid adventures. Based in the St. Louis area, she loves to share on her blog and social media all the scenic and fun places to explore around the St. Louis area and beyond. Hiking is the most popular activity for her whole family followed by hitting up the best local playgrounds. Photography is also a passion of Sara’s and she continues to be amazed at the natural beauty and wonder of God’s creation. When she is not hitting the trail, Sara works as a civil engineer.

You can find more from Sara online in the following locations:
Instagram: @midwestnomadfamily
Facebook: Midwest Nomad Family
RWMC posts: Sara Lesire

The post Winter Science Experiment for Kids: How to Make Frozen Bubbles appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Winter Chores for Kids: Gear Maintenance & Organization in the Off-Season Tue, 18 Jan 2022 16:59:56 +0000 If winter has you daydreaming about your next warm-weather adventure, you’re not alone! This time of year can be hard to get outside with kids. So, why not use this season of staying warm and close to home to clean, prep, and maintain your gear for your upcoming adventures. Today, Oklahoma dad of 2, Jared Ryan, is here sharing his family’s list of winter chores for kids that help them prepare for their next hiking,...

The post Winter Chores for Kids: Gear Maintenance & Organization in the Off-Season appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

If winter has you daydreaming about your next warm-weather adventure, you’re not alone! This time of year can be hard to get outside with kids. So, why not use this season of staying warm and close to home to clean, prep, and maintain your gear for your upcoming adventures. Today, Oklahoma dad of 2, Jared Ryan, is here sharing his family’s list of winter chores for kids that help them prepare for their next hiking, biking, or camping adventure. A little gear maintenance, organization, restocking, and preparing will go a long way in getting your family out the door quicker when the weather warms up! 

Chores in the off-season

If you are anything like me, the short days of winter often leave you searching for ways to bide your time until your next family adventure. So, what are some ways to actively and productively pass those days?

For me, I really love my “winter chores” to get me through the days where adventuring is not practical or possible. Admittedly our winters are pretty mild, but to be honest some winter days I just want to chill at home and just enjoy my family time. So why not just include my kids in on my chores!?

The benefit of doing chores together

Whether your children regularly participate in chores or not, it’s never too late (or soon) to get them started in helping out around the house. and getting them involved in cleaning or organizing. Did you know research indicates that children who do chores have higher self-esteem, are more responsible, and are better able to deal with frustration and delayed gratification, all of which contribute to greater success in school?

Studies show that involving children in household tasks at an early age can have a positive impact later in life. So, do your kids (and yourself) a favor and choose a winter chore that will help get them involved in taking care of your home and family (which helps you out, too).

winter chores for kids

Winter chores for kids

My winter to-dos are just regular, mostly simple, tasks that I do each year in preparation for the next season’s adventuring, along with the chores you may already associate with winter itself. Your list will most certainly differ from mine, but hopefully, I can spark some ideas you can include your kiddos in on the prep work for your family’s activities. 

Our outdoor hobbies and interest revolve largely around hiking, mountain biking, trail building, fishing, and camping. So, it is no wonder that our winter chores are mostly centered on the maintenance and upkeep of the gear and tools we use for these activities. 

1. Sharpening and maintaining our trail tools

We have land and are in the process of making (and maintaining) our own trails through the woods and property. We use our trail tools A LOT. Therefore, we put a lot of care into them year-round. We give them a good looking over to see what needs to be repaired. My kids and I thoroughly inspect the handles for cracks and the blade edges for nicks and chips. This is when we also make sure they’re nice and sharp. 

We also look to see what needs to be replaced. Some tools have to be replaced each season, namely our collapsible handsaws as we tend to break the blades pretty often.

Outdoor chores for kids - splitting firewood

2. Splitting firewood

Splitting firewood is another outdoor chore that (depending on age) you can get your kids’ help with. This is probably my kids’ favorite chore and mine as it seems to be a great way to expend their built-up energy. Ideally, we’d fell our tree in the spring or summer to allow the wood to season. When the wood is dry and seasoned, this will make it much easier to split. I have not reached the point of allowing my kids to swing the heavy splitting axe, but they are definitely capable of splitting with a wedge and hammer. Kids can also help with stacking firewood and helping start/make a fire. 

winter chores for outdoorsy families - prep and organize fishing equipment and tackle

3. Servicing and re-spooling fishing reels, organizing tackle

We do a lot of fishing, so it’s important to keep our fishing gear well-maintained. Servicing and respooling our fishing reels is a simple and often forgotten chore. Fishing line becomes brittle over time as it rubs up against sunken timber and rocks and as it sits wet in the sun. I normally like to change ours out on our bass reels every winter. My kids usually don’t mind reeling the line in while I hold the spool on a pencil. It’s pretty fun to see how fast they can reel and pretend they’ve hooked a huge fish!

Winter is also a good time to go through your tackle box to clean it up and organize it. When fishing with kids, things tend to move around a lot and can turn into a mess quickly. We like to take inventory of what we have, what we need to replace, and then make a trip to our local fishing gear shop to restock so we’re ready as soon as it gets a bit warmer. 

Winter Chores for Kids - bike maintenance

4. Mountain bike maintenance

I know I said splitting wood may be my kids’ favorite chore, but it might actually be the bike maintenance. We keep our bikes in pretty good shape throughout the year, but winter provides us a little more time to do some deep cleaning.

In the riding seasons, we normally keep the bikes clean and lubed. During the winter we go ahead and do a full-service tune-up on our bikes. After a full breakdown of the bikes, we then inspect, clean, and service the entire bike inside and out. Replacing any worn out and broken parts, while reapplying new grease wherever grease is needed. A complete overhaul on a bike may not be in everyone’s wheelhouse, but if you plan to ride consistently I would say give it a go. Just do not be afraid of starting over a few times.

5. Organizing our gear wall

In our garage, we have a gear wall filled with mountain biking gear, hydration packs, climbing ropes and harnesses, and pretty much anything else that we use and can be hung on a wall. Over the summer, things get lackadaisically hung in the wrong spots, or dirty, or wet. Even though the wall is conveniently marked for “Bikes”, “Hikes”, and “Biners”. The winter is a good time to get this area organized and in tip-top shape. That way we know exactly where everything we need for adventure is, which gets us outside and playing quicker and with way less stress. 

chores that your kids can do in winter to help prepare for summer adventures

6. Restocking our camping totes

We keep three large black totes stocked with all our regular camping essentials. This makes it easy for us to load up and head out without worrying about whether or not we’ve packed everything. Of course, this is contingent on the totes actually being properly stocked.

While we really enjoy winter camping, we still use this season to take an inventory of what we have and what we need to replace. Bringing the kids in on this allows them to give their input on some of what we carry along. 

7. Winter yard work

During the winter months, yard work and landscaping is usually the last thing on most people’s minds. But, the winter months are actually a really good time to take care of your yard. I like to let the kids help with raking any leaves or debris that we missed in the fall and cleaning out our gardens, flower beds, and window boxes to keep fungus or mold from growing and get them ready for spring planting. Winter is also a good time to prune your trees, shrubs, and rose bushes. You’ll want this done before they start to bud in the spring. With some proper supervision, kids can help with this process. 

Getting kids involved in winter chores

My kids have grown to love our winter chores, even if they only stick around for half of them. I can definitely tell that they are learning new skills and that’s obviously my main intention. Even though our lists of winter chores are probably far different than yours, I hope I was able to get some thoughts rolling on what chores you can do now to get you (and your gear) prepped and ready for the next season of adventure. So, the next time your family is a little bored and looking for a fun way to keep those warm-weather adventures on your mind, do a chore! 

About the author

Jared Ryan is a husband to a talented and beautiful wife, Kristen also a father of two fun-loving and adventurous kiddos. He enjoys leading family adventures to both near and far destinations. Whether it is hiking, camping, climbing, bike riding, or playing in the backyard, he loves it all. He instills in his family the importance of nature and all the benefits it can bring to one’s life. Jared is a GIS analyst by trade, so he is naturally drawn to creating maps and all things trail-related, whether it is creating new trails, recording family hikes, or teaching his kids land navigation, he loves to tie in his own work with family adventures.

You can find Jared online in the following locations:
Instagram: @bikeshikesbiners
RWMC posts: Jared Ryan

The post Winter Chores for Kids: Gear Maintenance & Organization in the Off-Season appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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Gear Review: Best Kids’ Gloves and Mittens for Outdoor Play Thu, 13 Jan 2022 08:37:44 +0000 With the winter cold always comes the battle over wrangling my kids into gloves or mittens. Over the years, we’ve gone through countless pairs of kids’ gloves – from the cheap ones grabbed at my local Target to the expensive ones that I special ordered from the best gear companies. As you can imagine, not all gloves are created equal. Some actually keep my kids’ hands warm and dry, while others got tossed in the...

The post Gear Review: Best Kids’ Gloves and Mittens for Outdoor Play appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

With the winter cold always comes the battle over wrangling my kids into gloves or mittens. Over the years, we’ve gone through countless pairs of kids’ gloves – from the cheap ones grabbed at my local Target to the expensive ones that I special ordered from the best gear companies. As you can imagine, not all gloves are created equal. Some actually keep my kids’ hands warm and dry, while others got tossed in the bin, never to see the light of day again. Today our Creative Team member and Ohio homeschooling mom of four, Leslie Alvis, is here to help you choose the best kids’ gloves or mittens for outdoor winter play. With some help from the rest of our team, she’s rounded up, thoroughly tested, rated, and reviewed a wide variety of kids’ gloves and mittens to help you get your crew dressed for the weather and outside to enjoy it.

Mittens Hero image

Glove and mitten season

For many of us across the Northern Hemisphere, it’s that time of year again: those days when the weather makes getting kids outside a lot more complicated. The colder temperatures of the winter months always seem to surprise us with their biting chill. Driving winds, cold drizzles, and icy snowflakes all add a unique challenge to getting kids outside.

Getting your crew dressed properly for winter weather can be overwhelming! But it’s also incredibly important. When it’s cold outside, your child’s head, ears, hands, and feet are most prone to cold exposure. Extremely cold weather can cause two potentially serious conditions: hypothermia and frostbite. To ensure they stay toasty and warm, make sure you have heavy socks, waterproof boots, waterproof gloves, a scarf, and hat, and/or ear muffs on hand depending on changes in weather. For older children and toddlers, gloves are needed when the weather is 40°F or lower. 

Kids Mittens

The battle over mittens

Getting mittens that fit to stay on a child can be a real chore. Finding ones that actually stay on a child’s hands and keep little fingers warm and dry is a super-parent challenge. I think covering my kids’ hands is the final and most important step to getting them out the door in cold weather, but sometimes it’s also the hardest one.

I can’t count the times I’ve had a toddler meltdown on the floor, fully dressed for the snow except for their hands, while I frantically try to find a pair of gloves that fits or that one missing mitten. Nor can I count the times a child has dissolved into tears outside because their gloves came off or got soaked through. Once their hands are freezing, my kids inevitably decide winter is for the birds. They’re ready to hibernate indoors by the woodstove with a cup of hot chocolate until spring.

And while hot chocolate by the fire is one of the great joys of winter, so is the magic of tromping through frosty woods, catching snowflakes on your tongue, or sledding down a snow-covered hill. But having warm, dry hands seems to be the key to kids enjoying the wonders of the outdoors world during the winter months!

So here’s our round-up of the best kids’ gloves and mittens to help you get your child geared up and outside for winter. We’ve tried and tested gloves from a variety of companies, price points, and materials to find all our favorites to share with you. 

kids gloves

Kids’ gloves vs. mittens

Before we get started, let’s take a minute to discuss the question of gloves versus mittens. Which is best for your child? I have to say, a lot depends on your child’s age and the activities they will be doing. For younger children (babies, toddlers, preschool-aged kids), I will always go with mittens. They are SO much less frustrating for both you and your child! Trying to get ten tiny fingers into the correct finger holes in a pair of gloves can reduce both a toddler and their parent to tears. I personally think mittens help keep little fingers warmer, too. Mittens are great for sledding, making snow angels, hiking, and generally running around outside in the cold weather. 

As your kids get older, it seems like gloves vs mittens choice becomes a matter of personal preference. Some older kids prefer gloves, and some prefer mittens. Sometimes, the choice depends on the activity. For instance, mittens might be better for skiing (when you just need to hold a ski pole), but warm gloves are preferable for an activity that requires a lot of finger coordination and fine motor skill, like making snowballs for snowball fights. 

Kids mittens

Features of kids’ winter mittens and gloves

When shopping for kids’ winter gloves and mittens, you’re sure to come across a variety of terms and descriptions. Some may be obvious, and others may be a bit tougher to know what they mean. Here’s a quick run-down of all the common terms you’ll see used to describe kids’ gloves and mittens. 

Convertible – We discussed the difference between gloves and mittens above, but convertible gloves give you the best of both worlds. This is a fingered glove with a mitten cover. The glove part is usually thinner, and not insulated. The mitten cover folds over the fingers for additional insulation, making it a versatile option for different types of weather.

Fleece-lined – Fleece-lined gloves provide a soft and comfortable interior. Fleece is lightweight insulation that adds warmth, but not bulk. It allows the digits to move with a great deal of freedom inside the glove or mitten. 

Shell mitts – These mittens aim to provide waterproof breathable protection in snowy/wet environments. Shell mitts are usually lightweight, flexible, durable, quick-drying, and compressible for easy storage. They are often layered over top of medium-weight gloves, glove liners, or thicker mittens.

Ski glove – Ski gloves are specially made for skiing. They are usually thicker, with more insulation than a regular winter glove. Ski gloves are usually made with a grippy material, such as polyurethane or leather, on the inside (palm) of the glove/mitten for help gripping ski poles. They stand up well in super cold wet weather and are usually waterproof with a lining (sometimes removable) that wicks moisture.

Synthetic materials – Synthetic materials are man-made materials such as nylon, polyester (including fleece), polyurethane, neoprene, and spandex. Man-made materials are lightweight and durable and these characteristics make them suitable for producing dependable winter gloves that are budget-friendly, waterproof, breathable, and insulated.

Waterproof Some gloves and mittens contain waterproof breathable membranes that make them either partially or fully waterproof. Waterproof gloves and mittens shield off rain and snow. Ironically, this may not be enough for keeping your hands warm and dry because if the material isn’t breathable enough, moisture may build up inside the gloves from body heat, which can make your kids’ hands feel wet and cold. The waterproofing of the outer surface of gloves can also be increased by the application of a hydrophobic coating. Waterproof is different than water-resistant (which won’t stay dry too long with kids playing in the snow). 

Glove and mitten care

One of the drawbacks of many waterproof gloves and mittens is that they require special care. While researching for this article, I realized that many of these products call for handwashing and line drying (or even dry cleaning) your kids’ gloves and mittens. At best, that’s a nuisance. At worst, it just won’t happen!

We’re all busy parents here. And while doing what’s “best for the proper care of the gloves” would be ideal, no one has time for that. I’ve often thrown all our gloves and mittens into the washer and dryer with the other snow gear without a second thought. The faster it’s clean and dry, the better, right? 

The reason why many waterproof gloves and mittens are labeled “hand wash” and/or “line dry” is to protect the waterproofing and material. While this is important, The good news is that sending your kids gloves and mittens through the washer and dryer won’t necessarily ruin them. If your kids’ mittens or gloves (or any of their other outdoor gear) are starting to lose their waterproof qualities, you can treat them with waterproofing spray and they’ll be good to go again! 

Wet kids Mittens

The best kids’ gloves and mittens for outdoor play

We had the opportunity to try out quite a few pairs of gloves and mittens this winter. We’ve already experienced quite a bit of snow this winter in Ohio, so we’ve been putting them all to the test. We also gathered a few kids’ gloves and mitten reviews from members of our Creative Team, in order to give you the most comprehensive gear review we could. Here are the brands that we tested and reviewed (more information and pros/cons of all of these brands below):

Winter Mittens

Reima Ote Mittens

If you’re planning to have your little one out for long adventures in the cold, this may be the one mitten you want. These mittens are waterproof, dirt-repellent, and fleece-lined. They slide on easily and stay on well. Designed and crafted by one of the leaders in European children’s outdoors gear, Reima clothing is created with children’s safety and comfort in mind.

What we love: These are definitely the best toddler glove we tried. With a wide long cuff for extra-long wrist coverage and a drawstring to keep snow and cold from sneaking in, these mittens keep kids’ hands warmer and drier than I thought possible. My preschooler has played directly in icy water in these gloves and not a bit of water penetrated through. Her hands were still snuggly warm and dry when we came inside—therefore, she was still happy. For a child who perpetually hates going outside in the cold, this was a major breakthrough!

What we don’t love: The price tag for a pair of mittens is steep. At $45 a pair, they may be too costly for many families—especially those of us trying to outfit several kids. On the other hand, the quality of these mittens promises durability and they’ll probably last quite a few seasons. 

The other problem with the Reima mittens is that their label reads “Dry clean only.” Since winter play here in Ohio doesn’t only involve fluffy white snow, but also a ridiculous amount of mud, our mittens get filthy on a regular basis. Sending kids’ mittens to the dry cleaners isn’t really practical for us. Instead of dry cleaning, I’ll try hand washing these when absolutely necessary.

Best Kids Winter Mittens for Outdoor Play - Veyo Mittens ReviewPhoto credit: @sara_mccarty

Veyo Kids Mittyz

Veyo Mittyz are a great mitten option for younger kids, babies, and toddlers. They’re some of the warmest mittens out there for little kids. Mittyz are a unique design and are high-quality, durable, and soft. With a variety of bright animal designs, different colors, and styles, they’re fun and exciting for kids.

What we love: They don’t have a thumb hole, which makes getting them on a toddler SO much easier. They are long and generous enough that they can be worn over bulky coat sleeves. They tighten in 2 separate places with adjustable toggles for extra protection from snow – a strap at the wrist and a cinch at the base of the mitten. For the most part, they stay on a toddler’s hands very well and will keep your kids’ hands very warm and dry (waterproof and fleece-lined).

What we don’t love: Our only issue with the mittens is that due to their thickness and lack of opposable thumb, there’s a loss of dexterity and fine motor skills when wearing them. It’s very hard for kids to do much with the mittens on – they can’t even hold a water bottle or pick up sticks. My older kids get very frustrated with wearing them and end up taking them on and off a lot (which defeats the purpose). This is less of an issue with babies, toddlers, or little kids that may not need to use their fingers os much. 

Best Kids Mittens - Veyo Mittyz ReviewPhoto credit: @sara_mccartyNorth Face Gloves - gear review - gloves for kids

North Face Osito Etip Glove

Cozy and flexible, these gloves are perfect for keeping hands warm but still usable. Sometimes kids need a glove that isn’t bulky and waterproof, but that will still protect their hands. These gloves definitely fit the bill and are a great option for kids that just need warmth. They’re so soft and warm, with palm grips and e-tips on the fingers. (Even though I’m all for keeping kids off devices to enjoy the great outdoors, we all know there are times when it’s handy to be able to make a phone call without freezing fingers!)

What we love: We’ve found these to be perfect for being active out in the cold, when not actually playing in the snow or water. My daughter loves these gloves for walks and bike rides. They’re easy to get on and off, without the thick lining that many waterproof gloves have that’s always getting tangled up. Unlike thicker gloves and mittens, they allow for a lot of finger movement, so there’s great dexterity. And they come in a variety of color options to match any outdoor ensemble.

What we don’t love: Since they aren’t waterproof, they aren’t a one-glove-for-every-occasion fix. Otherwise, their only drawback is their price. At a little over $40, they’re definitely on the pricier side for a pair of gloves. However, they are well-made, durable, and do a great job protecting small hands from cold and wind. With the solid North Face brand name and reputation behind them, you know you’re getting a quality product.

Kids Mittens

Snowstoppers Mittens

We tried out these popular mittens to see how they rank against more expensive brands. With a price tag of less than $20, they are decidedly more affordable than some of the others we’ve tried. They are made from waterproof materials and insulated, but the materials feel much lighter and less durable. When my daughter stuck her hands into an icy puddle (what is it about kids and water—even ice water?), she could feel the water seep through around the seams. However, they’re still reasonably warm and seem to hold up okay to the average snow day.

What we love: The price point of these mittens brings them into the price bracket I usually spend on a pair of kids’ mittens. They offer some protection against the wet and cold and might be ideal for a climate where snow days are only an occasional thing. They come in a variety of fun colors; here they’re pictured in fuchsia.

What we don’t love: The materials and synthetic insulation aren’t as strong and thick as some of the other brands we’ve tried. However, this brand does offer a ski and snowboard glove that is a heavier weight than the original.  Also, these mittens lose points in the “easy to get on” category. The extra-long cuffs, although designed to keep wrists warm, make these mittens a challenge to get on. I don’t know how getting on winter gear goes in your house, but in our home, it’s usually a tornado of misplaced hats, socks that need to be tucked in, and zippers that need to be zipped. Then finally, when we’re all sweating and about to cry, the mittens have to go on. I really, really love a mitten that goes on easily and independently. My seven-year-old can’t get these ones on by herself, which frustrates us both.

Putting on Mittens

Marmot mittensPhoto credit: RyAnn Peverley @mountain_mama4

Marmot Glade Mitts

by RyAnn Peverley

What we love: As a family from the PNW that basically lives in the snow during the winter months, we have tried so many brands and styles of kids’ gloves. And the pair I keep coming back to is the Marmot Glade Mitts (also available in a glove version for older kids). We think these are the best gloves for kids and the best ski gloves for little ones. They’re the only pair of gloves we have tried that actually stay on my son’s hands, keep the snow out during skiing and snow play, and breathe so his hands don’t get cold from sweat. They may seem a bit pricey at $36, but they are well worth it. 
We love the pull-on loop, the elastic wrists, and the glove clip to keep them paired up when not in use. The other thing I really appreciate about these gloves is the lifetime guarantee that Marmot offers for all of their products. These are hands-down some really great gloves. 
What we don’t love: These gloves are machine-washable but they need to be line dried, which can be a pain. It’s not always possible to wait for wet gloves to line dry before kids want to head back out into the snow to play. However, the natural dying ensures the longevity of the gloves, making them last much longer and ensuring you get your money’s worth. 
Columbia kids' gloves

Columbia Kids’ Core Glove

Columbia specializes in outdoor gear and they know how to do it right, while keeping things reasonably affordable.

What we love: The Columbia Core gloves are basic, durable, all-activity gloves to keep your kids’ hands warm and dry all winter. Warm and waterproof, these fleece-lined gloves have been a big hit in our house. They fall into the mid-range price point, selling for about $30, offering quality and durability.

What we don’t love: A common problem with waterproof kids’ gloves, the fleece fingers inside these gloves take a long time to dry out after washing. If they do get wet inside, you’re not going to be to able to get these dry and right back on your child’s hands. Otherwise, we haven’t had any reason to complain about these gloves!

N'Ice mittens

N’ice Caps

From Sara Lesire

What we love: We like the N’ice Caps mittens (also available in a glove version) as they offer warm mittens and waterproof gloves perfect for winter fun without breaking the bank. They offer a good mix of keeping hands safe and dry while at a price point that is affordable enough to replace when kids inevitably outgrow them. I think the gloves wash well. I wash them in the washing machine and air dry. They do take a little while to dry because of the inner lining though. 

These mittens also last well. My daughter has had hers for 3 years and they just now have some seams pulling loose. They also are sized generously and have adjustable wrist straps so they can fit well for growing kids for several seasons. 

What we don’t love: While the lower price point means that they aren’t quite thick enough for extreme cold, my kids have played happily in the snow for long periods. They’ve even worn them to visit the Lake Geneva Ice Castles in below zero temperatures.

Additional options: N’Ice Caps also makes a 3M Thinsulate-lined fingerless convertible glove/mitten. The gloves have fingers that are half finger length. There is a large fleece flap that can cover the half fingers, allowing the gloves to be converted into mittens. The thumbs are full length and are fully enclosed. This might be a nice super warm mitten option for older kids that want the warmth, plus the option to remove the mitten and have all the dexterity of a fingerless glove. 

Best Kids Mittens 2022Photo credit: @midwestnomadfamilyLL Bean Mittens

LL Bean Mittens

What we love: LL Bean has a long history of producing high-quality outdoor gear for kids and adults alike, and these mittens did not disappoint. They are warm and waterproof, even after playing in wet snow for a long time. No cold hands here! The insides are soft and they’re easy to put on. The adjustable wrist strap helps keep cold air and snow out. This series is available in both glove and mitten styles, too, for whatever your child prefers. At $25 a pair, they are also reasonably priced and a great value. 

What we don’t love: Once again, these mittens call for special care. The label instructs hand-washing and line drying. While this will lengthen the mittens’ life, it’s also a bit of a pain. 

Climbing tree

MCTi mittens

What we love: We found these MCTi mittens to be a durable and warm mitten option for a very reasonable price. At $20, they rate Amazon’s Choice for boys’ skiing and snowboarding mittens. They have a cozy fleece lining and waterproof outer layer with PU leather across the palm. They also have a handy clip-on string to keep them connected. 

What we don’t love: These mittens have an extra-long wrist coverage with elastic closure, but it isn’t quite wide enough to fit over some coat sleeves. It’s also too bulky to fit under coat cuffs. This is obviously very frustrating when you’re trying to get a small child dressed for an outdoor adventure. 

Magic Wool Gloves

Polarn O Pyret Magic Wool gloves

What we love: I gave these lightweight gloves a try because of their wool content. I was very curious how that would affect their performance and if it would provide more protection for little hands than your basic $2 pair from Walmart. (You know, the type kids layer two at a time when they’ve soaked through all their other gloves and don’t want to quit playing in the snow? Or the kind you toss into your bag for when someone inevitably gets to the hiking trail without any gloves?) We found them to be amazingly soft and reasonably warm. The 45% wool definitely adds some extra substance to them, but they’re still very lightweight.  

What we don’t love: These gloves are cozy but definitely not waterproof or thick enough for a seriously cold adventure. They do, however, provide a quick and easy-to-pull-on option to keep small hands protected for short periods of time. Polarn O. Pyret also makes a Waterproof Shell Mitten that can be worn over the wool gloves (0r on their own) to keep hands protected from getting cold from water and snow. They’re an additional $25-$28 per pair. 

Wool gloves

2022 kids’ mitten and glove reviews

Hopefully, these reviews give you a place to start in the vast market of kids’ mittens and gloves! There are a lot of choices out there when it comes to the best winter gloves for kids. With so many options, we hope we’ve given you a helpful gear review for some of the best kids’ gloves and mittens on the market. Having the right gear (and particularly a good pair of gloves) can help your outdoor adventures and activities be a whole lot more comfortable and enjoyable. If you live in an area that experiences a cold winter, investing in a solid pair of gloves can make all the difference.

Our goal here at Run Wild My Child is always to help you get your kids outside, no matter the weather. Because you know what they say: 

There’s no such thing as bad weather–only bad clothing.”

About the author

Leslie is an Ohio farm girl and chaser of light, children, and sometimes chickens. She’s a lover of Jesus, wife to her high school sweetheart, and a homeschooling mom of four wild rascals who love the great outdoors as much as she does. As a family, they love hiking, camping, fishing, and just about any outdoor activity. She and her husband are just beginning the process of building a homestead from the ground up, doing most of the work themselves. Leslie has a lifelong obsession with writing and capturing everyday life from behind the lens. Follow along with their homesteading, homeschooling, and everyday adventures on her Instagram account.

You can find more from Leslie in the following locations:
Instagram: @c_l_allofus
Client work: @lalvisphotography
Leslie’s RWMC posts: Leslie Alvis

The post Gear Review: Best Kids’ Gloves and Mittens for Outdoor Play appeared first on RUN WILD MY CHILD.

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